The full-level cannon fodder of Kuai Chuan is about to turn over

Chapter 99 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother

Chapter 99 The Villain's Supporting Cannon Fodder Stepmother (16)

Qianqian picked up the suitcase and took a closer look. The color and style were all the same, but there were quite a few scratches on one corner of the suitcase. The nameplate on the suitcase was indeed not hers, it was called "Chen Wei".

Qianqian smiled embarrassedly, and handed the suitcase back to him: "Sorry, the suitcase is the same, I misread it."

"Well, miss, your suitcase should be the one at the back." Chen Wei nodded, and took Qianqian's suitcase and handed it to her.

Qianqian said thank you softly and took it over.

"Miss, although it's a bit presumptuous, I want to ask, have we met somewhere before?"

Qianqian raised her head and took a closer look. She was around 40 years old with a round beard, which was fairly neat. She had an ordinary face that was barely considered handsome. There was a slightly larger mole on her chin. She was a bit fatter and had a beer belly. .

No matching person with a mole on the chin was found in the memory of the original owner.

"We probably haven't met before." Qianqian replied in a positive tone.

Chen Wei also showed no signs of embarrassment. He scratched his head and stretched out his mobile phone. On the interface was the QR code for adding friends on WeChat: "Maybe I remembered it wrong, but I really think that the lady is very kind, maybe it's true. I've seen it before, look, can you add me as a friend first? If you remember where we met later, you won't miss it again."

It turned out to be a conversation, and I wasted my time thinking about where I met.Qianqian was about to politely refuse, but Liang Yuqing didn't come back to the lobby because she watched Qianqian looking for her luggage for a long time.

"Why haven't you left yet, haven't you found it?" Liang Yuqing saw the suitcase in Qianqian's hand after speaking, and then saw the same suitcase on the opposite side, probably guessing that there was some dispute over taking it wrong.

He looked up at the person opposite, intending to help.

Chen Wei was smiling all over his face, and was going to say a few more words to persuade Qianqian to add her as a friend.Although Xu Qianqian's body can still tell her age, but in her 30s is also a time when a woman is extremely attractive.Chen Wei was immediately attracted by Qianqian's face and temperament in the crowd.

This is his favorite woman since childhood, I really don't want to miss it.

But when he saw Liang Yuqing's face, his expression was almost unstoppable, and he even panicked for a moment. Before Qianqian could speak, he turned and left with the suitcase.

The behavior was too abnormal and the expression was too obvious, Liang Yuqing squinted her eyes to observe carefully, and then asked Qianqian: "Who is he?"

"A passerby took his suitcase by mistake just now, and he wants me to be a friend on WeChat."

After thinking for a while, he didn't remember who he was. Liang Yuqing glanced at the clock on the wall, and didn't intend to continue thinking: "It doesn't look like a good person, don't add it, let's go, don't delay the progress of the experiment."


The experiment went very smoothly, and soon Qianqian obtained the qualification for the clinical experiment.

Chen Yin, as the patient most consistent with the experimental data, was the first to receive treatment.

Although it is a clinical trial, it has long been assured that it is no different from normal surgery.

During this period of time, Chen Yin's condition has deteriorated considerably, and she has lost part of her ability to predict.She was very resistant to the treatment plan led by Qianqian, but now she saw the spark of hope in Qianqian's eyes.

The operation went very smoothly. According to the whole set of procedures designed by Qianqian, the doctor made a tiny hole in Chen Yin's head and completed the surgery to remove the tumor. According to the examination and scan, no other nerves were affected. .

After Chen Yin woke up, she was able to speak, and her expressions were the same as before. Even her legs, which had been unconscious for a long time, felt pain.

Her improvement day by day proved the success of the surgery plan, and the thesis submitted by Qianqian also attracted international attention, and many people came to learn this technique.

Liang Yuqing's research institute also held a press conference and dinner. At the dinner, many businessmen in the medical industry who wanted to make a profit from it also came to attend.

As the person who designed the plan, Qianqian was not overwhelmed by the stars, and she could even sit on the side and eat cakes leisurely.The director of the research institute and Liang Yuqing were surrounded by many businessmen to talk about authorization. The sales of the modified inspection machines and the authorization of treatment-related programs were all the targets of looting.

Hesitating whether to run ahead of time, the light in front of him was blocked by a somewhat wide body.

Chen Wei is different from the casual attire at the train station before. Today he specially changed into a high-end tailored suit, but his figure is not good and his deliberately serious face looks a little funny.

He sat beside Qianqian familiarly, and directly handed over a glass of wine: "Miss, I didn't expect to see you here again, we are really destined, I am really sorry that I didn't add you as friends last time. "

Qianqian stared at his drink but never took it, and Chen Wei put it aside wisely.

