Chapter 9

It has been a few years since the bosses blocked Ren Qianqian, and Sheng Qing still supported her in the last incident. In addition, Ren Qianqian's popularity has exploded recently, and the program team contacted her to insert an advertisement during the filming.

She was also filming the advertisement with Yu Shan, a third-tier actress appointed by the advertiser.

Although Yu Shan was only a third-tier actress, she had a big scene. Ren Qianqian had already filmed half of the scene, and Yu Shan was late.

Yu Shan lay directly on the sofa beside her, without taking off her sunglasses.An assistant squatted aside to feed her water, and another assistant read the script to her.

"Director, why do I have to soak my head in the water and then lift it up, so that all my makeup will be ruined. Let me change with that one."

The director kept complaining, "Sister Yu, we have a lot of venue fees for a day. Ren Qianqian is only a few scenes away from being in the same frame as you. If we change now, we won't have time to finish filming today."

"I don't care. If you don't agree, I'll let my dear replace you."

Yu Shan raised her voice a little, attracting her benefactor who was nearby.

"Who made my dear angry, I must..." This Chairman Chen was aggressive at first, but as soon as he glanced at Ren Qianqian, he forgot what he was going to say next.

Eleven ran out to watch a good show again, "Oh, acquaintance, the world is so small."

This Mr. Chen can be said to be an old acquaintance of the original owner. He is Shen Anran's ex-husband and the chief culprit who caused the original owner to come to a tragic end.

The extremely obscene gaze made Qianqian very upset, she was afraid that she couldn't help punching him, "Can I take a picture?"

"Honey, change roles for me."

Yu Shan's tone was extremely coquettish, and she leaned on Chen Dong's body weakly and bonelessly.

But at this moment, her Director Chen was all looking at Qianqian, and said impatiently: "Shoot as the director says, don't waste time."

Yu Shan dared to lose her temper with everyone, but she didn't dare to lose her temper with Chen Dong, so she obediently went to shoot.

After taking a few shots with Yu Shan in the same frame, Qianqian was able to leave, but she was blocked by Chen Dong when she went to the bathroom.

"Qianqian, you are really getting more and more beautiful."

Ren Qianqian used to be beautiful, but she was a wooden beauty, with no temper and personality, and she always felt shy.

Unlike now, confident and charming, his body went limp just now when he stared at him a few times.Compared with Ren Qianqian, Yu Shan was nothing at all.

"I used to have no vision, so I will apologize to you. Follow me, I can give you a lot of resources, you will be better than Yu Shan, and you also have the hope of becoming a movie queen." As he spoke, Chen Dong's hands were restless Grabbing Qianqian's arm.

Qianqian looked up and saw that this was a blind spot of monitoring.

Unbearable, he fell over his shoulder and threw Chen Dong to the ground.

"You bitch, little pepper, I have to get you." Chen Dong grinned in pain, and got up to grab Qianqian again.

Qianqian moved nimbly and hit him a few times. Chen Dong sat down against the wall in pain and lost his viciousness.

"You bitch, I want to call the police."

"You can call the police to see if the injury can be detected. Also, Mr. Chen's romantic past may spread to all major media. I wonder what will happen to your company's stock price?"

Qianqian is very confident. This is a few tricks she learned in the world of martial arts. Although it will be very painful at the time, there will be no scars, and nothing can be found in the injury examination.It didn't hurt the other party at all, it was just a lesson.

"You're ruthless, just wait for me, sooner or later I'll have to deal with you."

After making up for the harsh words of Chen Dong, Ren Qianqian left the building to go home, but she didn't expect to be blocked for the second time.

Shen Anran, who packed her bags tightly and didn't let out her eyes, dragged her into the nanny's car.

"There are shameless people like you in this world, who are still pestering Chen Dongshen."

Qianqian's face was full of confusion, couldn't it be that Mr. Chen was pestering her.

"Mr. Shen, you may have misunderstood something. It was Chen Dong who came to harass me, not me pestering him. I don't like looking for a partner in the trash can," Qianqian pulled the handle and was about to go out, her feet were all outside Suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Mr. Shen, have you had a physical examination before? Chairman Chen seems to be in poor health, and there are symptoms on his face. It seems that the incubation period has been several years."

"What do you mean?" Shen Anran panicked, and after a few seconds, she understood what Qianqian meant, and urged the driver to go to the hospital.

Eleven gossips around Qianqian and asks, "Is Shen Anran infected?"

"Of course not. It doesn't have such a long incubation period. But Mr. Chen really has it. I saw it on his chin. It's a very typical symptom. I just want to scare her. She can't always make trouble for me."

As soon as Qianqian got home, she received a notice from the program group as expected, telling her that she was not needed for the commercial.

It was Sheng Qing who called at the same time, "Aren't you angry?"

"It's them who should be angry and remorseful. They will regret it in the future. Now is the cheapest time for me. They will never have a chance to hire me again."

Sheng Qing laughed, "Then why don't you make them regret it sooner?"



Looking at the top blue-blooded India new series "Gemini" watch in her hand, Qianqian asked in confusion, "Mr. Sheng, does the brand agree?"

"They gave me the right to choose my own female partner," leaned into Qianqian's ear and asked the photographer to take a few more photos, and then said softly, "Don't be pressured, it's just one of them, and the brand side won't have any objections." .”

The brand side will not have opinions or ideas, but many female artists in the entertainment industry are afraid that they will be jealous to death.

Top and bottom blue blood, even if only one of them goes abroad as a supporting role, this is an excellent fashion resource, and you can pick up and get in touch with other fashion brands in the future.

Not to mention partnering with Sheng Qing, this is worth a lot of front-line competition, and now it's her turn, a female artist who doesn't know how many lines, it will make many people jealous to death.

"Come on, come on, the two of you should be closer and more lingering. Although we named it Gemini, we mainly focus on couple models."

Under the urging of the photographer, Qianqian almost leaned into his arms and drowned in his gentle gaze.

"Instructor Sheng Qing is so kind to the students, I am too embarrassed to refuse your invitation."

"So your answer is?"

"Boss, please give me more advice!"

That night, India's official website posted a preview of the new series, with only one photo.The beautiful scene of the gentle gentleman who is as handsome as a god dancing with the simple and ignorant rich daughter has been downloaded and saved by countless spy parties.

What dissatisfied the peeping party was that the wealthy daughter turned her back to the camera and couldn't see her face.With a good figure, she looks like a big beauty at first glance. Countless people are curious about her appearance.

What's more, the promotional copy also said that this watch has a spokesperson.Sheng Qing has never endorsed a couple series with anyone, and countless people have bookmarked the official website, only waiting for the official promotion in half a month.

(End of this chapter)

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