Chapter 17

At the shooting scene, the makeup artist was applying makeup to everyone, and everyone else was doing it smoothly, but when it came to Qianqian, the makeup artist had a difficult time.

The script describes the painter. She has messy curly hair reaching waist length, which looks like it hasn’t been washed for several months. Her bangs grow to the tip of her nose, which is sparse and greasy. There are large black scars on her face leaking from the gaps in her hair.

The scar is raised and hideous. Part of the skin looks very thin, and it seems that the capillaries inside can be seen through the light. If you stare at the dark part that cannot be seen clearly for a long time, it will even give people an illusion that the black scar seems to be Something is beating.

Such a beautiful face, do you really want to do it? The makeup artist is really embarrassed when looking at Qianqian's face.

She has done makeup for many female celebrities, because female celebrities pay great attention to their image, no matter how ugly the script is written, in the end they only add a few light red birthmarks.

Thinking of the requests from female celebrities in the past, she had an idea, mixed some black paint, added a few black birthmarks on Qianqian's face, and stopped.

Qianqian looked in the mirror, and although she had messy curly hair, most of her face was blackened.But it still looks so delicate, not at all like the painter in the script.

As a good actor, it is the minimum requirement to pretend to be ugly and sacrifice for the role. Makeup that does not conform to the script is also not conducive to the audience's substitution, and it may also affect the competition results at that time.Qianqian has always wanted to do her best, and her makeup must match the script.

She said to the makeup artist gently and politely: "I feel like it's a bit off from the script, can I trouble you to repaint my scar makeup?"

The makeup artist agreed, but obviously she had never done real scar makeup in this way, and what she drew either seemed fake at first glance, or it was not enough.

After Qianqian asked for changes several times, the makeup artist gradually became impatient and arranged the makeup tools, obviously not intending to continue, "Miss Ren, it's almost enough, other female artists also use the same makeup, never said it's bad of."

"Thank you, may I trouble you to keep the tools, I want to do it myself."

"Hmph, it's up to you." The makeup artist didn't bother to pretend, and turned around and left.

She has never seen an actor with so many things. Now it is the fast food era. What's the use of restoring the script?In order not to look ugly, those actresses let him paint casually, and the work was less easy. She made up her mind never to take over Qianqian's job in the future.

Outside the house, Yan Yan gradually became impatient with waiting.Although it is far from the deadline for makeup, tonight her new manager introduced a boss to her. Now she is full of food for the evening, and only wants to finish early so she can leave early and get dressed.

Although besides Qianqian, there are a few supporting roles that she hired to help, but she pointed directly at Qianqian: "Ren Qianqian is too big, and the supporting roles have been drawn for so long."

Sheng Qing raised his head from the script, his tone was cold: "Have you memorized the script? What's the fifth line in Act One? What's the No. 17 line in Act Two?"

Yan Yan hesitated for a long time, unable to speak out, "Yes, yes..."

She tried her best to make a cute and pitiful look, hoping to go round directly.

But Sheng Qing didn't agree with her, his expression became more serious, he turned to look at Yu Lan, and asked, "Yu Lan, what's your eighth line in the second act?"

Yu Lan replied easily: "Mr. Ke Wen, you haven't taken your box down yet, go get it quickly, Milan and the others have found the boat, and we can leave here soon."

Sheng Qing nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Yan Yan again, with a more serious expression and a much harsher tone.

"It's not the deadline for makeup. Qianqian's scar makeup is time-consuming. A good actor should memorize the script during the waiting time. As the heroine, you have the most lines and the most important scenes. How many lines do you remember now? The scripts are all reversed, and if that doesn't work, you can switch roles with someone else."

This time, there was no need to pretend, Yan Yan blushed directly, clutching the script tightly with her fingers, and memorized the script aggrievedly under the gaze of others.

When Qianqian came out, Yan Yan finally managed to memorize the lines of the first scene, gave Qianqian a hard look, and rushed to shoot as soon as the script fell.

