Chapter 1

"Who is that woman inside? Why is no one teaming up with her?"

"You don't even know Ren Qianqian? Frost, the female supporting role in the popular drama a few years ago."

"It turned out to be her. Let me form a team with her. She is so beautiful. Then I can take more shots."

"Are you stupid? This woman has offended people before, and she has been banned for several years. She has a bad temper and is domineering. There may not be any shots with her. I haven't seen so many people, and everyone doesn't want to be with her. Does it matter?"

In the backstage of "Acting 3", in the dressing room that can accommodate dozens of people to put on makeup at the same time, there is only one woman lying asleep in front of the mirror, and the rest of them are crowded in the corridor to play against each other.

Accompanied by whispers, the woman lying on the table suddenly opened her eyes and stared at herself in the mirror.In just a second, the originally timid and pale face became confident and charming.

Qianqian touched her face. She has traveled through many worlds, and she has to say that this face is really pretty.Gently touched the mole on the index finger of his left hand, and a translucent blue panel appeared in front of his eyes.

"Eleven, send the information."

His head hurt slightly, and a huge amount of memory flooded in.

This body is called Ren Qianqian, a female artist who has debuted for five years.

She was scouted by LeTV Entertainment's scouts on the pedestrian street outside the university gate. Because her beauty is definitely top-notch in the entertainment industry, the company has always believed that she will be popular soon.

As a result, the original owner's beauty is overwhelmingly beautiful, but her acting ability is truly horrific, and her emotional intelligence is also negative.

Always timid in front of the camera, his two years of debut have been tepid.Except for a face, everything is incompatible with the entertainment industry.

She could only rely on her beauty to barely accept some low-level dramas, and barely reached the fourth line. She was soon labeled a vase by netizens and gained a lot of black fans.

Seeing that she was unable to get out of the circle relying on her strength, the company decided to introduce a backer to her.

The other party is Shen Anran's wealthy husband who retired from acting. He fell in love with Ren Qianqian at first sight when he saw Ren Qianqian on TV.The original owner refused to accept it, but instead made the other party feel that they had met true love.

The rich quickly divorced and began to pursue formally. Although Ren Qianqian refused all the time and did not intervene at all, she still offended Shen Anran.

Shen Anran officially came back after the divorce. For Shen Anran, the former suitors blocked the original owner in the circle one after another, and at the same time exposed a lot of fake news.

Although they did not continue to block her later, she disappeared from public view for a long time, and she never received a notice again.

The company did not arrange a new agent for her.But the rich man who pursued her at that time already had a new love.

She signed a contract with Leshi Entertainment for five years, and the contract expires in half a month. In order to keep her from entanglement, she gave this acting reality show a breakup fee.

Unexpectedly, the company was still using her in the end, maliciously editing her to bully Yan Yan, a newcomer to the company.Coupled with past false information, the whole people insulted and attacked.

During this process, Shen Anran also hired a lot of sailors to fuel the flames, and also exposed information about Ren Qianqian's residence and family members.Hired some thugs to mix in with the crazy fans, smashed the door together, and even set a fire.

Ren Qianqian was disfigured in the fire, but Shen Anran was still not relieved, and the indecent video of Ren Qianqian who had changed his face with AI was spread all over the Internet.

Under heavy blows, Ren Qianqian still couldn't make it through, and ended her life in the toilet of the hospital.

The time when Qian Qian came here was the test group at the beginning of the show, and she was excluded by everyone and no one formed a team.

"Eleven, what is my mission?"

"There are three tasks, the first is to win the Best Actress Award, the second is to make Shen Anran quit the entertainment circle, and the third is to let Leshi Entertainment go bankrupt."

"I found that you are getting more and more black-hearted now, three missions in one world."

Qianqian grabbed the position of the long mole, and Shi Shi's painful cry came instantly in her mind.

"I'm not doing it for your own good. The world is very difficult. If you accumulate enough points early, you can go back."

In the world where Qianqian was born, due to inexplicable reasons, time stagnates and never reaches the next day.After 1000 years passed on the same day, Eleven found her and said that he was a quick travel system.Tell her to complete enough worlds and it will restore time flow.

