Chapter 60 90s Get Rich (11)

After counting several times, she was able to determine exactly how many zeros there were. Shen Lanchun had completely forgotten the difficulty brought about by her husband asking for money, and her mind was full of this huge sum of money: "Where did you come from?"

Qianqian briefly explained how she got money by registering a leather bag company, how she doubled in the stock market, and saved up to the current figure.

Shen Lanchun only understood half of it, but it didn't affect her confirmation of a fact.That is, her daughter is now reborn, not only does she not need to worry about her studies, she can even save money at such a young age that others may not be able to earn in her entire life.

Having money gives confidence, and Shen Lanchun also spoke a little more, she nodded firmly: "I'm divorcing your father."

Li Chengwen didn't expect that he didn't get the money, and after fighting with his younger siblings, Shen Lanchun actually told her to divorce on the phone.

It's the opposite of the sky, he has never seen a woman ask for a divorce in his old home.

"It's absolutely impossible to get a divorce! Get the hell out of here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Qianqian has something to tell you."

Li Chengwen's fierce tone reminded Shen Lanchun of the unhappy things in the past, and his eyes immediately turned red.But remembering what Qianqian said to her, he quickly replied and gave Qianqian the microphone.

Li Chengwen's voice stopped immediately, and his speech speed became faster: "What does she know as a child, don't you run away for me?!"

Qianqian's tone was cold, and she stopped pretending to call her Dad, and said directly: "Do you want my bonus? Then divorce Mom, and I will give you the money after divorce."

"What do you know, child, how can you put so much money in your place! Don't talk about divorce, just give the money to Dad obediently."

He obviously spends time and wine outside, and has contacts with many women, but Li Chengwen is not at all willing to divorce.If word of the divorce spread, he would have no face.

He didn't believe that Li Qianqian would really refuse to give him this father's money, and he would definitely come back within a few days after running away from home.

But he waited for several days, but he didn't wait for them to come back. Instead, he waited for the people in Shen Lanchun's original factory and told them that Shen Lanchun had been laid off and the house would be taken back.

Both he and Li Chengwu are used to the society, and they don't intend to obey the arrangement and leave at all.It wasn't until five days later that the people in the factory threw out the big bags and small bags that they realized that people in the society would not be used to them.

Li Chengwu's son was crying, and his wife kept complaining about where to live tonight. He listened tirelessly and threw the question to Li Chengwen: "Brother, what should I do? I can't find Shen Lanchun and that little girl. We don't want the 3 yuan? Also, where are we going to stay tonight?"

In the end, the family spent a huge sum of money to stay in a nearby small hotel for one night, and the next day they searched for a house to stay temporarily.

In the past few years, affected by the development of the surrounding cities, the housing prices in Haishi have also quietly increased a little. Several people who have not worried about housing issues for a long time have been scared off by the housing prices several times.

In the end, I picked and picked, and chose the cheapest one.In the narrow alley, dark and damp.The original white paint of the house has been peeled off in large pieces. It has not been lived in for a long time, and the walls are covered with mildew and spider silk.

None of the four people are satisfied, they all think about the clean and bright house before.

The little cousin opened his mouth and was about to howl, but none of them paid attention to him, so he could only curl his mouth and hold back, then pulled the hem of his fucking clothes: "Mom, I don't want to live here."

His mother would like to, but there is really no money.

Before she said anything, Li Chengwu scolded a few words: "What's the use of looking for your mother? If your mother hadn't dragged me into a fight a few days ago, would those two people have escaped? Chen Meilan and I have nothing at all. I just took some money from her. It’s not all for our family when I get it back. "

"Did you use that for your family? I haven't seen a penny. You know exactly where you spend it!"

Li Chengwen couldn't take it anymore, he was very irritable looking at the environment: "Stop arguing! Cheng Wu, you and I will go to Li Qianqian High School tomorrow."


Qianqian was called out when she was in Chinese class. The new head teacher of Class [-] was surnamed Wang. She was a quiet young woman. She looked at her with sympathy. After hesitating for a long time, she said to her, "Your father is here Yes, now in the dean's office."

Li Chengwen came, probably because he couldn't find her, so he came to the school to ask for money.

