Run, host she's not right

Chapter 97 Gold Broker 22

Chapter 97 Gold Broker 22
Wen Yanyue at the side looked at Zhongli, "How about it, it's already at this point, are you sure you want to stay with me?"

Zhong Li looked back at her, raised his chin slightly, and his brows were full of confidence: "How far? Have you reached the bottom? Even if you reach the bottom, you have to overthrow it all!"

Wen Yanyue looked at Zhongli under the sun, a little surprised, obviously she was so much younger than her, but this elder sister was full of youthful vigor that was rarely seen in her.

Wen Yanyue's eyes drooped down, it seemed that she had unknowingly worn away all the edges and corners, and the once high-spirited self was blurred.

"Okay! There's nothing worse than this!" Wen Yanyue smiled slightly, her eyes sparkling again.

A black BMW drove silently and stopped at the door of Yuyue. The window of the co-pilot was slowly pulled down, revealing a small face wearing sunglasses.

She was concentrating on looking at Wen Yanyue at the entrance of the company, her brows were furrowed, and she was thinking about what Wen Yanyue was coming to Yuyue at this time?
She smiled so happily, could it be that she has found a chance to turn things around?

Zheng Qiuqiu gritted her teeth. At this time, the mobile phone in her bag rang. When Zheng Qiuqiu answered the phone, the expression on her face changed suddenly, and she smiled sweetly.

"Hello, is this Zhang Dong? Yes, I have already arrived at your company, um, okay, you are welcome."

After finishing this call, Zheng Qiuqiu immediately made another call, and the expression and tone on his face immediately changed 180 degrees.

"Where have you been? I've already arrived at the gate of Yuyue. Why can't I see you? It affects me signing a contract with Yuyue. You are so nice! Parking lot? What are you doing in the parking lot? Come up here, I am Zheng Qiuqiu Signing a contract with Yuyue is to be aboveboard and let everyone know."

After finishing the phone call, Zheng Qiuqiu let out a long breath, and looked out of the window, Wen Yanyue was no longer there. Zheng Qiuqiu was still a little uneasy, and began to call out in his heart.

"System, are you there?"

After a while, a stiff electronic voice sounded in her mind: "Yes, host."

"Hurry up and check the progress of the task for me. How far is it before I completely trample Wen Yanyue to death?"

"The current task progress is 95%, please come on, host." The electronic voice was extremely stiff, as if there was no electronic life.

Hearing this, Zheng Qiuqiu breathed a sigh of relief and murmured in his heart.

"95%, as long as I join the Yuyue company and step on Wen Yanyue to become Yuyue's first sister, I will be able to complete all 100%."

Otherwise, why didn't she continue to renew the contract and jump to Yuyue.

Although the company she works for is not large, but at Zheng Qiuqiu's level, the whole company is supporting her, serving her and making concessions to her.

In the previous life, the company underestimated her, but in this life, she was treated like an emperor, and this kind of differential treatment made Zheng Qiuqiu feel very comfortable.

But Zheng Qiuqiu was not reconciled, she must enter Yuyue and completely trample Wen Yanyue under her feet.

This voice has been hovering in her heart, making Zheng Qiuqiu extremely obsessed with Wen Yanyue's affairs.

Some time ago, the black material she carefully set up failed to completely bring down Wen Yanyue, and she was still dragging the 5% progress to continue jumping, which already made Zheng Qiuqiu very angry.

She had a feeling that she must hurry up and step Wen Yanyue under her feet, otherwise it would be too late.

This kind of sense of urgency made her want to terminate the contract and jump to entertain her because she couldn't wait for the contract to expire.

As soon as Zhongli got into the taxi, A9008 started bouncing around non-stop.

"Come, come, come."

"What's coming, can you be quiet?" Zhongli, who was startled, asked with a serious face.

"That bug! I sensed that bug!" A9008 was very happy.

This is still its first job, and it is the first time it feels the "pests" to be expelled, which makes A9008 not to mention how excited it is.

"Bugs? Zheng Qiuqiu?" Zhongli narrowed his eyes slightly, leaning on the seat of the taxi, thinking in his heart.

In this small world, the only one who confronts Wen Yanyuegao, the daughter of the decent interface, is the reborn Zheng Qiuqiu. The bugs A9008 mentioned are naturally on her body.

That is to say, Zheng Qiuqiu appeared just now, what is she doing here?Do you want to go to the entertainment company to do something?

Zheng Qiuqiu is an entertainer in another small company. He used to rely on the company's meager resources to get by. He was tepid. Occasionally playing the second female role in a TV series is already a joy.

I don't know where Wen Yanyue offended her, which made her worry about it all the time. After she was reborn, she has been grabbing Wen Yanyue's resources.

Listening to what A9008 said, there is still a "bug". With the help of future events, Wen Yanyue, the daughter of the interface, is driven to a dead end little by little.

Now that Zheng Qiuqiu is here at Yuyue Company, could it be that he wants to sign a contract with Yuyue?
Zhong Li guessed in his heart that she didn't seem to have received the news.

"You guessed it right, Zheng Qiuqiu came to sign with Yuyue." A9008 said in Zhong Li's heart after being over excited.

"Yuyue? Is she out of her mind?"

After coming to Yuyue, Zhongli's senses are very bad. It is true that it is a big company, but the overall feeling for her is not very good.

The employees are not united, the boss doesn't respect people, and they force the employees to participate in the reception. If they are popular, they will praise them and step on them. This makes Zhongli very disliked.

But she also understands that most companies are like this.

In Zheng Qiuqiu's previous life, the reason why Yuyue was able to squeeze from the third in ten thousand years to the number one entertainment company in China was that she was very kind to Wen Yanyue, so good that other entertainment company artists envied her existence. Halo", and the reason for Wen Yanyuehong.

Now that Wen Yanyue's "heroine halo" is being taken away by Zheng Qiuqiu bit by bit, and her career is going downhill step by step, Yuyue's attitude towards Wen Yanyue has naturally changed.

Wen Yanyue's contract was formal and there was no problem, and they didn't catch any loopholes. This was entirely the reason why Wen Yanyue only had the heroine aura left.

At this time, Zheng Qiuqiu, the queen of the movie, wanted to enter Yuyue, so Zhong Li felt that "this kid's brain is broken".

"You can't think according to your thoughts." A9008 actually taught Zhongli a lesson.

"Entertainment Company can become Wen Yanyue's company, and it has a bit of luck in itself. Now that Zheng Qiuqiu joins Amusement, I'm afraid it's just for the purpose of sucking up Yu Yue."

"Hey..." Zhongli didn't focus on this, but asked, "What is that bug that can absorb luck?"

"Well, how can I tell you." A9008 thought for a while and said.

"I'm a spirit, you know that?"

Zhongli: "Get to the point!"

(End of this chapter)

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