I can't remember the script completely, and I was scolded several times when I stuttered, before I shot the first few shots.Before she was in the same frame with Qianqian, Yan Yan was already full of anger, and only thought about wanting to overwhelm Qianqian for a while.

The heroine Milan is wandering alone in the garden of the manor after having lunch with other friends, and her hat is blown to the tree by the wind.The painter picked it up for her. She wanted to thank him, but she was frightened and screamed when she saw his face.When others came to care about him, he had to suppress his fear and disgust, and explain with an apology for being impolite to the artist.

Emotional shifts and the expression of fear are difficult.Yan Yan's performance was particularly poor today, and Sheng Qing was already prepared to reshoot this scene several times.

But I didn't expect that when Yan Yan saw Qianqian's face at close range, he immediately burst out with the most exquisite acting skills in his acting career.

The living painter stepped out of the script, facing that face, his strict expression of fear and momentary disgust was vividly expressed.

When the filming was over, she was still in shock. When did the make-up artists of the program group actually have such skills, even slightly better than the make-up artists of the top international director team, even better than some direct special effects.

Director Han and Peng Chao, who were filming nearby, just came over to inquire about their opponent's intelligence, and they were attracted by Qianqian's face as soon as they came.

Peng Chao began sourly, "Is Xiao Wang biased? Last time when we did makeup for our group, the craftsmanship was much worse than this."

Director Han was also booing, "Next time I make a new movie, I must find Xiao Wang. This technique saves a lot of money for special effects, and it looks real."

The makeup artist on the side, who has been shocked since Qianqian just came out of the dressing room, heard the two big directors boasting, and quickly explained: "It's not me, it's not me, how can I have this skill, this is Qianqian I drew it myself."

Qianqian nodded, "I drew it."

Peng Chao was dubious, and stretched out his hand, "Really? Qianqian, please draw me a picture."

The makeup artist hurriedly took out the tools from the dressing room and handed them to Qianqian. Qianqian thought for a while and started directly.In just a few minutes, an extremely real wound appeared on Peng Chao's hand.

Director Han was amazed when he saw it, "Old Peng, you are really injured, it hurts even when I look at it."

"Really, didn't you see it all?"

Director Han became more and more satisfied as he watched it, and his title changed to Qianqian, "I'm worried about my next play, Qianqian, come and help me when the time comes." Peng Chao said with a smile: "Old man, why are you so embarrassed?" Yes, he is an actor, if you want me to see, you just give Qianqian a role." "All right, anyway, I have a role in the next film that is closer to Qianqian."

Listening to Peng Chao and Director Han assigning a role to Ren Qianqian in a few words, Yan Yan's teeth were almost crushed.Who is Director Han? Every one of his movies is a big hit, and when he goes to the front line, he just plays a supporting role, but countless people want to get in but can't get in.

Ren Qianqian directly received first-line treatment, why?


At the entrance of a five-star hotel, Yan Yan and her new manager came out with smiles on their faces. Today, the boss likes Yan Yan very much.

After walking a few steps, I saw the replay of the last episode of Acting 3 being broadcast on the commercial plaza opposite, and Ren Qianqian's face just appeared.

Yan Yan gritted her teeth, her eyes were gloomy, "I really don't understand, what's so good about Ren Qianqian, isn't it just that she can put on some special effects makeup? Director Han actually asked her to star in his own movie. She actually beat me in the popularity ranking on the blog One, the movie we talked about recently didn't even want me to cast her in it, but she didn't care!"

The agent didn't take it seriously, and comforted him: "Okay, don't be angry, didn't Mr. Wei just agree to give you the x brand endorsement, even if Director Han and the others are optimistic about Ren Qianqian, she won't have a fashion endorsement, this circle is not so good She got in. With her cheap clothes, how could she squeeze in. In two years, little ancestor, you will have a much higher status than her."

The agent thought about it again, and added, "The painting is so ugly, maybe she is also ugly without makeup. If you are really angry, your endorsement will be announced tomorrow, and I will organize the navy to post some P photos to say It's her plain makeup, her popularity depends on her face, and without her face, all her fans will disappear."

 The previous chapter has been revised~
(End of this chapter)

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