Chapter 58 90s Get Rich (9)

When the market opened the next day, he went to the exchange with other people who had dreams of making a fortune, but what they waited for was a miserable green.

The Shenzhen stock market, which was clearly in a good trend, suddenly fell, and the stock that fell the most was the stock that Zhang Dali followed Feng Qianqian to buy.

It directly fell by 20.00%!His 5 yuan directly lost [-] yuan!
This knowledge made it almost impossible for Zhang Dali to keep calm. For the 1 yuan, he had to take at least two clients.The surrounding crowd is divided into two types, one is scared by the decline and sells directly, and the other is convinced that it will rise later and buy some.

Zhang Dali hesitated and was afraid. He suffered heavy losses the first time he tried the water. After hesitating for a long time, he finally got through the phone number left by Qianqian.

Qianqian was a little surprised when she answered the phone, because Zhang Dali looked very cautious. She didn't expect that Zhang Dali couldn't resist buying in the end, and it happened to be on the last day of the stock's rise.

This is too miserable.

Zhang Dali was sincere on the phone and asked Qianqian for his opinion.

"I suggest you throw it away now. It has been rising for so long, and it will keep falling until it reaches equilibrium."

"However, if I throw it now, I will lose [-] yuan." Zhang Dali was a little reluctant, reluctant to part with the [-] yuan.

"If you want to lose more, you can continue to wait."

In the end, Zhang Dali still chose to obey Qianqian, sold the rest, and returned nearly 4.

Many unwilling people bought in after he sold.

The next day, although it was already sold, Zhang Dali came to the exchange early in the morning.

He sat until he finished drinking a cup of tea, but he didn't dare to look at today's market trend.

I didn't follow the prestige until I heard someone yelling "someone fainted".

Someone fell in front of the TV playing the data, which made Zhang Dali look at the TV involuntarily.

As the most popular stock recently, the one that Qianqian and he both bought was at the top, and it fell by 15.00% compared to yesterday.

Zhang Dali was sweating profusely, patting his chest for a while before recovering, but luckily he sold it.

Li Qianqian is really amazing, she was right.

I don't know if she still plays or not, and if she is willing to take her with her.

While Zhang Dali was thinking hard, Qianqian also reached the final round of the individual competition.

The fifteen contestants who can come here are the best in the field of high school mathematics in the country, and none of them are weak.

The difficulty of the test papers of the competition has also doubled, not only the content of high school and university, but also many questions for graduate students.

There is even a mathematical conjecture that has not yet been solved in this world, but this problem has long been solved in the world where Qianqian was born.

The proud children couldn't help frowning when they saw the test papers. Everyone was under a lot of pressure, except Qianqian.

She looks relaxed and writes briskly, as if she is doing the most ordinary paper.

Four or 10 minutes after the exam started, all Qianqian did was to make that mathematical conjecture.

It would be too surprising to do it directly, and the organizing committee did not expect these high school students to answer it at all.This question is designed just to see how people think about the problem and their ability, so as long as there are a few initial steps to solve the problem, it is enough to get a high score.

After Qianqian thought about it, she wrote quickly and wrote some calculation steps, which can directly simplify a lot of calculation processes.

The invigilator Geng Weilai will be the team leader of the international competition in the future. He specially applied for the invigilator this time in order to observe the emotions of the contestants when they were doing the questions.There are many spectators in the international competition, and the players will be easily influenced by the outside world.

If you panic when faced with a difficult problem, and your poor emotional control will affect your performance, it is obviously not suitable for international competitions.No matter how good the grades are, they cannot be selected.

Geng Weilai paid special attention to Qianqian's indifference, which was different from other people. He walked to Qianqian's side and found that other people did half of it, but Qianqian went straight to the last question.

This mathematical conjecture has troubled the world for nearly a century. When he was young, he also studied it with his tutor, but after finally finding that it was impossible to overcome, he devoted himself to the field of mathematics education.

It was also his intention to choose this mathematical conjecture this time. He wanted to see the thinking ability of the players.

Qianqian has already written a lot of steps. The first step and the second step are consistent with his previous research ideas, using the knowledge learned in the research institute.

Genius and hardworking, Geng Weilai silently nodded in satisfaction.

When he saw the third step, Qianqian's steps were different from his previous research.

How did you think of using this formula? This formula is obviously not suitable?but. . .Wait, it seems that it can also be established.

