The full-level cannon fodder of Kuai Chuan is about to turn over

Chapter 88 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother

Chapter 88 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother (5)

"Mr. Liang, good afternoon." She looked very well-behaved, and it was difficult for men and women to feel disgusted with her.

The sun was very strong, Liang Yuqing pushed her wheelchair to a cool place, leaned down and asked her: "Chen Yin, how are you feeling these days?"

Chen Yin lowered her eyes, looking very disappointed, and forced a smile: "It's still the same, we need everyone's help."

"It's okay, it will get better gradually, let me introduce someone to you," Liang Yuqing turned slightly sideways, letting Qianqian behind him, "This is Xu Qianqian, a returning expert from our research institute, who is very helpful to your illness." Research, she will accept the team in the future to check and formulate a treatment plan for you."

Chen Yin was stunned for a moment when she heard the name, but soon realized that the surnames were different.She pressed her nails against the palm of her hand a little hard, and restrained her emotions very well after suffering the pain.

It's just a person with the same name, that person is already dead.

"Hi Expert Xu, I'm sorry to trouble you, I've always wanted to get better."

"This is what I should do." Qianqian stepped forward and shook hands with Chen Yin.

The palm is very thin, the fingers are so thin that the knuckles protrude, and the whole person is as pale as paper.It didn't take much to see that she was in poor health.

She was sitting in a wheelchair. Although she tried her best to control it, her head would turn to the right from time to time, and her fingers would tremble slightly.Her control over her limbs has been weakened, which is very consistent with the characteristics of a tumor in her brain.

Qianqian immediately understood that Liang Yuqing hoped that she would use the operations on her thesis to help this person recover, so as to prove the authenticity and feasibility of her thesis.

The nurse came out and asked Chen Yin to go in to take medicine. Liang Yuqing looked at her back for a few seconds, then turned around and said to Qianqian: "Chen Yin, the most typical a-13 abnormal tumor in the brain is also the data research of your thesis. The subjects have the same disease. Even the tumors are almost identical, and in three months, there will be a doctor with the most experience in surgery. Before that, prove to me the feasibility of your thesis operation."

"Mr. Liang, I'm taking good medicine. Would you like to come in and sit for a while? The nurse sister and the others have a cute kitten."

The two-to-three-month kitten is only as big as a human hand, with small eyes, and looks extremely cute while sleeping drowsily. Coupled with Chen Yin's appearance, even a hard-hearted person will be somewhat moved.

Chen Yin is almost 20 years old, but her innocence and innocence at the moment can't see any falsehood, even Qianqian feels pity for her.

But Liang Yuqing was a little indifferent: "I have other plans, if you have any questions, you can talk to Xu Qianqian, or you can talk to Huang An."

Huang An was Liang Yuqing's most important assistant. Qianqian also learned during this period that Chen Yin was able to contact Huang An directly, and her status was unusual.

Is it someone he likes now?
"Host, I already feel sour, please restrain yourself."

"Shut up, call me the relevant treatment case information."

After rushing Shi Shi to check the information, Liang Yuqing had already left, and Qian Qiandun got down to get acquainted with the first observation subject he accepted.

"Hello, I will be responsible for checking you every day and formulating and adjusting treatment plans. If you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me."

Chen Yin, who was very gentle and well-behaved just now, seemed to have changed in an instant, with a straight face, and she rolled the wheelchair inside.The kitten in her arms was thrown casually, and Qianqian hurriedly caught it, so as not to let it fall to the ground.

However, he wiped his elbow on the ground a few times, his clothes were thin, and some blood dripped from his elbow.

Qianqian frowned and examined the kitten carefully. The kitten was still sleeping very soundly, completely unaware that she almost died just now.

The nurse at the side looked at Qianqian and hesitated to speak, and finally took out a small cage: "You can put it here first, Miss Chen Yin doesn't like cats very much, and she originally thought about throwing it away in a few days. Take it with you tonight if you like."

"Thank you, can you please leave it with you for a while, and take it with me when I leave."

"Of course, there are disinfection supplies here, let me disinfect them for you first." The nurse herself also likes small animals, but the busy work is not suitable for taking care of them.

With a simple solution, Qianqian knocked on Chen Yin's door.

She was the only patient in the entire second-floor villa, and the largest bedroom was transformed into her ward. She leaned lazily on the hospital bed, and quickly switched channels with the remote control in her hand.

"come in."

Qianqian walked in with Chen Yin's hospitalization record, which showed that Chen Yin hadn't gone for an examination today. For a patient like her, it is very necessary to observe the condition in real time. "Chen Yin, I took a look. You haven't done today's checkup. Daily checkups are very necessary."

Chen Yin's attitude was very impatient. She was tired of other women appearing around Liang Yuqing, which made her feel very threatening, "Didn't you do it yesterday? I don't want to do it. You can get off work directly."

"I was appointed by Mr. Liang, maybe I should report to Mr. Liang about your lack of cooperation?"

Chen Yin glared at Qianqian directly, and twisted the quilt with her fingers: "How dare you?"

"I don't understand why you hate me so much, but I will still do my job well. You are my patient and observation object, and I will do my best to help you."

Chen Yin turned her head away in disdain. She has been diagnosed with this disease for several years. At first, she was also very scared. She heard that the mortality rate is very high.

