Run, host she's not right

Chapter 59 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 58

Chapter 59 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 58
Zhong Li held her breath and kept running fast, running as hard as she could, but after a while, she felt a gust of wind coming from behind her.

Catch up again so quickly.

Zhong Li directly hid to the side, this time she was prepared, she could clearly feel that in a certain direction, someone, or a pair of eyes were staring at her closely, and even there seemed to be a ray of wind supporting her waist. She, let her move faster to avoid the attack.

But as Zhong Li dodged the attack, that look left.

"Phew." Although his chest was tingling as if he had swallowed a handful of nails, Zhong Li couldn't help showing a slight smile.

She guessed right.


A thick flash of lightning landed on the place where Zhongli was standing just now. The thick lightning melted the asphalt on the ground, exposing a big hole.

Looking at the dark hole, Zhong Li understood that this is the real strength of the old man, or what percentage of his real strength, most of it was just scaring her.

But after a test, Zhongli also understood that no matter how powerful the attack was this time, it would not kill her.

Even if she didn't react, someone would help her avoid the attack that could kill her.

Or in this assessment, you can be injured, seriously injured, but you can't die.

"Dong dong dong" the familiar sound of crutches appeared again, and it was less than 2 minutes before Zhongli escaped from the old man, and he came after him again.

But he could find her trace so quickly, why couldn't he find the hiding places of the survivors in City A.

In an instant, Zhongli understood, or it was because she was the only living person in the entire city A, and the other NPCs... were not considered human beings.

It's no wonder that the old man didn't feel uncomfortable when he heard Zhongli say that he killed the whole city. It turned out to be the reason.

Zhong Li also understood why the examinees there immediately discovered her as soon as she entered the Three Cities.

Co-authoring the entire examination room, she is the only one who is blind and a fool! !
This time she ran too fast, Zhong Li took a breather aside, and watched the old man walk in front of her, she raised her hand and spoke first.

"Don't run, don't run, absolutely don't run, I'll take you to find those people."

Hearing that Zhongli was so knowledgeable, the old man was a little surprised, but also a little surprised, he snorted coldly.

"I hope you can do what you say this time, otherwise I can assure you that you won't see the sun tomorrow." The old man said grimly.

The old man knew that what he said was just threatening Zhongli. After all, he had released several lightning attacks by himself, and no one knew better than him about the ability to hurt.

Obviously, every time he rushed to attack Zhongli, he knew the rules, as long as he didn't kill anyone, he could do anything.

But every time an attack appeared, he could feel the weakening of his ability. Obviously, it could seriously damage Zhongli, but when it fell on Zhongli, let alone a serious injury, there was no slight injury at all.

Let her escape time and time again.

This made the old man understand that Zhongli is not easy to mess with, and if others can't die, she probably can't be injured!
Being kept by the superior is really enviable and jealous.

Now that Zhongli can obediently obey, that is naturally the best.

Zhongli nodded indiscriminately, and when he regained his breath, he led the old man along the way. This time, as she said, she didn't run anymore, but obediently led the way.

Along the way, the old man also saw several scorched places.

It seems that what Zhongli said just now was not completely lying to him, she really lured the zombies together, and then killed them.

This method is simple and convenient, and the idea is good.

Talking half-truth, half-false, she is really a ghostly girl. To be honest, the old man with a sheep's head and crutches kind of likes this girl.

Zhongli obediently led the way all the way, but he did not keep his mouth closed and pretended to be cold: "Hey, grandpa, my name is Zhongli, what's your name?"

"Is your lightning ability a lightning-type ability? Why can you awaken the ability but I can't!"

"What is your Thunder City like? Is it the reason for the frequent thunderstorms?"

Zhongli wanted to inquire about the news, but the old man was unwilling to communicate with her, and said stiffly.

"Shut up, you're loud."

Zhongli: "..."

Let alone, she will never speak again, Gao Leng Fan is suitable for her!
The old man looked at Zhong Lidai's path, entered one door after another, and then went up the stairs. After pushing the door open, there were bookcases one after another.

He frowned, and there were layers of wrinkles on his forehead.

"You put the remaining survivors in this place?"

Zhong Li looked up to see how far away she was, and she nodded.

"Oh, the idea is really good." The old man rarely praised.

He noticed some unnoticed traces in the corner. It is true that many people have entered this place recently.

It seems that Zhongli did not lie to him this time.

The old man looked up at the hollow four-story building. Inside each floor was filled with bookcases filled with books, and the air was filled with the scent of ink.

He took a deep breath of the smell of books in the air. He was quite envious of the people in this world. Although they were weak like an ant that would die with a single poke, they could possess so many novel things.

Looking at the books in this entire building, the old man sighed when he thought of the half-broken book that he had tried his best to protect from being taken away when he was young. He was still really envious.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Zhong Li who was leading the way, watching her lead the way round and round.

Who would have thought that she would actually hide people in these places, no wonder he couldn't find them.

Seeing that Zhongli stopped in his tracks, as if he was looking for something, the old man smiled sarcastically.

"Why, is it possible that even you don't know where they are hiding?"

Zhong Li looked away from the sign, and smiled: "How can I, I want to see where it is faster to go."

"Oh, I hope you are more honest." Xu Shi was in a bad mood, and the old man didn't say anything, and followed Zhongli who continued to walk forward.

Finally Zhong Li pushed open a door and walked in.

The old man followed behind. After entering the door, he closed the wooden door. He was afraid that he would run away again after a while.

After closing the door, I saw Zhong Li standing behind the closed door, as if he didn't go in, but was putting something on her hands and feet.

The old man looked at Zhongli: "What are you doing?"

Zhongli concentrated on putting things on, without raising his head, he said: "Oh, I've seen this thing before, but I've never brought it with me. Now I want to try it."

"You have terrible taste."

The old man looked at those rough things and felt that it hurt his eyes.

The old man didn't look at Zhongli, but took a look at this place, there were some desks and chairs, there was nothing extra, and he didn't see the survivors.

The old man felt that he was cheated again, he looked at Zhongli angrily, and asked angrily: "Where is the man, where did you hide him?" "

"Little liar, didn't you say they were here?"

After Zhongli put on his clothes, he stopped hiding and stood in front of the old man.

"I said they were here, not that they were in this room."

"If you want to get them, you have to find them yourself!" Zhong Li said.

"What a nasty little liar, I shouldn't have believed you!" The old man with the sheep's head and walking stick was really angry.

It didn't matter whether Zhongli was being illuminated by someone in the dark, and a thunderbolt was released directly, but at this moment, Zhongli didn't dodge or dodge, and even reached out to hold his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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