Since then, Qianqian has traveled around the world, fulfilling wishes for various cannon fodder.

"Oh, I feel like you're messing with me."

After putting on her make-up, Qianqian queued up outside the assessment venue. At this time, a male and female group had just finished performing.

On the assessment field, four judges sat side by side, including the famous director Han Dao, the famous producers Peng Chao, Yan Lun and her target Shen Anran this time.

Director Han was very strict, and made the girls cry in a few words.

"Your score is F. It would be great if you could come to the crying scene so quickly. Let's go down! Replace someone, Ren Qianqian." Director Han urged impatiently as he looked at the contestant's profile.

Shen Anran looked at the door, Ren Qianqian was the only one left, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, and within a second she returned to that weak little white flower, and spoke to Director Han gently.

"Director Han, Qianqian is in the same company as me. She is inexperienced, so please be merciful in your comments."

"The actor's inexperience is not the reason, I only look at the results. I read the information that she debuted for five years, is she still inexperienced?"

Director Han was still angry, and kept tapping the paper with the tip of his pen, poking several holes in Ren Qianqian's profile page.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Shen Anran stopped talking.

Director Han was very impatient, so he chose a theme at random, "Ren Qianqian, just perform a confession, where's your partner?"

"I don't have a partner."

"Choose one at the scene." Director Han frowned tightly. What kind of popularity is there? No one wants to form a team. At this moment, his impression of Qianqian has further declined.

Qianqian's eyes were calm, and she glanced at the boys at the scene one by one. The exquisite face made many boys blush slightly.

But it seems that Ren Qianqian's ban was well known, and seeing that she might choose her, the boys all looked away.

Eleven floated around among the male actors in the venue, constantly muttering: "Find a handsome guy!"

Ignoring the talkative Eleven, Qianqian looked back and forth in the arena.When her eyes swept to the sidelines, a tall and slender man with a peaked cap whose face could not be seen clearly, who stood out from the crowd just by standing there attracted her attention.

Qianqian walked off the stage and directly pulled the man in the peaked cap onto the stage, "I've chosen."

The man in the peaked cap was a little surprised, but quickly lowered the brim of his cap quietly, showing no sign of objection.

"Is he a handsome guy? Is he a handsome guy?" Eleven went around to the bottom, wanting to be the first to see the man in the peaked cap.

The moment Eleven saw the man in the peaked cap, he stopped crowing. Why is that adult here?After checking his system mailbox over and over again, Eleven was stunned.After repeatedly looking at the host who I still don't know and is destined to know nothing, I decided to be a quiet and obedient child.

Walking to the stage, Qianqian slightly raised her head to look at the man in the peaked cap. The height difference allowed her to see most of the man's face.

Heroic, handsome and flawless, Qianqian couldn't help admiring him after seeing countless beautiful men in the world.

It just feels a little familiar, as if I have seen it in the memory of receiving it, but Qianqian who is a little face-blind really can't remember it.

Although he couldn't see his face, judging from the temperament of the man in the cap, he must be a handsome guy.The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is always endless, but there is a black hole in this combination.

Under the complicated eyes of everyone, Qianqian moved her eyes twice, and quickly entered the role.

Obviously the makeup and clothes have not changed, but the whole person seems to have changed.

That flamboyant and beautiful face seemed much more immature, with the shyness and softness of a girl, and her eyes were full of love.

As soon as the acting skills honed in various worlds came out, the ears of the man in the peak cap slowly turned red visible to the naked eye.

After staring at each other for tens of seconds, he finally couldn't help turning his head away, and the hat fell to the ground because of too much movement.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, the facial features are three-dimensional and distinct, with a trace of childishness that has not faded, but there is nothing imperfect.A pair of amber eyes are deep and seductive, and there is a tear mole under the left eye that is seductive, but there is no sense of femininity at all. Just one glance can fascinate countless people.

There are posters of this face everywhere in the streets and alleys.

(End of this chapter)

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