Chapter 69 90s Get Rich (20)

The college entrance examination, no matter what era it is in, is an important opportunity for hundreds of thousands of students to change their destiny.

With the continuous review and remedial lessons during this period, Liang Yuqing's grades were second only to Qianqian in the grade.It was beyond the expectation of all the teachers of No. 22 Middle School that a transfer student who came halfway through the class could achieve such a result.

Because of the similar grades, Liang Yuqing and Qianqian were assigned to the same examination room, the No. [-] Middle School in the north of the city.

This year, the test papers of the college entrance examination began to use the domestic unified test papers, and the difficulty was much higher than in previous years.At the end of the first round, many candidates have shed tears in the exam room.

But Qianqian estimated the score in her heart. Except for the composition and some questions that the examiner supervised and scored a relatively large proportion, she was confident that the other questions were 100% correct, and the score would never be low.

The mathematics in the afternoon that followed caused countless candidates to collapse on the spot. Countless candidates shouted that they had failed the test for the questions that far exceeded the average teaching level of Haishi.

Shen Lanchun stood outside the examination room, listening to the crying of the candidates and parents who came out early, her palms sweated a lot from nervousness.

Although Qianqian's grades are good, but this time the test paper is so difficult, what if she doesn't pass the test.

As soon as Qianqian came out, Shen Lanchun greeted her, took the backpack and wiped the sweat with water, "How is it, how do you feel?"

Liang Yuqing, who came out together, was not picked up. During this time, Shen Lanchun became very familiar with this little assistant who often came, and prepared things for him.

Liang Yuqing was a little at a loss, and took a long time to pick it up.

"The questions are not bad, I have reviewed them before the exam."

Qian Qian's expression was light and calm, as usual, Shen Lanchun felt relieved a lot, and began to pay attention to Liang Yuqing: "How is Xiao Liang's exam?"

"Qianqian has taught me some knowledge points, it's okay."

Liang Guohua originally came to visit the production line, and came to make an appointment with Shen Lanchun. When he arrived in Haishi, his vehicle was checked several times, and he realized that today is the college entrance examination day. He contacted Shen Lanchun and came to pick him up.

"Both children have worked hard. Let's go out and have a good meal tonight."

"Let's eat at home." Shen Lanchun didn't want to bother Liang Guohua.

"Cooking and cleaning waste time, and noise may also affect children's rest. Going out to eat can help you relax and get better test scores." Liang Guohua's words made sense, and he successfully persuaded Shen Lanchun.

Liang Yuqing originally wanted to leave, but was held back by Qianqian, so she went with her.

The restaurant I went to was what Liang Guohua would eat every time he came to Haishi. The taste was good, the environment was clean and hygienic, and the business was always booming.Not long ago, Liang Guohua even bought shares, just to make it easier to eat.

In the past, every time I came here, I had a good experience, but this time, Liang Guohua began to wonder if he was out of tune with his hometown.Otherwise, the last time he was kidnapped, this time he was beaten violently.

When he came out of the toilet and was going back to the box, someone tied his head and beat him up.

He didn't see the other person's appearance clearly at all, so he heard the other person's tone fierce and said very angrily: "I'll kill you, you shameless couple, how long have you been together, Shen Lanchun divorced me because of you Bar?"

divorce?Dog male or female?

He also knew Shen Lanchun was divorced during the last kidnapping, and they chatted about their past in the darkness.It was at that time that his dead wife and the emotional experience of being separated because of going abroad, and Shen Lanchun's marriage got to know each other.

After hearing this, he only felt pity for this woman, and he unconsciously approached her afterward.

So, this man is Shen Lanchun's ex-husband or his ex-husband's younger brother?

After being beaten for a long time, Liang Guohua finally regained consciousness.Lifting his foot suddenly, he kicked the opponent down. Although the sack still couldn't be broken away, with his voice, he directly pressed the opponent firmly to the ground.

Until, some cold metal objects pierced his body, and then quickly pulled out.

The warm liquid instantly spilled over the floor of the toilet, and Liang Guohua fell back on the ground with a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Li Chengwen kicked a few more times, and found that Liang Guohua hadn't moved, so he fled in a hurry.

The screams of the service staff resounded throughout the hotel, and when Qianqian and the others rushed to hear the sound, they only saw a large area of ​​blood.

The ambulance arrived soon, and Liang Guohua was sent to the hospital. The wound was deep and in a bad position, and he lost a lot of blood.

After a while, a medical staff came over and asked, "The blood bank in the hospital is insufficient, and the patient has type AB blood. Who is it?"

Shen Lanchun has a good memory. Some time ago, Qianqian organized a medical examination for people in the company. She just saw Liang Yuqing's medical examination report and memorized his blood type.

Shen Lanchun looked at Liang Guohua's blood on his hand, and grabbed Liang Yuqing's hand suddenly: "Xiao Liang, you have type ab blood, hurry up, auntie, please donate blood to save him."

Although he hated Liang Guohua as his biological father, it was impossible to watch him die. Liang Yuqing rolled up his sleeves and was about to donate blood.

Qianqian grabbed him: "You can't go!"

Shen Lanchun was so anxious that she was about to cry, with so much blood, what if Liang Guohua died. "Qianqian, he has type AB blood, so he is the only one who can save Guohua."

The nurse also persuaded: "Little comrade, donating blood will only cause dizziness at most, and will not affect your health. Please ask your boyfriend to help."

"Close relatives cannot donate blood. There are so many people in the hospital, they must have type AB blood."

Close relative, Liang Yuqing was stunned for a moment when she heard this word, and looked at Qianqian in disbelief.

When on earth did she know?

"It turned out to be the wounded man's son. That really won't work. Let's adjust the blood immediately."

The nearest hospital took half an hour, but fortunately, a family member who accompanied the doctor had blood type AB. Liang Guohua used the blood in a short time, and soon lost his life safety.

Shen Lanchun immediately went to see Liang Guohua in the operating room. Liang Yuqing and Qian Qian were sitting on the chairs outside the operating room, and the atmosphere was strange and peaceful.

In the end, Liang Yuqing spoke first: "When did you know?"

"When I went to your house, you looked alike, and your attitude towards him was also very strange."

Liang Yuqing stared at the neatly laid tiles under her feet, seemed to be able to see every pattern clearly, and said in a low voice: "If possible, I hope I don't have such a father."

"I heard from my mother that Liang Guohua told her that nearly 20 years ago, he met a girl in Haishi. They fell in love very much, but he was going abroad, and the girl didn't want to, so they separated. Liang Shaojie also told me Said that his father misses you from time to time. They never mentioned that Liang Guohua said that he still has a child, maybe he doesn't know you exist. "

Liang Yuqing didn't want to listen anymore, so she stood up and left. "I won't recognize him, and I don't want him to know."

I thought that Liang Yuqing would not be able to see anyone the next day if he was so angry, but at [-]:[-], Qianqian saw him at the police station.

(End of this chapter)

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