There is no draft paper, all relying on mental calculations, he is not completely sure of his judgment, his eyes move down, and then look at Qianqian's other steps.

I thought that this kind of problem-solving method would encounter problems soon, but I didn't expect Qianqian to be able to follow every step perfectly, and it was all a problem-solving process that no one had thought of.

Geng Weilai, who was skeptical at first, followed Qianqian's steps and calculated step by step in his heart. Every step was correct, and the whole mathematical conjecture was greatly simplified.

Could it be possible to witness the conjecture being solved today?Geng Weilai became excited, waiting for Qianqian to continue writing and calculating.

But Qianqian stopped writing, finished writing, then turned to the front page and wrote her exam admission number and name.

As an invigilator, you should not have any communication with candidates, but Geng Weilai said: "Why don't you write it down?"

Qianqian was about to hand in the paper and said lightly: "Enough."

What is enough?Enough points?Unraveling the conjecture feels right in front of you, why don't you write it because you have enough points?
Geng Weilai's gaze was too hot, but Qianqian didn't want to figure it out right now. To know the complete formula, it would take a long time to write.

"I can't think of it for now."

Inspiration disappeared quickly, and there was nothing wrong with it. Geng Weilai took away Qianqian's test paper with a blank expression.

But he couldn't calm down in his heart. If he could have met a student like Li Qianqian earlier, maybe decades, no, ten years earlier, maybe this mathematical conjecture could have been solved long ago.

But now, he is getting older, and he is really not as good as before. It seems that he has no way to untie it himself.

But the person who solves this mathematical conjecture is destined to be a Chinese.


Although Qianqian's paper was obviously better than the others, due to the process, it still took more than a week to confirm.

During this week, Haishi was the No.3 in the team competition, the No.3 in the first competition, and the teacher who led the team was also very happy.

Counting the days, Qianqian once again stepped into the gate of the exchange.

Because of the stock market crash some time ago, even if there were occasional rises recently, the traffic on the exchange was much less.

Qianqian observed the data for a while, and was about to buy the target baijiu stock when she found a follower following her from afar.

It was a little boy who looked familiar. He had been hiding behind the flower pot and looked at him countless times.

The boy Liang Shaojie was mischievous and mischievous since he was a child. As long as he could remember, he had no mother. When he was very young, his father fell in love with a beautiful aunt.But they broke up soon, and since then his father took him from China to the United States alone.

His father is hard-working and willing to work hard. Within a few years, he started from scratch in the United States and established a small business.

He received foreign education since he was a child, and he didn't have much affection for the motherland that he didn't remember deeply. Because of this reason and his poor grades, his father never praised him since he was a child, and he just talked about it.

However, his father's attitude towards other people is also very flat, so he doesn't feel sad.

But he didn't expect that when he returned to China this time, his father would be full of praise for a little girl whom he hadn't seen many times, saying that he had good grades at a young age and had a poisonous vision, and he also said that Jinling is not a treasure.

Hmph, she's just a normal little girl.He insisted on following to see what skills this little girl has?
Liang Shaojie was secretly annoyed, and when he looked up again, the person in front had disappeared.

He was a little anxious, and he didn't care to hide himself, so he looked up from behind the flower pot and looked around.

Someone patted his shoulder lightly, and when he turned his head, the disappearing target appeared in front of his eyes, and he took a step back in fright.

Liang Shaojie blushed, and he was actually taken a step back by a little girl, pretending to be fierce: "What are you doing?"

Although the expression is very fierce, but the tone is obviously soft, Qianqian naturally will not be frightened.

Seeing the other party's spotlessly polished leather shoes, fancy but neat clothes, and the handkerchief he carried with him, Qianqian analyzed that he might be a little afraid of getting dirty.

Turning his eyes, he pretended to be worried: "The soil in this flowerpot is the soil outside, there should be a lot of insects, the perfume you use is quite attractive to insects, I just remind you to stay away, otherwise you will be caught It hurts to bite."

Liang Shaojie was really startled, he jumped three meters away from the flowerpot, and slapped his clothes hard.

Then, Liang Shaojie took a look at the flowerpot, it was obviously treated nutrient soil, so why would there be bugs.

Glancing at Qianqian viciously, Qianqian smiled and stretched out his right hand: "I am Li Qianqian, the ever-changing Qian, and there is also Qianqian with the initials of cursive."