The treatment fees needed are also very expensive. Her family is just an ordinary family and cannot afford that much money at all, so she is ready to die.As a result, after an inspection, their home was approached by the leading domestic enterprise Wanzhi Group.

Liang Yuqing seemed like a god descending from the heavens to settle her treatment expenses and arrange the best medical team and hospital environment for her. Her health improved day by day.

She couldn't figure out the reason, and after many rounds of insinuation, she finally learned from other doctors that it was only because her CT and various indicators seemed to copy and paste Li Qianqian who died of this disease more than ten years ago.

She had been curious about who Li Qianqian was, but everyone around Liang Yuqing was very strict with her mouth. In the end, she accidentally read an article written by an outstanding student of Beishi University.

Li Qianqian, who was the only one marked with an unfinished study and a death sign, she also found a group photo with Liang Yuqing when she was in college.

In the photo, Liang Yuqing tilted her head slightly, looking at Li Qianqian tenderly.

As a young girl who has also been in love with Youth, she certainly understood the relationship between the two of them in seconds.

Therefore, because she and Liang Yuqing's dead lover had the same disease, and the shape of the tumor was almost the same, Liang Yuqing, who had failed to save Li Qianqian, seemed to have empathized with her.

Make sure to heal her, as if you can save that person.

Chen Yin enjoyed Liang Yuqing's care and special arrangements with peace of mind, but after her health improved, Liang Yuqing seldom came.She knows her family is also being cared for and living a prosperous life.

What if she's completely healed?Then you can no longer enjoy it all.

She didn't want to get well, and she was afraid of death.After several years of treatment, the disease has not been completely cured, and no doctor dared to operate.But Chen Yin has never been too uncomfortable, and she no longer feels that she will die because of this illness.

She just wanted to tie Liang Yuqing and guarantee her high quality of life.

Xu Qianqian's face is not very attractive to the same sex. It is too coquettish and good-looking, full of aggressiveness, and can seduce a man's soul just by looking at it.

"I'll be fine, you can go." Chen Yin still persistently chased Qianqian away.

Qianqian flipped through the documents in her hand, and directly found the inspection reports and CT scans from a month ago and a few days ago.

"Chen Yin, the one on the left is your inspection report from last month, and the one on the right is a few days ago. I wonder if you can see anything?"

The two CT photos are almost identical at first glance, but if you look closely, the area of ​​the tumor has increased a little, and the color seems to be a little darker.

Chen Yin glanced at it disdainfully, but after seeing the difference clearly, she broke into a cold sweat.

It was obviously stable before, so how could there be a sudden change.

"Perhaps you are willing to obey the doctor's orders now?"

Chen Yin was still very unconvinced, but her condition, which hadn't deteriorated for a long time, made her feel scared again. Her face was very dark, and she nodded silently.

Chen Yin's physical condition is much better than Qianqian thought. Although her physical indicators are poor, she can fully withstand some changes in treatment methods and subsequent operations.

The recuperation is very meticulous. After browsing some previous treatment records, some of them have also been used on her.

It was a treatment that had some effects. These experiences helped Chen Yin survive for several more years, but if she didn't have surgery this year, she wouldn't have the chance to do it later.


Jiang Chu originally thought that today he would not have to see his stepmother whose temperament had changed drastically recently, but the person who promised to work overtime came back early and ate his fried rice with eggs for dinner.

His small face was full of anger, he dared not speak out, and his darkening value was about to rise again.

Qianqian took out the takeaway from the high-rated restaurant that she brought him from the box behind her. The sumptuous dinner successfully made Jiang Chu's resentment disappear.

"Meow~" The kitten finally woke up after sleeping for a whole day, making noise in the cage inside the box.

Jiang Chu looked up suspiciously, looked around, but couldn't find the source of the sound.

Qianqian took out the cage from the box, and the white kitten was romping inside, with its paw stretched out to hook Qianqian's finger, not afraid of her at all.

The pink paws opened, unable to catch Qianqian's fingers, she began to pick at the cage, and then licked her own little pink claws, making Jiang Chu cute.

He has always liked small animals, but when his mother was around, he was still young, and his mother told him to grow up and raise them when he had no energy.Later, my mother passed away, and I had a meal with my father, so I couldn't support him at all.

Originally, Xu Qianqian was a person with a very serious cleanliness obsession. She could not touch animals at all. Once he touched a kitten outside and got its hair stained. After returning, he was scolded.Jiang Yuan, who relies on his new wife to support his family, pins Jiang Chu to the ground and beats him in order to coax his wife.

He never dared to express his love for small animals again.

However, this kitten is really cute, it is not an ordinary short-haired cat, it is obviously a long-haired breed.Although it is still very small, the fur is not very long, but it looks very soft, like a little cotton.

It is very easy to touch at first glance.

How could Qianqian fail to see the child's preferences and struggles, so she handed the cage to Jiang Chu.

In the imagination, it was the cute Xiaotuanzi No. [-] holding Little Mianmian, thanking her mother very well.

In reality, it is the re-increase of the blackening value.

The blackening value, which had already dropped to 99, grew to 100 again.

Although Jiang Chu liked it, he didn't dare to touch it at all.

Xu Qianqian had been nice to him on the surface, but when he thought he could get some love and care, he would be beaten severely.

This time, it must be hypocrisy again!Jiang Chu put down the unfinished meal and fled to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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