Run, host she's not right

Chapter 85 Gold Broker 10

Chapter 85 Gold Broker 10
Yes, of course Zhongli has other plans.

She not only wants to teach Xing Ji a lesson, but also those people on the Internet who keep smearing Zhao Sirong.

Tell them to be kind with your mouth too!
Zhong Li directly called the police, and reported the few netizens who had the most jumping and most unpleasant speech among the information provided by A9008 just now.

She has their IP addresses, and can even find their information through their accounts. Although these netizens are not in the local area and the police here can't control them, they can still file a case.

This is not over yet, Zhong Li also asked A9008 to come to the nearby surveillance, and called the police for a few people who came to the door to cheat, throw things and curse, and pick quarrels and troubles.

Zhongli reckoned that neither of these two police reports would have a good effect, so Zhongli went directly to the Online Judicial Court to sue the few people who kept insulting her and distorting the video on the Internet, and told them all. Send a lawyer's letter.

Not all of these people are netizens, there are also Xing Ji's trumpet and his friends.

A9008 was watching Zhongli's vigorous and resolute actions from the sidelines, and was dumbfounded. Why did it feel that its own existence was superfluous, and it couldn't help Zhongli at all.

It seemed that it was the same without it, and Zhongli could handle it by himself.

In the end, A9008 couldn't help it anymore. It was very curious. Zhongli's core didn't look big. She should be a student in modern society. How could she know so many things?

"Zhongli, you, how do you know so much?"

While busy with his work, Zhong Li took the time to answer A9008.

"I usually eat too much melon, and I can still understand some operations."

How to deal with the alarm and so on, Yun, who eats too much melon in the melon group, still knows a little bit of operation.

"What's more, there are many plans in the learning materials you gave me to become an agent just now."

For example, if something happens to the artists under him, how to solve it, how to deal with it, and how to clean it up.

A9008 does not know where he collected the data, the content is complete, there are many case studies, Zhong Li read the materials for so long in the afternoon.

However, it is not enough to memorize knowledge, it must be applied. No, Zhongli used himself as the material and started to operate.

It is estimated that Wen Yanyue's affairs will not be easy. As an agent, she will encounter such a job sooner or later. If this is the case, then she will test the water with herself first to see how deep the water is.

After understanding, be a gold broker with rich experience.

She wants to be the best!

A9008 is a little confused, it feels that Zhongli is different from those humans, how is it different from the humans it has learned in books.

According to the example question, shouldn't it show its talents at this time, and let Zhongli, a human being, worship and praise it?
Why is the reality turned upside down, these are technical issues, and it becomes Zhongli's home field, and it just watches from the sidelines?
No, it has to be quiet and think slowly.

This is its first job, the teacher told it to perform well in this world, it cannot be compared to Zhongli!

Zhong Li reached for the cold coffee at the side, squinted his eyes and took a sip. The bitter taste filled her whole mouth, which revived her whole body. Somehow, A9008 quieted down unexpectedly.

But the computer under his hand attracted her even more, so Zhongli didn't pay much attention to A9008.

Anyway, this guy can't make much trouble.

When Zhongli was busy and was planning to send all the malicious netizens to prison, Xing Ji and his friends were stunned.

A group of them were at a loss when the video was released, and they were caught off guard by the explosion of the video later, as well as various netizens' comments and speculations on technical posts.

This is not what they expected at all!
"How is this going?!"

In Xing Ji's small group of three, there are two men who are friends of Xing Ji, one helps to secretly shoot and edit videos, and the other engages in self-media, who can quietly help Xing Ji promote the video and control comments.

They all have their own accounts on the Internet, and it is these accounts that drive the rhythm, guiding netizens to commit violence against Zhao Sirong step by step, and sympathize with Xing Ji.

But just now, Zhongli made a video, and this unprepared action shocked the three of them.

Cheng Yu immediately grabbed Xing Ji's collar, and asked him angrily: "What on earth did you provoke Zhao Sirong to make her do such a thing, if one fails, the three of us are going to stink in the street! "

Thinking that after this incident was exposed, those netizens would find him along the network cable, and he would encounter the same thing as Zhao Sirong, and Cheng Yu felt bad all over.

He has a job. If he is fired because of this matter, what will happen to his mortgage and car loan?
"I, I don't know." Xing Ji was also a little confused.

Ever since "Zhao Sirong" said those words in the afternoon, Xing Ji has been in a bad mood, feeling ashamed to face others.

In the end, "Zhao Sirong" even locked him out, and the experience that he couldn't get in no matter how hard he knocked on the door made Xing Ji even more irritable, feeling that he couldn't hold his head up in front of his brothers.

In the end, he just took his friend away and vented his anger by drinking outside. Now that a few bottles of wine came down, he was so drunk that he hadn't recovered from his head.

"Then what are you still doing in a daze, quickly call Zhao Sirong and ask her!"

Yi Qiang was also very angry. He was so drunk that he reached out and slapped the table.

He is very scared now, because Zhongli found his tuba and immediately sued him.

He works in new media, and he can be considered a big V with hundreds of thousands of fans. In the beginning, he took sides, retweeted, and incited fans with words, making them scold Zhao Sirong together.

After Zhong Lixin posted the video, many fans left messages in his background, asking him about the authenticity of the candid video. At the same time, he also received a report from the platform, which made Yi Qiang a little flustered.

This is the account he has raised for two years. He has to rely on this account to make a living, so he can't be blocked.

Both of them were very excited, they kept talking about Xing Ji, Xing Ji drank his head, his face was flushed, and he was not happy anymore.

With a "snap", Xing Ji threw the bottle in his hand to the ground and asked in a rough voice.

"Didn't you go to find Zhao Sirong with me before? Didn't you make sure later that there was no one in the neighborhood? Why did this video appear in the end!"

Xing Ji has watched the video, and before being told by "Zhao Sirong" face to face, Xing Ji felt ashamed, but now that it has spread to the whole network, he has lost all face and foundation.

So Cheng Yuyiqiang was angry, and Xing Ji was also very angry, angry that they were not careful, and people didn't know that they had secretly filmed the video.

As a result, there are now videos all over the Internet, which makes him how to behave in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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