Seeing that Qianqian just stood there and didn't answer, Teacher Wang felt more sympathetic, and couldn't help admonishing a few more words: "Don't quarrel with your father, just tell me, the school is on your side, what's the problem? Tell the director, we will definitely help you."

Qianqian nodded, "Thank you, Teacher Wang."

Qianqian came to the dean's office several times before, but in the past there were only her and the dean.Now it is crowded with many people, and there are people in every available seat.

Li Chengwen, Li Chengwu, Li Chengwu's wife and son were also there. Compared with when they met before, they looked more sloppy and less energetic.

After Li Chengwu's wife saw Qianqian coming in, she immediately put on a look of grief on her somewhat mean face, and began to hide her face and pretend to cry. Her son also pretended to be about to cry while holding her.

Li Chengwu first acted as a villain, with fierce eyes and a tough attitude: "I heard that our child was recommended by the school? Apart from good academic performance, moral character is also very important. I think the school should consider it carefully."

The teaching director is a private family, and such a big family came to her and talked bad things about Li Qianqian. Thinking of the news I saw, Li Qianqian got a bonus of [-] yuan.

In this day and age, it really makes a lot of people feel excited.

According to feedback from other teachers, Li Qianqian's father never came to the school to attend parent-teacher meetings, and he never got in touch with him for home visits or other matters. The only person he could always get in touch with was Li Qianqian's mother.

The school once thought that Li Qianqian was a single-parent family, but now he brought other people out to trouble Li Qianqian, and the teaching director directly stood on Qianqian's side, and his attitude towards uncle Li Qianqian was not good.

"Mr. Li, Li Qianqian is not recommended by the school, and Li Qianqian is well-known in the school. He is a good boy with good moral character and good learning. Although you are an elder, you can't slander a good boy at will."

Li Chengwu sang red face and Li Chengwen sang bad face, pretending to be a good father who was extremely hurt, and wiped away the tears that did not exist in the corners of his eyes.

"I didn't want to bother the school, but our family is really in trouble. We usually live together, and her mother has also been laid off. I just want Qianqian to use the prize money from this competition as living expenses. The rest can also be used for business. Cheng Wu and I have started business in Shenzhen. But I didn’t expect Qianqian to be unwilling, and she ran away from home with her mother. Qianqian has always respected teachers, and we only I can ask the school to help convince me."

After finishing speaking, Li Chengwen really squeezed out a few crocodile tears.What he said made some teachers who were watching the excitement on the outside nod unconsciously in agreement.In the eyes of many adults, no matter how the children get the money, it should be kept by the parents. Most of the time, this is true.

But Li Chengwen is not a traditional and responsible parent at all. He does not want this money for life, but purely for enjoyment, and there is a high probability that he will spend it soon after getting it.After a while, I ran out of money, so I came back to ask Shen Lanchun for it.

But the other teachers didn't know, and there was already a soft-hearted teacher who persuaded him: "Student Qianqian, the amount of money is too large, so I should keep it with my parents."

The dean glared at the teacher, looked at Qianqian and waited for her to speak.

Everyone was waiting for Qianqian to speak. In their hearts, Qianqian was either ashamed and willing to give the money, or furious and trying to argue, but unexpectedly Qianqian had no expression, but laughed out loud.

"Maybe there is really no living expenses, but why not? It's not because uncles and aunts have hands and feet and don't go to work. The expenses of the family are all on the mother, and the money will be used for life for the mother, but you insist Is it really for living expenses? Or is it for some aunt?"

There was no change in tone or expression, but when Qianqian's familiar eyes looked at him, Li Chengwen felt that she was taunting him.

Li Chengwen spoke quickly, but instead brought out a deep sense of grievance and resentment: "Li Qianqian, I am your father! What do you think of me? You are my own daughter and I can treat you badly? This is Your uncle, aunt and cousin, what happened to your mother?!"

Qianqian looked at Li Chengwen as if she was looking at a clown.

When Li Chengwen was seen, he became aggressive: "Speak up! Will you give it? I am your father! Without me, there is no you. Other families don't provide girls with education. I still let you study. Now that you are an adult, Shouldn't you give me some money for hard work? What's the fuss about giving such a small amount of money!"

"When I was ten years old, you found a new home outside. You often didn't come home. I was very sick several times. My mother asked you to come back, but you were busy with other aunts. After you turned 14, you returned home every year. No more than five times at home, just to ask for money. I also let my uncle live in my house, occupy my room, and let my mother take care of me. Now that you are working hard, I really want to laugh."

