The cry of a newborn baby sounded, Qianqian rubbed her eyes, and slowly opened them, the world in front of her eyes has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Many people think that after being blind, there is darkness. In fact, there is not even darkness, it is nothingness.For someone who has seen everything in the world and then lost it, every moment is tense with everything around them.

A piece of paper floated in front of her, as if emitting light, illuminating the small room, and Qianqian also saw the two children with her own eyes.

A new music system was born in this world. Even if Qianqian had never written it down, it had materialized in this world.

Qianqian stretched out her hand, and the piece of paper fell into her hand meekly, on which was written the piece she just played. She carefully put away the manuscript, and went to check on the two children.

My stomach is bulging, my limbs are dry, my hair is about to fall out, and my whole face is swollen.Qianqian still remembered the woman's description, but the child in front of her at this moment couldn't see half of her previous appearance.

Sister Luo Lu was sleeping peacefully in the nutrient solution, her eyelashes fluttering non-stop, and she was about to wake up soon.The small face is exquisite and beautiful, the hair is black and bright, and the skin is rosy. Except that the body is still petite, no matter how you look at it, it is healthy.

Qianqian just got a little closer, and the foreheads of Sister Luo Lu and Luo Lu both lit up with small green dots, jumping as she approached, like an elf dancing happily.

There were footsteps in the distance, and the movement here attracted the attention of the people in the tribe. Qianqian didn't delay any longer, and turned out along the rope when she came.

The strength gained from the two children gave her back her sight and her lightness.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Luo Ying! Luo Ying is from your family!"

"Who is there, my God! Is someone awakening the soul!"

"Luo Ying, go and see your child!"

"Damn it, the door can't be opened! Luo Ying, don't worry, brother dog, help me smash the door!"

The whole tribe was startled by the inexplicable fluctuations in the air. After waking up from a frenzied state, they heard the sound of a baby crying like heaven. They frantically searched for the source, and finally found Luo Ying's house.

The door locked by Qianqian blocked them for a short while, but under the strength of the strong man, it didn't take long for it to be knocked open.

Luo Ying stumbled out of the crowd, and walked quickly towards the door, but when she was about to reach it, she couldn't help but stop, moving bit by bit, not daring to look inside at all. go.

Her eldest daughter has been sleeping for six years, and the baby she has loved for 12 years has been sleeping for six years. Every day she looks forward to her waking up.During these six years, Li Ge, as the boss, tried his best to apply for charity performances more than once.

Several good friends of the same age as her eldest daughter in the tribe almost woke up. Seeing them grow up happily and vigorously, and watching her daughter's body getting bigger and bigger, Luo Ying was about to go crazy.

Once, she was woken up loudly by a friend, only to find herself standing behind a child, her outstretched hand almost pushing him into a deep pool of water.

It wasn't until she realized that her state was not right, she tried hard to focus on her son.

But the youngest son will finally fall asleep one day. During this period of time, in order to maintain the lives of the two children, she is almost exhausted, but there is no hope.

Just when she was hesitating to give up her daughter, someone told her that her home had awakened energy fluctuations, and she looked forward to and was afraid.

"Luo Ying! Luo Ying! Come in!"

The friend who persuaded her to give up her daughter that day took her by the arm and brought her in to face reality.

Luo Ying closed her eyes tightly and did not dare to open them, until a familiar but unfamiliar young female voice came from her ears.


Luo Ying opened her eyes, and in front of her eyes was her daughter who had been asleep for six years.As cute and healthy as she was six years ago, not the dying look of a few days ago.

Luo Ying couldn't help laughing foolishly, her eyes were a little wet, she rubbed her face vigorously, then stepped forward and hugged her daughter tightly.

Parents of children with the same situation at home watched the mother-daughter reunion at the door with mixed feelings.

They are all families whose children haven't woken up for many years. Why is Luo Ying so lucky to attract musicians passing by to wake up the soul, but they didn't get a chance.

What was supposed to be a happy reunion scene was gradually replaced by suppressed crying.

The awakening energy fluctuations in the air were extremely weak, but those parents were unwilling to give up a glimmer of hope, and moved the children out of the house, filling the small room and corridor of Luo Ying's house, hoping to get a little bit of energy aftermath. wake.

Qianqian, who was quietly observing from a distance without going far, caught everything in his eyes. The music score hidden in the clothes on his chest was slightly warming, and something was about to jump out.

The flickering green light on the sheet of music became more and more intense, as if it was constantly jumping with Qianqian's mood.

Seeing so many miserable-looking children and their aging parents was completely different from just listening to Eleven's description before. After all, it was difficult for her to treat these children as NPCs in the mission world.

They should obviously have the best youth and the happiest childhood, instead of lingering on a little bit of nutrient solution in a bucket.

This tribe is primitive and poor. Only the house where Li Ge and his management live and the surrounding walls have surveillance equipment.

If you play it here, you won't be noticed by anyone.From the intricate alleys behind, she can also return to the backyard of the chef without anyone noticing.

Moreover, no one will suspect a useless person who has no musical affinity who has no ability to steal other people's works.

Shining green highlights, when Qianqian blew the first sound, scattered from the sky above Luo Ying's house according to Qianqian's will, condensed into groups of small lights, flashed by flash after flash , as if a shooting star cut through the black night, fell into the world, and fell into the eyebrows of the children present.

The piece is short, and when the final note is over, the Milky Way quickly disappears.

The cries one after another pierced the entire night sky and awakened the stunned crowd.

"The soul is awakened! The soul is awakened! Mom, the baby is awakened!"

"God bless you, you are finally awakened, my child!"

"Where did the master come here to wake up his soul in the middle of the night, thank you master!"

"Thank you master, thank you master, I kowtow to you, kowtow! Our whole family will help you in the music list!"

Crying and laughing, more people from the tribe were called, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

This is the most suitable time to leave, Qianqian quietly sneaked into the alley, cleaned off the dust on her body, planned to sneak back to the back kitchen, and then followed the curious crowd back to the scene.

But just as she walked into the messy alley, a hand grabbed her.

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