Liang Shaojie was dazzled by Qianqian's smiling eyes, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold it. When he withdrew his hand, he realized that he shouldn't have responded so kindly, but there was nothing wrong with him. After holding his hand, the atmosphere softened.

He had no choice but to say: "My name is Liang Shaojie, I'm sorry to bump into you in front of the hotel."

It turned out that they met at that time, and Qianqian finally met their faces.

After the introduction, the two fell silent, and it was Qianqian who broke the silence first: "Mr. Liang, are you also here to buy stocks? Which one do you like?"

Liang Shaojie is best at eating, drinking and having fun. He knows almost nothing about finance and economics, but thinking of his father's comments on Li Qianqian, he is a little unconvinced.

I quickly glanced at the TV, and said something casually: "Made by Fortune."

Existing in the memory of the original owner, it is a stock whose trend has been mediocre and plummeted one day. After the last stock market crash, it taught investors a lesson.

In the next few months, the society did not have any confidence in securities trading, and magazines and newspapers were pessimistic.

Although many people will lose money, the group of people who can really make money have learned a lesson in the last stock market crash and successfully avoided this stock.

Qianqian quickly came to a conclusion. Liang Shaojie is a rich man who doesn't know much about business, but he doesn't know why the other party followed her, maybe he noticed her operation last time.

"I'm not too optimistic about this one, I prefer the one from Taijun Liquor."

Taijun Liquor Industry was also one of the stocks that fell sharply during the last stock market crash. Since then, it has been up and down without breaking through much. It is a stock that has no sense of existence.

But it will rise slowly for the next two months, and then start to fall.

Liang Shaojie refused to accept his father's praise of Qianqian, and was determined to buy Hongyun's manufacturing.

Qianqian didn't persuade much, but spent 80 yuan to buy Taijun Liquor, and then bought a few small stocks sporadically.This is done to make her look like a loser and less special.

Liang Shaojie watched Qianqian go out with a big wave of his hand, and his envy and jealousy almost melted away.

The voice of speaking was a little weak: "One hundred thousand, made by fortune."

When Liang Shaojie returned to the hotel, the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. His father had always been strict with him, and he had saved the [-] pocket money for a long time, and spent it out just to put on a show.The key point is that compared to Qianqian's one million yuan, he really didn't pretend to be.

When Liang Guohua came back from the party outside, he saw his son's expression was abnormal, and after hitting him a few times, Liang Shaojie obediently said everything.

To Liang Shaojie's surprise, Liang Guohua did not get angry: "Tomorrow, go and replace your Fortune Manufacturing with Taijun Liquor, and I will buy some too."


The results of the national competition came out, and Qianqian won the first place without any suspense, and won a bonus of [-] yuan, which is definitely a huge sum of money in this era.

At the same time, she was qualified to participate in the international competition. She didn't want to participate, but Geng Weilai held her hand and told her about the efforts and expectations of generations of mathematicians from his youth to the present.

If he refused, he couldn't say it in the end.

The international competition is held every three years, and the next time it starts is the first month of the third year of high school, and there are still two or three months to come.

The training camp started only one month before the competition. Before that, it was natural to return home with honor.

From the poorest student to the first in the grade in the city's math competition, it is already legendary, but the last time Qianqian went to the training camp and soon went to Shenzhen City, the media were holding back their energy but couldn't interview.

This time, Qianqian took the first place in the national competition, and helped Haishi take the third place in the team. This is big news, how can I miss it.

As soon as Qianqian landed in Haishi, she was surrounded by a bunch of people.

The camera microphone poked at Qianqian with long guns and short cannons, and almost stabbed it into Qianqian's mouth.

This battle, where other teachers and students had seen before, they all panicked, and no one could control the scene for a while.

Qianqian politely pushed away the microphones that were too close, "My friends from the press, don't worry, come one by one, you can interview everyone, if it's too crowded, it won't be good for everyone to get hurt."

The voice was soft, but with an irresistible magic power. The reporters suddenly became more rational and asked questions one by one in order.

The members of the other participating teams around the side all admired Qianqian. They didn't panic in this battle. They deserved to be the one who didn't panic in the face of mathematical conjectures and could win the championship.

Qianqian's cooperation put the media friends in a good mood, and the photos they took were much better-looking than her own.

The next morning, newspapers full of Qianqian's photos appeared in the streets and alleys, and the [-] prize money in the national competition was also reported.

It also appeared in the hands of Li Qianqian's father and uncle who returned home after "business failure".

(End of this chapter)

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