The acting skills that have been practiced to the extreme made Qianqian cry in a second, her eyes were red and her whole body trembled unconsciously, she looked as pitiful as she could be.

Facing four people with a thin and small body, even if the people present were the most holy teacher, they couldn't stand on Li Chengwen's side at this moment.

The condemning gazes cast from all directions made Li Chengwu completely furious. He always liked to make a move, and he would go straight to tease Qianqian.His wife also dropped the child and began pulling together.

Several male teachers who watched the scene immediately stepped forward and dragged them away.

The dean shouted from the side: "Call the guards, and please leave these parents."

Li Chengwen and Li Chengwu failed to turn around the male teacher and security guards, and were directly invited out of the school.

The dean stood next to Qianqian, wanting to comfort him but didn't know what to say, and finally saw a brochure of the Women's Federation on the table: "You can ask the relevant department for help in this situation."

Qianqian nodded and went back to class.

But just after a class, she was called out by the head teacher again.This time, the destination was not the dean's office, but the school gate.

Li Chengwen and Li Chengwu did not know where to get the red paint, and found a large piece of long white cloth, and wrote a few large characters on it, "Li Qianqian is not a filial daughter, and will starve her relatives to death!"

Because it was a weekday afternoon, there was no one outside, so it hadn't spread yet.But this kind of blocking of the school gate has a great impact on the school.

Qianqian went straight into the security room. The security room thought she was going out to persuade her family, but unexpectedly, Qianqian picked up the desk phone and called the police directly: "Hello, I want to call the police. Someone is making trouble."

The police dispatched the police very quickly, and they came within a few minutes. The new regulations at the beginning of this year are very serious, and the police directly handcuffed them.

As the caller, Qianqian naturally had to follow her. She asked for leave from the school, and Qianqian left together in the police car.

Today's police station is extremely lively, two batches of gangsters who were fighting were arrested, the hall is overcrowded, and there is not much space in the interrogation room.The police first took Li Chengwu's family to take notes, then put Qianqian and Li Chengwen on the same row of waiting seats, and asked them to take notes in the second batch.

Without the police, Li Chengwen didn't pretend to be, and went straight to beat Qianqian.

Qianqian easily dodged, pretending to be scared: "This is the police station. If you do it, you will 100% go in. If you go in, the money will be cheaper than my uncle."

Li Chengwen calmed down, and looked around vigilantly. The police were very close, so if he tried to make a move, he would definitely be discovered.

The last time Li Chengwen directly asked for a divorce in exchange for money, Li Chengwen refused to agree, so Qianqian could only think of other ways.Don't eat hard ones, maybe soft ones.

"I really don't understand why you asked me for money with my uncle. Isn't it good to get [-] by yourself? You are my father. If you ask me for money alone, I will definitely give it to you, but You actually asked for money with my uncle and me. You are not here, my uncle often beats me, and I really don’t want to give it to him. Also, didn’t you say that your mother gave me less money when you came back several times before? It’s because my uncle used it up , Mom really doesn’t have much money left. My aunt and brother can still eat and drink well, without them, I can have a lot more money.”

Qianqian picked up her sleeves, and the forged large bruises were shocking.

Li Chengwen attaches great importance to face and status, especially with people he knows.He didn't love his daughter much at all, but in his opinion, her daughter was also his property, and his younger brother dared to beat him, which proved that he didn't take his big brother seriously at all.

He hadn't looked into the matter of money in detail before, but at this moment, his dissatisfaction with his brother made Li Chengwen calculate carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he lost money.This brother disrespects him so much, does not give him face, and gives him money, which is of no benefit at all.

"I just want to give this money to you. I really don't want to give it to my uncle, and my father. You should divorce your mother. I have studied a lot in the past few years, and I have learned some laws. You and Aunt Wang are already facts. Married, this is bigamy, it’s against the law. What I asked for before was for your own good. I just want to give you the money. Our blood is the closest, and my mother can only be regarded as an outsider. How can I Can I watch you give the money to uncle and go to jail?"

Hearing of breaking the law, Li Chengwen couldn't help being a little scared.

"I divorced your mother, do you really give me the money?"

(End of this chapter)

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