Run, host she's not right

Chapter 7 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 6

Chapter 7 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 6
The points are in hand, and the ring is also in hand!
I just don't know if Yan Meimei listened to her and obediently put things into the interspatial ring, whether it was a bug or a pre-set program.

It is set that if the examinee does not plunder the space ring, he can also gain the favorability of Yan Meimei to obtain the right to use the space ring.

In this way, I don't know if the person who chose to seize the space ring from the beginning will regret it?
Zhongli didn't think so, those people planned to take down this interspatial ring, they just wanted to control everything in their hands, they definitely wouldn't be willing to look at such a good interspatial ring, in the end they only got a storage and use function, and the things were not in their hands, They won't be relieved.

In fact, Zhongli is not at ease, but what if he doesn't?Can you still grab it directly?

But no matter what, it would be great if Yan Meimei could keep these things in.

Zhong Li looked out from the window on the second floor, and there were already dense crowds of zombies gathered outside.

According to common sense, if you are caught and scratched by a zombie, even if you don't die, you should be out of the game immediately, there is no need to discuss it.

Although Zhongli couldn't wait to leave, he didn't want to leave in the way of being bitten by a zombie.

And what if there is no solution, what if it is really over after being bitten by a zombie?

Zhong Li didn't want to gamble with his life.

She took a safe look at the clothes on her body to see if they were thick enough to protect against zombies.

The same as what she wore from home in the morning, the school uniform of Lincheng Middle School, the sportswear with long sleeves and trousers, is breathable, dirt-resistant and wear-resistant, and she doesn't feel sorry for getting dirty or torn when she rolls around on the ground.

She was wearing trendy brand black cloth shoes, which fit lightly and fast, and her hair was tied up neatly. Even the bangs on her forehead and temples would not hinder her sight and movement.

Mingming Zhongli was wearing such a school uniform with the name of another school. From the moment he appeared to wandering around at the end, Yan Meimei didn't seem to notice it. She was not at all curious about the origin of the clothes and the words on them.

Seeing Yan Meimei in a pleated skirt, Zhongli turned around and went back to that room, found a set of sportswear from inside, and threw it to Meimei for her to change into.

"Put on your clothes before going out."

Since Yan Meimei wants to go out with her, it is natural to ensure her safety, at least not let her become a burden.

Otherwise, even if this NPC has a space ring that can hold things, Zhongli doesn't want to wear it.

Fortunately, Yan Meimei obediently agreed with her clothes.

Both of them are about the same size, so she has no problem wearing the clothes in "Zhongli"'s closet.

After Yan Meimei changed her clothes, Zhong Li found an alarm clock in the house, set the time, and threw it from the window on the second floor into the lawn outside, far away.

When the time came, the alarm clock rang, and the shrill bell attracted all the zombies nearby.

They twisted their bodies, stopped lying in front of Zhongli's house, and began to hobble towards the place where the alarm clock was.

All the zombies were hooting around the alarm clock, leaving their backs to Zhongli.

At this time, Zhongli opened the door, picked up a weapon, and looked at the group of zombies with narrowed eyes and a serious face.

It's okay, just treat it as a game.

Zhong Li took a submachine gun and started shooting at the group of zombies.

The sound of "chug chug" and flames sounded, and Zhongli's heart gradually became hot.

You must know that in the real society, weapons are very strictly governed, so how could there be a chance to encounter such a passionate scene, and even the special effects of movies are becoming more and more difficult to see.

It was also the first time for Zhongli to encounter zombies, but she understood the truth, the first to fight a zombie!

Each bullet hit the head of the zombie.

Sure enough, only those zombies that were hit on the head would fall down and die, while the zombies that missed other body parts could continue to move.

As the zombies fell one by one, the red characters floated up one by one.





Seeing this, Zhong Li was relieved. It seemed that his judgment was correct, and killing zombies also had a part to play.

But only 1 point, a bit deducted.

But based on the principle that mosquito meat is also meat, and every point is worth every cent, Zhongli killed all the dozen or so zombies he attracted.

His hand was numb from the shock of the submachine gun, but Zhongli's heart was so excited, it was like playing a game, it was indeed very addictive.

Well, it's just that the fallen zombies are a little disgusting.

Zhongli was glad that he had a weapon, so he didn't have to face those ferocious zombies at close range.

The weapon in his hand seemed to have infinite clips, Zhongli had fired several shots, but the bullets were gone.

"What a good weapon..."

Just as Zhong Li finished praising, the weapon in his hand "clicked" and stopped firing.

Zhongli: "???"

Not really.

So boastful?

Looking at the new zombies starting to appear in the distance, one, two, three, four, five...there are quite a few, but the weapon in her hand is useless.

Zhong Li looked at his white hands, is this going to be close combat?
She doesn't want to!
Zhong Li had a straight face, exuding an aura of resistance all over his body.

At this time, Yan Meimei, who had always been quiet, spoke.

Although Yan Meimei didn't want Zhongli to leave, when Zhongli faced the zombies, Yan Meimei stood quietly by the side, like a mural, not causing trouble at all, not delaying Zhongli's killing of zombies, almost making Zhongli forget There is her existence.

But now that Zhongli's gun was out of bullets, Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli with a worried and fearful face, her eyes were ready to cry.

"A Li, what should we do if we have no bullets? There are so many zombies that we can't fight. Without weapons, we will be killed by these zombies. Let's go back to the house first. It's really too dangerous outside."

"Ah, another zombie is coming, it's so scary!!"

Yan Meimei, an NPC, started her work again, shaking Zhongli from trying to leave this place.

Following Yan Meimei's words, several zombies came staggeringly from the road in all directions. These zombies blocked all directions from the villa, leaving Zhongli and the others with nowhere to run.

Therefore, there is really only the way Yan Meimei said, and that is to return to the villa.

No, there is another way, which is to kill all those zombies.

"Meimei, didn't you say that, girls can't say no."

Zhong Li lectured with a serious face, looked at the zombies outside the door, put down the gun with no bullets in his hand, and moved his hands and feet.

So many zombies, so many points beckoning to her, how could she miss it.

But looking at the bloody and foul-smelling zombies, Zhongli felt a little sick.

Anyway, as a flower of the motherland who grew up in a peaceful world, Zhongli is not afraid of shooting zombies from a long distance with a gun, but facing the face of zombies at close range, Zhongli feels that he can't do it first.

And it is absolutely impossible to return to the villa as Yan Meimei said.

Zhong Li looked around and noticed a green lawn in front of the gate of the villa, and there was a faucet in the corner of the villa, followed by a high-pressure water gun.

This water gun is generally used by the nanny to clean the dust and weeds on the road in front of the door.

 Ask for collection, ask for tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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