Chapter 45

Less than 10 minutes after the game started, the economic gap between the two sides was already two thousand.

The opponent had the upper hand and even changed lanes. The well-developed shooter overwhelmed Lin Yao so much that he didn't even dare to get out of the tower.

Looking at his poor economy and Sheng Qing's 0-6-0 record in the team interface, he wanted to say something in the voice but dared not say it.

Ren Qianqian agreed to take him to fly, and agreed to let him pentakill for Yu Lan to see.Don't talk about five kills now, can you last until the surrender time?

He really wanted to ask how the great actor came to the game when he was free, but of course he couldn't ask in the team voice.

Lin Yao quietly turned off the voice, and sent a voice call to Qianqian through WeChat.

Qianqian looked at Sheng Qing who was still wrestling with her fingers, and ruthlessly refused the call.

Taking a look, Lin Yao has already been sent home by the other party, the other party is walking towards the middle, and Sheng Qing has been revived.

"You go on the road and eat the little soldiers to make some money." Qianqian chose a brainless hero for Sheng Qing. He just needs to equip it and don't need much manipulation. one person.

Sheng Qing's face was heavy, he never thought that this game would be so difficult to play, he obediently went on the road and finished the few waves of soldiers he had hoarded.

When Lin Yao went back, there was only a dilapidated outer tower and an empty road.

Wanting to curse, but not daring to speak, Lin Yao could only suffer from being dumb.

In the end, because the economic gap was too large, and the opponent was a late-stage lineup, they barely survived the surrender time.

In the voice of the team, Yu Lan taught Lin Yao a lesson as usual.

Unexpectedly, Yu Lan, who usually looks soft and weak, would be so harsh when scolding others.

Although Yu Lan didn't scold him at all, Sheng Qing felt a little embarrassed and said to Qianqian, "Why don't I stop playing."

"It's okay, it's normal for a novice, well, why don't you buy this character. This character is simple, you just follow me, and you can hang on to me under special circumstances."

Qianqian browsed through the mall, and gave Sheng Qing a skin instead, "This skin is cute and feels good in the hand, and it feels fast to press the skills."

The pink rabbit ears shook, and the girl in lazy pajamas stood there dozing and shaking.

It can be said that this skin has as many hearts as there are hearts, but he still put it on silently.

After choosing the right character, Sheng Qing's record has improved by leaps and bounds, hanging on Qianqian's body to kill all directions, running to the wild area to harass for a while, and sending the opposite duo home online for a while.

The number of deaths dropped sharply, and finally they didn't send the opponent to develop. Qianqian led them three consecutive victories one after another.

Sheng Qing didn't play games before, but many of his WeChat friends played this game, and he found out not long after he entered the game.

Sheng Qing didn't know that the record could be blocked, and there was no setting at all. Those who followed him could easily read the record.

I found that he has been using the favorite character of female players in the game, and his record is also very mixed. Most of them have 0 kills and many assists.

In the eyes of everyone, he has never been seen to be in trouble for anything, and he seems to be able to learn everything at once.

Seeing this kind of record, the first thing that comes to mind is that this must not be played by Sheng Qing, he may have given the account to his girlfriend, otherwise why would he still buy the cutest skin.

The troublemakers directly sold a series of evidence such as screenshots of the game to the paparazzi, and gossip about the actor taking his girlfriend to play games late at night spread on the Internet.

It's just that fans don't really believe that Sheng Qing is a workaholic and doesn't take long breaks like other artists.Moreover, he has never had any romantic scandals spread. Many co-stars have hinted at him many times in public and private before, but no one can really have any relationship with him.

This kind of screenshot of the game is not evidence at all, it is not known whether he played it or not.

[Just playing a game!Who doesn't have a friend of the opposite sex yet!Besides, can't boys be cute? 】

[As we all know, Emperor Sheng cut off love!Before the big beauty was tripped, he didn't even help her, causing her to fall and squat. 】

[The marketing account is always on the way to spread rumors! 】

However, the turning point always comes so fast.

Not long after Sheng Qing returned to the urban area, he was invited by a friend to participate in a talk show.His friend is a game fanatic, and everyone in the audience circle knows it.

The host also asked him about the recent game. When it came to the professional player's mistake, Sheng Qing came back before his friend said anything.

The regulations are clear, and it is the thinking of a master. It can be seen that there is really a game being played.

[So you really played the game? 】

[The rumors in the circle should not be false. 】

[So is he really out of the order? It's so sad! 】


After the movie promotion ended, the reporter stopped Sheng Qing who was about to leave.

"Can you answer the rumors about your relationship?"

This question was extremely abrupt, and had nothing to do with the movie. No one dared to speak anymore, and all looked at Sheng Qing.

Any change in Sheng Qing's expression could be evidence.

Qianqian's eyes stopped on Sheng Qing's face, and she was also observing his expression.

Sheng Qing's expression didn't change, this question seemed unimportant and didn't cause him any mood swings.

Wu Chen was already a little dissatisfied, and told his assistant to contact the organizer to clear the venue.

Logically speaking, at this point, Sheng Qing could leave the scene directly. The question he asked had nothing to do with the movie, so he didn't have to answer it at all.

But he didn't.

He calmly glanced at the reporters in front of him, his eyes fell on the wedding ring on the hand of a reporter in the front row, and he said slowly: "I want to clarify, this is a rumor, I am not in a relationship."

Some of the fans who stayed in the gossip media live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief, and some mother fans lamented that Sheng Qing was so old that he still didn't fall in love.

[I knew it wasn't! 】

[Cub, how old are you? A male star who is as old as you is already having a second child!You will not still be single! 】

The barrage was divided into two factions, one was beaming and the other was crying.

But then, Sheng Qing looked at the camera with his eyes lightly, with a little smile in his eyes, and said in a very clear voice:
"Although I haven't fallen in love, I have someone I like, but I don't know if I can catch up."

The barrage stopped abruptly.

This time even the surrounding reporters were stunned.

Haven't they interviewed the artist whose relationship was revealed?
Most artists will panic or pretend to deny it calmly, and it seems to be the first thing to say directly, but it seems that it is really not a relationship if they just like it but haven't caught up.

Today can shake out such a big material!The editor-in-chief will definitely give them a raise when they go back.

The barrage seemed to be stuck, stopped for a few seconds, and then doubled in number.

【What are you talking about? ! ! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!I think what he said is true. 】

[The cub is struggling? 】

[Too fierce!Explode directly! 】

[Representative of class application, does this passage mean not to deny that that person is one of the game team, but he just didn't catch up. 】

After this video appeared, the blog was full of discussions about who Sheng Qing liked.

(End of this chapter)

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