Chapter 65 90s Get Rich (16)

Liang Yuqing had been studying during this time, and Qianqian didn't ask him to do anything.No need to be busy with making a living, there is enough money to live and see a doctor for grandpa every month. Life is beautiful like in a dream, but Liang Yuqing never dares to relax for a moment.

The more Qianqian didn't ask him to do anything, the more disturbed he was. How could someone help another person for nothing.

Although it is just a simple thing now, it can make people feel a lot more at ease.

On Sunday, Liang Yuqing took good care of her appearance. Although her clothes were still a little white, she was in good spirits, and she carried the youthful atmosphere she had acquired in school.

Coupled with this good face bestowed by God, it is also sparkling and eye-catching.


Since Liang Guohua left Haishi many years ago, he has never set foot in this city again.

His wife died after giving birth to their son, and it was very difficult for him to live alone with the child.The neighbor girl would often come to help him with the children, and as the girl grew up to be a woman, they also changed from the friendship of neighbors to the relationship between men and women.

However, when the spring breeze of changing times blew to Haishi, when he wanted to venture out, the two had a disagreement.

The people who thought they could stay together for a lifetime finally broke up and lived in two countries on the other side of the ocean for more than ten years.

I don't know, how is that person doing now?Have you already married and had children, lived a happy life, and may have left Haishi.

Liang Guohua looked into the distance, a little melancholy, until he saw Qianqian who came to pick him up.

He smiled and stepped forward to shake hands, but unconsciously looked past Qianqian to the boy who was slightly behind her.

The eyebrows and eyes are very similar to that woman, but not so much in other places.

"Who is this?"

Qianqian turned sideways, let Liang Yuqing and Liang Guohua look directly at each other, and then introduced them. "This is my assistant, and your family, also surnamed Liang, Liang Yuqing. This is Mr. Liang Guohua, our partner."

"Hello, I'm Liang Guohua." Liang Guohua stretched out his hand first, but Liang Yuqing didn't shake it back for a long time.

He has seen this face for more than ten years. When his mother was still alive, she would take out a photo of this face almost every day to see things and think about others.Later, when I got sick, I often cried looking at the photos.

Although his mother never said who this person was, he knew it was his father.

He also knew his father's name, because his mother said it countless times in his dreams.

He was ridiculed for not having a father, and when his mother was sick, he had complained countless times about why his father was not by his side even though he was alive.

But now this man was standing in front of him, and all he could do was hold that hand.

He no longer needs his father, and can live well without him.

Liang Yuqing shook hands back and smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Liang Guohua, a human being, immediately felt Liang Yuqing's dissatisfaction with him, and Qianqian could also feel the weird atmosphere between the two of them.

But they are all adults, no matter what, they can do superficial skills well.

When Liang Guohua visited the factory, he kept praising the reasonable and advanced assembly line designed by Qianqian, and was also very satisfied with the quality control of the factory.The two people signed a cooperation agreement on the spot, Qianqian was responsible for providing the goods, and Liang Guohua was responsible for selling the goods overseas to make a name for themselves overseas.

After gaining a foothold overseas, we will jointly expand the domestic market.

Before leaving, Liang Guohua met with Shen Lanchun again and invited him to participate in the Shenzhen Fashion Week at the end of the month. This was the first time in China to report a fashion week.

Although the scale is small, it is a good opportunity to join the fashion circle.

After studying for this period of time, Shen Lanchun is no longer the woman who knew nothing before.She likes making clothes and has realized her talent. During this time, she no longer shrinks back. She is willing to participate even without Qianqian's company.

Qianqian originally planned to ask for leave to go to Shenzhen to accompany Shen Lanchun, but unexpectedly Liang Yuqing fell ill unexpectedly.

Liang Yuqing has been acting alone, and it is obvious that no one in the family can control him.

In the phone call from Shen Lanchun, the tone sounded very happy, and the whole person became generous and confident.She also praised Liang Guohua on the phone as a gentleman, and everything was arranged for her properly.

It sounds like there is no problem at all, Qianqian canceled the ticket to Shenzhen City, and asked for leave to take care of Liang Yuqing instead.


Most of the buildings in Haishi were more than ten or twenty years ago, and they are already very dilapidated. Qianqian has long been used to seeing them every day, but she didn't expect Liang Yuqing's house to be even more dilapidated.

Living at the entrance of a remote narrow alleyway, a small two-story building that was obviously built for more than 30 years stood in the shadows.

Blocked by the surrounding houses, there may not be enough sun for a few days a year.

The outer wall of the small building has been eroded by the wind, and large areas of the skin have fallen off, even revealing the materials inside. The balcony on the second floor has begun to tilt outwards and cracks can be seen.

The whole building looked crumbling, as if it could collapse at any moment.

After carefully checking that Liang Yuqing's address at school was here, Qianqian knocked on the door.

After a long, long time, when Qianqian thought that no one would open the door, the door slowly opened a crack.

A pair of cloudy eyes appeared in the crack of the door, and a hoarse and deep old voice came out: "Little girl, who are you looking for?"

The voice was low and weak, and Qianqian knew that the other party was a patient without listening to a few more words.

Is this Liang Yuqing's grandfather?When I inquired about him before, I didn't hear that there was a grandpa?

"I'm looking for Liang Yuqing."

With Qianqian's obedient answer, coupled with his attire, he looked like a good student, the old man's vigilance gradually subsided, and he opened the door to let Qianqian enter the house.

Under the light in the room, Qianqian finally saw clearly the appearance of the old man.

He sat on a hand-made chair with a few small wheels installed underneath, which was modeled after a wheelchair.The old man was not very thin, but his pair of trouser legs were empty, and his muscles were obviously atrophied.

The old man's eyes are a little cloudy, maybe he has cataracts, his complexion is also abnormal, maybe he also has liver and kidney problems, and the whole person is weak from the vicissitudes of life.

Qianqian immediately understood why Liang Yuqing cared so much about money. There was a disease in the family and she always needed money everywhere.

After briefly explaining the purpose of coming to the old man, Qianqian was qualified to go upstairs.

The room at home is not big, but it is well organized, and the things that Liang Yuqing set up a stall before are also very neatly placed. Bypassing the snow storage area, a straight [-]-degree climbing ladder appeared in front of him.

This is the only access to the second floor of this house, and the original staircase probably collapsed.

Qianqian climbed up to the second floor and gently pushed open the door on the inside.

A person who is usually stubborn and never shows weakness, his face is flushed and he curls up in an extremely insecure sleeping position in a sleepy state.

(End of this chapter)

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