Chapter 30

Taking off that luxurious cheongsam and putting on plain old clothes, she is the kind-hearted big sister of the orphans; wearing the cheongsam, she is the third party hated by countless women in Beiyang.

Can anyone resist such a conflicted beauty?
Even if it is known that she killed someone and committed a crime, except for a few determined people, most people will still be hopelessly attracted.

[Jin Xiulin is not guilty, it's because those men have weak willpower. 】

[Fairy looks, fairy looks!Qianqian is a peerless beauty, I am tired of talking, who is beautiful if this is not beautiful? 】

[The acting skills are amazing, if it weren't for the lights on the stage reminding me all the time, I would never have remembered that I was acting. 】

[I really want to chop off the hands of those men! 】

But Chen Wei is one of the few determined people. In order to complete the mission, he often goes in and out of Paramount with the officers.Among the group of people, Chen Wei's eyes were clean and clear, and he never offended Jin Xiulin.

Jin Xiulin is very interested in him, such a prey has never been conquered.She made chances to talk to Chen Wei on various occasions and invited Chen Wei to go out together, but Chen Wei always kept her at a respectful distance.

Until she discovered Chen Wei's secret, Jin Xiulin used Chen Wei's identity as a spy to threaten him, and Chen Wei was forced to get along with Jin Xiulin.

This old-fashioned and polite man will not dislike her status as her manager, and treats her no differently from others.Moreover, Chen Wei often talked about his ideal world, that peaceful and beautiful world, even a person like her who fell into the mud would yearn for it.

Huadie originally wanted to steal the scholar's heart, but threw her own heart on the scholar.

[The new type Ah Qing is unlocked. I can't bear this kind of rigid and abstinent man. 】

[Qianqian played really well, a bad woman with all kinds of charms, she was at a loss when she was really tempted for the first time, just a few changes in her eyes showed it perfectly. 】

Some fans who haven’t seen the movie of Kim Soo Rim and don’t know the real Kim Soo Rim thought it was a simple love story of redemption.

[My Qingqian CP has a blue sky above my head!There's new sugar! ! ! 】

[Hey hey hey, hold up the Qingqian banner, I can fight for another 100 years~ la la la]

[Old-fashioned and upright military officer x infatuated black lotus singer, seems to be pretty good too, I'll get off and write a fanfic in a while, ahhhh, I'm here for the participation award. 】

[What award? 】

[Guide to Ren Qianqian's fan station "Qingqian" cp, Shenhao is organizing a fan competition with rich prizes, and investing in "Qingqian" is definitely not a loss, handsome guys and beautiful women have a lot of food and delicious food! 】

[I still can't drink real people, I only drink Chen Wei x Jin Xiulin. 】

After these bullet screens passed, the popularity of "Qingqian" on Qianqian's fan site rose again, and it directly dropped half of "Qianlan".

The head of the water army sent a message to Wu Chen, asking him if he would like to add money to continue to top the light blue.

Wu Chen is speechless. In this situation, others are stupid and have more money to push Qianqian and Yu Lan's cp. In fact, he is more addicted to Shengqing and Qianqian. "'s team members,

"Don't push, don't push." ​​Directly rejecting the leader of the navy, Wu Chen turned his attention to the scene again.

Jin Xiulin knew that Chen Wei had a mission and was willing to help collect intelligence.Chen Wei didn't like Jin Xiulin, but in order to complete the task and pretend to cater to him, Jin Xiulin began to walk around other men like before.

Even if the target is someone she looked down upon in the past and never wanted to have a relationship with him, Jin Xiulin will take the initiative to contact him. Her reputation is getting worse and worse, and she has been scolded face-to-face more than once as a shameless biao.

The authorities were thwarted in several operations and began to suspect information leaks. In order not to be exposed, Jin Xiulin killed someone again.Not only did he kill the dignitaries, but he also killed the other party's innocent wife and children.

From then on, time and time again, Jin Xiulin got deeper and deeper, and finally had no way out.

She wants to escape with Chen Wei, but Chen Wei has his own ideals to realize, and he will never leave until the land under his feet is changed.

[Even if it's the face of Emperor Sheng, I still want to scold the scumbag! 】

[Why do I smell the smell of a knife. 】

A dignitary who likes Jin Xiulin told her that the authorities have found out that she stole secrets and murdered the dignitary, and they will soon arrest her and tell him to run away.

But at this moment, where can she escape? She also couldn't let go of Chen Wei.

She put on exquisite makeup for herself, performed on stage as usual, and sang the most famous work in her life, and it was also the song that made her truly famous in the music world.

[It's here, I'm finally going to sing, this song is hell difficult. 】

[Ren Qianqian's lines were so powerful before, do you still have the strength to sing successfully now? 】

[I didn't have the strength to sing it out, so I worked so hard to say the lines before, it was all just making excuses for failure. 】

[Actually, this is already difficult, three voices!It’s not normal that you can’t do dubbing on the spot. Qianqian’s performance was so good earlier. This is just a small flaw. I don’t think everyone should be so strict! 】

No one thinks that Ren Qianqian will succeed, this song is too difficult, with three voices, there are not many singers who can do it now.

With everyone's attention, Qianqian sang the first line of the lyrics, and the ethereal and clear female voice echoed on the scene.

When the audience was a little intoxicated, Qianqian clenched the microphone and changed into a male voice, and then into a child's voice shortly afterwards.

Can't hear any deliberate change of voice, and so-called false voice skills!
Naturally!The sound skills are all at an excellent level!

[Rely on!I was so drunk after listening to it, what kind of god is this! 】

[Our teacher is watching the live broadcast, and has just arranged for us to analyze what skills Ren Qianqian used to sing it.Originally, I came to see a joke, but I finally found out that I was a joke when I learned Bel Canto! 】

【Not only is her voice a gift from God, but Qianqian's vocal range is also extremely wide. This is a blessing from God. 】

[Ren Qianqian is really lucky, did you pretend that you couldn't do it before?Are you cheating fans? 】

[Even if the natural conditions are good, this song is also very difficult. Ren Qianqian must have made unremitting efforts to achieve this. The program team only recorded the first day, and it is normal that they did not practice well at that time.As a half-professional, I can tell that Ren Qianqian's singing skills are extremely perfect, and it is impossible to rely on talent alone without years of practice. 】

This barrage convinced most people, and the audience gradually stopped discussing Ren Qianqian's singing, and instead focused on the plot, paying attention to the direction of Jin Xiulin's fate.

The tones were constantly switching, and the pitch was getting higher and higher. Jin Xiulin and Chen Wei's eyes met in the air. This time, it was the first time since they met each other. Jin Xiulin turned his head away first.

She stopped looking at the auditorium, closed her eyes and concentrated on singing.With a melodious and melodious voice, Jin Xiulin is like a dying bird, who will sing all his life at the end of his life.

The audience present didn't understand where Jin Xiulin's despair came from, but they were infected by the music and started to cry unconsciously.

As soon as the song ended, the person who arrested Jin Xiulin also came.Jin Xiulin did not resist, and Chen Wei watched Jin Xiulin being tortured away indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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