Chapter 1 The Source of Evil

"Recently, there have been bizarre disappearance cases in many parts of the country. The missing people have no common characteristics and are huge in number. It is guessed that gangs commit crimes at random. We hope that the general public will reduce travel recently to prevent accidents!"

"At present, a special task force has been set up, and I believe the truth will be made public soon. I urge the general public to wait patiently!"

On the TV, an announcer in a formal suit broadcast the latest news with a serious face.

It has only been three days since the first case occurred, and no one thought that a simple disappearance case would be so serious that it would develop in an uncontrollable direction.

For a while, people were panicking and rumors were flying.

Some people say that some organizations have been infiltrated in China, and they specially arrest people to conduct live experiments;

Some people think that this is just an ordinary kidnapping case that will be solved soon;
Some people think that the missing people may have entered some kind of organization. After all, every year, many people sever ties with their relatives and disappear.

Some people even expressed their disappointment with the experts, unable to solve even a small disappearance case, and even a large number of people still disappear every day.


Fang Chi was bored on the sofa, watching TV and eating potato chips, and soon the chips were bottomed out.

Pouring the last bit of slag into her mouth, she clapped her hands, got up from the sofa, and walked barefoot to the refrigerator to get a bottle of happy water, but found that the refrigerator was already empty, leaving only a box of her least favorite food. biscuit.

"I haven't been out for a few days..."

On the top floor of the business circle in the city center, where Fang Chi lives now is the goal of some people's lifelong struggles, but she has a good life and was born.

Looking out the window casually, the goal is the flashing neon lights and the streets with fewer vehicles.

Is the case already so serious? Even the perennially congested commercial street is so empty.

Fang Chi casually put on a sweater, took the key, and wanted to go downstairs to buy something to eat.

Usually, I don't need her to do these things. My aunt bought it in advance, but the old aunt and grandson was born a few days ago. She has quit her job and went home to take her grandson. She hasn't picked a suitable one to replace this aunt. Had to go down and buy it myself.


The elevator door sounded, and a young man in gray casual clothes walked out. He had a shawl and long hair. He had a slender figure and a handsome face. His expression was neither sad nor happy. on the body.

At this moment, Fang Chi just raised his head and met his line of sight.

Both of them looked away naturally and passed by like ordinary people.

When passing by the man, Fang Chi smelled a nice fragrance, and he didn't know what perfume he was using.

Fang Chi didn't react until the elevator closed and descended several floors. No, there is only one family on the top floor. Where is he going?Isn't it going to the rooftop?

The elevator cannot go directly to the roof, so you can only take the elevator to the top floor, and then walk up through the fire escape.

Going to the top of the building alone at night, you don't have to guess what you are doing!
It's a pity that the elevator has already gone down more than a dozen floors. She hurriedly pressed the floor closest to her current location, and when the elevator opened, she pressed the up button again, and called the police by the way.

"Hey, someone on the top floor of Building A is going to jump off the building... um yes, maybe... 20 years old, male... okay, I'll go up and drag it for a while, you come over quickly, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Fang Chi stared at the beating red numbers, which were getting bigger little by little.

She was going down by the elevator just now. Fortunately, there are 4 elevators in this building, and now there is just one going up, and she stopped at this floor soon.

Two middle-aged men in plain clothes were already standing side by side in the elevator, with peaked caps on their heads, so they couldn't see their faces clearly.

Although Fang Chi was in a hurry to save people, she still noticed the difference between the two.

All of the people living in this building are rich people. The temperament of these two people is not the residents here. There should be no repairmen in the big night, and their waists are bulging, not...

Take the guy with you!
Fang Chi was taken aback by his conjecture. Isn't that thing a controlled item? It doesn't happen to happen to plainclothes.

The top priority is to save people. These two people should pay more attention for the time being. The security of the place where they live is strict, and they should not let strange people in casually.

Maybe because of the recent disappearance case, except for the one I met before entering the elevator, and the two people in the elevator now, there are no other people at all, only the elevator moves silently.


The elevator stopped on the top floor. Fang Chi took the lead out of the elevator and walked towards the fire escape. Of course, she also secretly paid attention to the every move of the two people behind her.

The two even followed!
what's the situation!
She quickened her steps upstairs, and the two seemed to be quicker as well.

Eventually, she was overtaken as she grabbed the handle of the door that entered the rooftop with one hand.

Her movements were stopped, and one of them motioned for her not to make a sound.

Fang Chiqiang resisted the urge to run away. Research has shown that the more the victim tries to resist, the more serious the damage will be to the perpetrator.

Just as her brain was racing about how to escape, the two men reached into their chest pockets, as if they were about to take something.

Fang Chi's heart tensed, and he was sweating profusely. Could it be that these two people are xx elements spread on the Internet, who came to arrest people? !

When she came out, she only brought a set of keys, and she was still wearing slippers, how could she run!
Unexpectedly, what they took out turned out to be a case-handling certificate. Seeing the obvious steel seal on it, Fang Chi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was plainclothes, otherwise it would be a disaster today.

"Little girl, we are working on a case, get out of here!" They took back the documents, and one of them said with a serious face.

When Fang Chi heard this, he pointed to the door and said, "But, there is someone here who wants to jump off the building, why don't you save him first?"

After listening to the two plainclothes, their expressions did not change, but instead they asked: "Are you talking about a man with shoulder-length hair?"

How did they know?
Fang Chi nodded suspiciously, wanting to see how they would explain it. Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't say anything, but their expressions became more serious, and they just lowered their voices to persuade her to leave quickly.

She pretended to cooperate with the basement, but she was actually hiding at the corner of the stairs.

I always feel that something is not right. If the identities of these two people are fake, the person upstairs will be in danger.

After Jian Fangchi left, the two in plainclothes did not go in, but instead discussed in a low voice.

"We didn't eat or drink for the past few days, and we finally caught him!"

"The top has been arranged, just wait for him to be brought to justice!"

"With so many people disappearing one after another, there must be more than him behind the scenes!"

 Ask for collection, recommend tickets


(End of this chapter)

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