Chapter 43

Qianqian only heard about Shen Anran being sued by "The Emperor of Feathers" after the opening ceremony of the new movie.

The show claimed [-] million from her, but she couldn't get it out and asked for help from the new boyfriend who was announced during the scandal, but he ended up with a young model.Shen Anran also went to make a big fuss.

Shen Anran borrowed all her friends, but in the end she still couldn't make up enough, and was sued by the show crew.

No one dared to use her to act, and she owed a lot of debts, so the previous suitors also avoided it.

Although she had a good reputation on the surface before, she actually offended many people in private, and some of the people she bullied are now popular.

When Shen Anran was surrounded by negative news, most of these people stood up.

About Shen Anran's bad deeds in those years, true and false news swept the screens of all major platforms.

All her fans have already turned off rationally, and there are only a few fans left who are resisting in the corner, wishing Shen Anran to make a comeback.

But Shen Anran has no backing, and has no power to turn the tables.There is only time left before quitting the entertainment industry, and when it is really impossible to turn over, Shen Anran can only quit.

Leshi was implicated by Shen Anran, the stock price plummeted again, and many artists also left. If there were no accidents, it would probably only last half a year to a year.

Now there is only one last task left, which is relatively far away, and that is to become an international actress.

It will take a few more films to make it happen.

Without "The Emperor of Feathers", "The Murderer" completely lost its opponent, and it firmly occupied the number one spot until the end.

Because of this drama, the popularity of all the actors has soared, and they seized the opportunity to participate in other TV dramas. This drama will at least allow them to be active in the TV drama circle for several years.

As the heroine, Qianqian is even more popular, with constant film appointments.

But when other TV dramas sent invitations to Qianqian, Qianqian did not agree, because Director Han fulfilled his promise and sent the script of the new movie.And it was not a small supporting role as mentioned before, but the second female.

This is an award-winning screenplay, showing the life of oppressed women in the feudal era, and also showing the thoughts of resistance.

The heroine is a 43-year-old international actress who first made her debut in a movie directed by Han and went international all the way.She has been out of acting since she was in her thirties, and has not come back for many years to avoid the media and live abroad, and only director Han can let her come back to filming.

The male lead is Sheng Qing, and Director Han is also influential in the international film industry.

Famous directors add actors and actresses and then add a good script, which is an excellent stepping stone to enter the film industry.


Because there are several famous directors who have plans to start filming at the same time, Director Han has done a good job of keeping secrets since the project was established.

Even in order not to be exposed because of the filming in the film and television city, I searched for a long time and found an old house in the mountains. Only the actors and staff who wanted to film this part of the scene moved in.

Managers and assistants were not allowed to go together. Before leaving, Wu Chen quietly pulled Qianqian to whisper.

"Help me observe Sheng Qing in the next few days. If there is anything strange about him, please tell me as soon as possible!"

Sheng Qing glanced in their direction, and Qianqian responded softly with her usual expression, "Okay, what's the matter?"

"The number of times he looks at his mobile phone has increased significantly recently. He laughed suddenly a few times, and suddenly became angry a few times. He was not like this before. And he used to not shy away from seeing his mobile phone. Recently, I approached him. When it was time, he immediately took a breath."

Qianqian pondered for a moment, chasing stars with a cute girl account, chasing another artist of his, it is indeed impossible for Wu Chen to see.

Wu Chen didn't care that Qianqian didn't answer, and continued: "I'm not saying that he can't fall in love. He's old enough to start a family and start a business. It's okay for his fan group to fall in love and get married, but it can't be revealed suddenly. "

"Actually, you can ask him directly."

Wu Chen shook his head and smiled: "He won't tell me. If you date someone, once your relationship is exposed, it will cause an uproar and even get the other party into serious trouble. If you really love her, Will you be willing to take this risk and tell your friends? Just help me pay attention, if he is really in a relationship, I can make a public relations plan first."

Qianqian nodded silently, but this public relations draft should not be used.


The quaint former dynasty house stands in the mountains and is covered by dense trees. After four o'clock in the afternoon, there is no sunlight, and the first time you step in, you can feel a chill.

Cuiwen, the second daughter played by Qianqian, was sold into this old house because her family couldn't pay the rent.

On the first day of entering the compound, the servant raised the threshold higher than her calves at the hostess's behest.

When she stepped in, she tripped unexpectedly and fell to her knees on the ground.No one helped her, everyone was snickering, she raised her head in confusion, and saw that the head wife was looking at her contemptuously with a fan.

At that moment, she knew that the eldest wife did not welcome her.

The eldest wife managed to survive until she was over 40, she took away several concubines, and the children went out to study, but she never thought that her husband would take in such a young concubine.

She wanted to get up in embarrassment, but a pair of warm hands helped her up.

"Uncle, this girl is from the country. She is dirty. Don't get your hands dirty."

Li Hongsi, played by Sheng Qing, didn't respond, but said lightly, "Sister-in-law, it's time to repair the threshold."

It's just such a light sentence, it's going to take away Cuiwen's heart.

As soon as the director shouted click, everyone immediately prepared for the next scene.

Qianqian slowed down, and went to the side to fix her makeup.It's just that the real fall just now, even with the knee pads on, there is still a slight pain, but the feeling is not obvious.

The place where I live is a few hundred meters away from the filming place. After a busy day, everyone is very hungry.As soon as the shooting ended, everyone left quickly.

When Qianqian was about to leave, she realized that her knees were already hurting a bit, which affected her walking.

But there was no one in sight, so she could only walk slowly.

She almost tripped over an object on the ground, but a pair of hands supported her.

Sheng Qing looked at her legs and touched her knees with his hands. Seeing Qianqian's reflexive movements because of the pain, he squatted down in front of Qianqian without saying a word.

The meaning was already very obvious, Qianqian hesitated for a while, but was finally persuaded by the pain in her leg.

Leaning on Sheng Qing's back, with a light sniff, you can smell his scent, it's a relaxing and pleasant scent.It seems to be a men's fragrance endorsed by him, but it is a bit different from other actors.

The road was a little bumpy, bumped a bit, Qian Qian leaned closer to Sheng Qing, and heard his heartbeat.

Strong, powerful, and a little fast.

 Entering the final stage, it feels extremely difficult to write. Starting tomorrow, there will be two updates

  It should be over in a week, the next world, tentatively set in the 90s
(End of this chapter)

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