The boy's movements are very gentle, but the strength is just right so that she can feel how the correct packaging method is.There was no mercy in her attitude and tone, it was just the right tone to make people very comfortable.

Qianqian nodded, moved her fingers slightly, and re-operated one according to the method the boy had just taught her, and the appearance was roughly the same as that of others.

"That's fine, you continue to pack like this, if there are new packs later, if you don't know, I can teach you."

The work of this packaging line is not hard, it is just mechanical and repetitive, and the difficulty is very low.Those children are not very old, but after working for a while, they are surprisingly calm and quiet. They are doing their work honestly and are very sensible.

The boy next door to Qianqian is the most sensible of the group of children, and he seems to be the oldest. Not only does he often help Qianqian, he also does the work of those younger children who cannot complete the task.

From those voices of thanks, Qianqian knew his name, "Luo Lu".

Qianqian has been in this tribe for a week, and it may not be the soul of this world. She played the music of this world without any effect. Brother Li did not give up calling her several times, but failed to wake up her soul every time. .

Brother Li completely lost confidence in her and completely regarded her as an ordinary person.

Incompetent but also a sinner, Qianqian struggled in the tribe and could not get enough medicine for her wounds.

Playing music created by oneself has the ability to revive the soul, but Qianqian Huaibi has always understood that a sinner who can only play other people's music is completely different from a creative person.

Luo Lu didn't avoid Qianqian like other children, and he was far from disgusting with Qianqian. He even brought medicine and bandages for Qianqian when he found that Qianqian's injuries were not healed, and treated Qianqian himself.

His technique is very skilled, it seems that this is not the first time he has operated, and he quickly treated the injury on Qianqian's arm.

A childish voice called Luo Lu away, "Luo Lu, your mother is looking for you."

After Luo Lu finished bandaging Qianqian's wound, he stood up unhurriedly: "If you still have a serious wound, show it to me later, and I'll bandage it for you again."

Qianqian's position is not far from the door, her eyesight is weak, her hearing has been strengthened a lot, and she can clearly hear the conversation outside.

"Luo Lu, didn't my mother tell you to stay away from that woman? She is a termite who steals other people's music. Those musicians have saved countless lives."

"Mom, her eyes are the same as her sister's. Those music masters, they don't want to wake up people's souls easily, and we can't afford the high price for the rest of our lives. Even those small musicians, they don't want to sit on the floor and raise the price. The works are in It doesn't matter who steals it from whom, we won't be able to enjoy it anyway."

"You child, where did you learn the idea? I won't tell you. You can share it with other people. You only have one meal for a busy day. How can you bear it if you are growing up?"

Luo Lu's mother left soon, and Luo Lu brought back a basket of bread, which was made from bad-quality wheat left over from their sale.But even such bread is rare for children here.

Qianqian also got one.

The bread was dry and hard, with a strong bitter taste in the mouth, but everyone present ate it with relish, which gave Qianqian a clearer understanding of the living conditions of this tribe once again.


Granny Li originally thought that Qianqian would make some trouble when she came, but after a few days of observation, she found that she was honest and obedient.Facing the provocation and oppression of other people, she can handle it better, and she doesn't cheat or play tricks when doing things. She often does more than the required amount. Seeing Qianqian's eyes satisfied, she also started chatting with her. Let's talk about the short things in the family.

Qianqian has just arrived here, she doesn't know anyone, she can't speak, and she will never tell others what she said.

After complaining to Qianqian about the old woman next door who kept stealing her eggs and refused to admit it, Granny Li saw the empty seat next to Qianqian, and finally remembered something, and lowered her voice a lot.

"The child who often works with you will not come again in the future. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

This is a tribe. A person's job will not change easily, and such an old child can't do any other jobs. The family lives here and will not leave easily. So what can he encounter?

Qianqian remembered his voice change period, he should be eleven or twelve years old, so is he in a deep sleep?

Granny Li just took it lightly, but Qianqian took her hand and continued to ask her gestures.

"You are quite interested in that child. He fell asleep, and each of us has fallen asleep. He is still very young. Maybe in the next year or the next year, the government's public welfare performances will always come. He may wake up came."

Granny Li obviously didn't want to continue this topic, she picked up the fruit packed by Qianqian and got up to leave: "Everyone has a destiny, we can't help, just pretend we can't see it."

Qianqian struggled to climb up to the roof of Luo Lu's house. Although it was only one story high, it was extremely strenuous for this broken body.

She originally planned to lift a tile to let Eleven have a look at the interior, but the dilapidated roof did not require her operation, it was already full of holes.

Eleven easily sneaked into the room, and described what he saw and heard to Qianqian as he walked.

The house was dark and damp, and only one room was well ventilated and could receive bright sunlight.But this room was not used to live in people, but two large barrels half the height of a person were placed.

The vat has no lid, and there is a black translucent liquid inside, and there are two sections of pipes extending out of the vat.And the place where the pipe is in the barrel is the bodies of the two children.

Their faces were blue, and if it wasn't for the slight trembling of the tip of their noses, they would almost be dead.

One of them is Luo Lu.

Luo Lu really fell into a deep sleep.

"Punch two holes in the child's body, one in and one out, then buy a bucket of the cheapest nutrient solution, soak the whole child in the bucket, it is like returning to the mother's stomach. The container is simple and does not require any expensive They only need to replenish the nutrient solution regularly, but the development of these children is almost stagnant in these liquids. If you have a little more money, you will buy those boxes that the host you picked up in the sewer, and they will generate energy by themselves, and the body will still develop slowly."

"You said there were two barrels?" Qianqian thought of the elder sister that Luo Lu and her mother had mentioned.

"Yes, the host. The other one is a girl. Although her body is also very thin, judging from her bone age, she should be 18 years old."

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