Run, host she's not right

Chapter 77 Gold Broker 2

Chapter 77 Gold Broker 2
Surprised and frightened, Zhongli put down his hands and walked to the side to look in the full-length mirror.

She is an elite woman in business attire, but her makeup and hair are a little messy.


Zhongli was about to say something, but A9008 silently stuffed a piece of information into Zhongli's mind.

The sudden appearance of something in her mind made Zhongli's head feel as if it was about to explode. She stretched out her hand to support the wall, one hand supported her head, and gritted her teeth to endure the pain.

What the hell is this?

Could it be that this A9008 is the enemy of her unreliable father, which tortured her like this?


After regaining his composure, Zhongli gritted his teeth and prepared to settle the score with A9008, but it immediately spoke again.

"Hurry up and find out everything. You've run out of time, and someone will come soon. You don't want to face those people without knowing anything, do you?"

A9008 said with a guilty conscience, it didn't expect an ordinary human being to be so weak in spirit for a while, so it can't be blamed, can it?
Anyway, she is still a 3S mental power, that's all?

After hearing this, Zhong Li scratched his fist, okay, she endured it.

All this happened because she had been penetrating the flowers for too long. It was her fault, so she endured it.

It's no surprise that Zhongli is a 3S spiritual body. Even though she has never practiced before, she has a strong ability to withstand stress. She recovered quickly and began to accept the information transmitted by A9008.

She and A9008's job is said to be a supervisor, but in fact it is a security guard, protecting a bunch of small worlds under them.

Those small worlds have just been born, and the world awareness has not yet become strong enough to protect themselves.

At this time, it is easy to be targeted by some criminals, who intend to seize the origin of the small world.

These lawbreakers are like moths, they dare not appear openly, but quietly, some characters who invaded this small world, either threatened or lured or bewitched, let them murder the son of interface in the small world, interface daughter, to snatch the origin of the small world.

The sons of the interface can be said to be poor students funded by world awareness, giving them various conveniences and luck, allowing them to develop, and then starting to give back, such as helping other people or contributing to the development of the world's technology tree. It can be regarded as a mutually beneficial activity between world consciousness and these creatures.

Through such things, creatures begin to develop and become stronger, and the world consciousness also becomes stronger because of the creatures in the world, and they can even be promoted to a higher level of the world, which is a win-win situation.

And those moths will not do this, they will only plunder, they will not feed back, their appearance will only harm the consciousness of the world, and plunder the origin of the world, but the consciousness of the world itself is too weak to drive these moths out of this world. At that time, the help of Zhongli's regulators is needed.

Zhong Li nodded and understood.

A9008, however, felt like his dream was broken, and muttered softly.

"It turns out that the son of the interface has a purpose..."

The beauty in those books turned out to be whitewashed.

"What's the purpose? This is a transaction. There's no reason to take something from someone without giving money. It's just that the biological parents have given birth to a child, and they still have plans to grow old."

Zhong Li said very soberly.

As a post-zero zero, Zhongli has also read novels, not to mention that there is Cen Chen by his side. This guy just keeps reading novels because he doesn't pay attention to his studies, so his grades can't go up or down.

Zhongli, the son of interface in the world of cultivating immortals, and daughter of luck, Zhongli also heard from her, and Zhongli also had thoughts, how can there be such a good thing for no reason.

Besides, there are quite a few novels in which the protagonist fights against the son of luck. In the final analysis, it is all a deal. Whoever gives the world consciousness, that is, the benefits of heaven, and does things for it, will be its own son and daughter!
There are people on the Internet who say that God’s son and daughter are sons and daughters. Sorry, God’s daughters also need to pay alimony, otherwise they don’t want such sons and daughters.

Anyway, Zhongli was very transparent, she looked down at her body and asked.

"My current identity is not the daughter of the interface!"

The information A9008 gave her just now, apart from the content of her work, also contained information about the daughter of the interface who had lived in this small world.

The information above does not match this body at all!

It said that the daughter of the interface is a star and she is in her 20s, but when she looked in the mirror just now, although the body looks good and she is not very old, it does not match the content of the information.

A9008 immediately said: "No, you are just an ordinary human being, what you need to do is to help the daughter of the interface, clear her way, and get rid of moths."

Zhongli nodded, and she muttered something in her heart.

How could this work be the same as those novels.

The original heroine was counterattacked by the time-traveling female protagonist who was reborn as cannon fodder, and was left in a mess. Those counterattacking female protagonists took advantage of the convenience given by the world consciousness and defeated the original heroine. Looking for a handsome guy to chat with, and her appearance is to help the heroine solve these female supporting cannon fodder, let her stand back to the top, and then give back to the public.

And the daughter of the interface is also the same story, that is, Wen Yanyue of the interface, with the help of the world's heaven, can improve herself step by step to become a movie queen that everyone admires, and then start doing good deeds, donating money to help children in mountainous areas, Support those poor people who are seriously ill and have no money to treat them.

In the end, she hadn't become a movie queen yet, but she was pulled down halfway. With the help of lawbreakers, Zheng Qiuqiu kept seizing the power of the small world, snatching away Wen Yanyue's chance, and became a movie queen herself. .

After becoming a movie queen, Zheng Qiuqiu did not do good deeds like Wen Yanyue to give back. Instead, she started eating, drinking and having fun, and helped those criminals extract the original power of the world, causing this small world to become weaker and weaker.

To put it simply, a small village raises funds for a college student to develop outside, and then come back to Fuze Township to develop her hometown. Who knows, a bandit appeared on the way, and they killed the college student and took him away. After getting stronger, they patronize and fall in love with handsome men and beautiful women, not to mention giving back to their hometown, but even plundering their things once or twice, who can bear it!
So the bodyguard Zhongli appeared, just to protect this college student, destroy this robber, let this student develop, and then give back to the society, perfect~
"Understood, but where is the current situation?"

Zhong Li asked aloud, he didn't know when the current timeline was, was it when Zheng Qiuqiu first appeared and started to snatch Wen Yanyue's resources?

It was the first time the two of them confronted each other.

(End of this chapter)

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