"Mr. Chen Wei, right? I didn't expect to see you here. If you want to talk about business, the person in charge will be there."

Chen Wei didn't feel ridiculed at all, and still chatted very familiarly: "Miss is too nervous, I'm not here to discuss business and I'm not a bad person, I just want to know you, Miss is Xu Qianqian? It's so nice Name, I didn’t expect you to be an expert in the study of brain tumors.”

"My family members are also sick, but unfortunately they have not been cured, and they are very painful. Conservative treatment is ineffective, and the family members really can't protect such a large injury. I heard that all minimally invasive solutions are studied, but we have to make an appointment. The queue will be next year, and the elderly can't bear it. So I found a way to join the queue."

Chen Wei's topic changed abruptly. Qianqian looked at him with suspicion, and he also saw Qianqian's distrust, so he took out relevant cases from the file bag he was carrying.

It is indeed a very serious patient, even more serious than the patients who are currently at the top of the list.

There are also photos of patients in the case, which is very miserable, and Qianqian can't help feeling a little sympathetic.

"Well, I will give you a chance to jump in the queue, but we will review the patient's condition. If it is true, the operation can be performed within the next month."

The next day, Qianqian and her colleagues went to Chen Wei's home.

There is a luxury villa in a good location in Beishi, Qianqian probably has a judgment on Chen Wei's net worth.

The environment of the house is very quiet. After passing through the front corridor, he walked to the room where the patient was.

Somewhat different from the case, this patient looked even more miserable. Her mouth and eyes were crooked and her saliva was constantly showing. She didn't respond much to the sound of the door opening and came in. She just stared blankly at the ceiling.

The environment of the room is very clean and bright, but it always feels a little bit less of life.

Qianqian leaned down to look at the patient's pupils, and pinched her again. Many of her muscles have shrunk and there is no nervous reaction. "It is really serious. I will apply with the institute to jump in line for you."

"Then thank you very much. My sister has been lying like this for five or six years. I watched her lose weight day by day. I really feel uncomfortable. Although our conditions are good, my sister is not like other patients. , but what difference does it make lying down like this, we all want her to stand up again."

Not long ago, he flirtatiously hooked up with a beautiful woman, and now he is acting like a good brother, which made Qianqian really puzzled.

However, the patient obviously showed signs of taking good care of him, and the environment at home was well maintained. He really seemed to be a responsible brother.

"Miss Xu, I really don't know how to thank you. Let me treat you to dinner."

"No need." Qianqian refused coldly.

Seeing the patient's quilt slipping slightly, Qianqian tucked the quilt up for the patient and was about to leave, but the patient who had no response at all suddenly grabbed her hand and stared at her with wide eyes.

This hand is thin and skinny, but very powerful, and it hurts Qianqian to grasp it. She gently comforted the back of her hand, and gently opened it. When she brushed her ring finger, she felt a small bone in her ring finger.

The gentle movements comforted the patient, and she seemed to relax a lot from her tense nerves, her lips moved slightly, and she wanted to say something.

Chen Wei became nervous for a moment, and he roughly pulled the patient's hand away: "Sister Yao, this is a guest, this is a doctor who can save you, how can you use such force."

When he grabbed his hand, the patient immediately shrank back in fright, and the face that could not express much because of the disease seemed to show a little fear.But when Qianqian was about to leave, she seemed to muster up the courage to turn her head and opened her mouth to speak.

There was still no sound, but Qianqian saw the shape of her lips clearly, "Run".

The colleague walked out of the courtyard, touched the luxuriously decorated courtyard wall, and sighed: "What a good brother, sister like this, very few people can take care of her so well all the time. Although he is a successful person, he seems to like My sister also did it myself, we must cure her."

Qianqian touched the skin that was just scratched, the force had already made her skin flushed, and it might turn blue after tomorrow.

She sneered a few times: "Not necessarily."

The patient of Chen Wei's family was admitted to the hospital of the institute, and he came to the institute more and more frequently.But more often it is to harass Qianqian and ask her to have dinner. When Qianqian is impatient, she turns into a good brother again.

In the eyes of others, he is a successful person who is very kind to his family, and many colleagues are secretly persuading Qianqian to agree to Chen Wei's pursuit.

But Qianqian knew that he was definitely not as good as he appeared on the surface.

She had visited Chen Wei's "sister" when he was away, and his "sister" was more like a puppet than that day, and did not respond to the outside world.

During one visit, "sister" became incontinent. When Qianqian called the nurse to change clothes, there were many small scratches on her bony back. They didn't look serious, but the scars were within the past six months.

For a patient who has long been unable to move on his own, how could it be possible to cause so many small wounds on his back?
(End of this chapter)

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