Infinite evolution starts from the god ladder

Chapter 11 Big Fish Become Smaller

Chapter 11 Big Fish Become Smaller

Song Xiuyu was indeed surprised by Fang Chi's remarks. According to her previous description of her abilities, it was not enough to hold back the unpredictable impostor.

But in fact they don't need to fight with those two people, as long as they can survive from their hands.

Perhaps it was because of his inner trust in the power of reincarnation, Song Xiuyu did not refute and agreed to this method.

Then Xiaoman and Xiaohuang saw Song Xiuyu carrying Fang Chi, rushing towards Renmianhua with a look of death.

"Stop them!" Seeing this, Xiaohuang issued an order at Renmianhua.

After receiving the order, the cane of the human face flower stretched violently, suddenly jumped several meters high, and then swooped towards the desperate Song Xiuyu.

Song Xiuyu carried Fang Chi with his left hand, and waved a pitch-black halberd with his right hand effortlessly, cutting off the face flower that came to his face.

The cut-off human face flower let out a shrill cry, and then turned into a pool of dark green thick water, seeping into the soil.

The Qi of Chaos also entangled the nearest human face like maggots on the tarsus, and no one survived.

Seeing that Song Xiuyu was not easy to deal with, Ren Mian Hua turned her attention to Fang Chi on his shoulder.

And Fang Chi didn't pay attention to the face flower at all, and his eyes were fixed on the two people in the distance. As long as they had the idea of ​​​​making a move, he would immediately detect it and activate his ability to stop it.

Even if they don't fully function, they should be able to stop for a moment.

"It does have some ability." Xiaoman's originally laughing eyes gradually cooled down. She didn't want to waste time, and she didn't want to let the rare human race escape from her hands. She turned her palms up, and a flame appeared in her hands.

Wait, wait, wait!Now is not the time!
Silently in her heart, she lay on Song Xiuyu's shoulders, her eyes were gradually dyed with ink, and dense cracks appeared radially on her face.

Song Xiuyu's heavy breathing and muffled groans were in his ears. Facing so many difficult faces alone, his physical strength was gradually exhausted, not to mention carrying her alone.


Under the attack of so many people, and to protect Fang Chi on his body, Song Xiuyu's calf was pierced by one after another of spikes, and he felt severe pain. Endured the pain and continued to move forward.

In order not to affect the speed, scales did not grow on his legs, which were affected by the intensive attack at this time.

Renmianhua also discovered his flaws, and attacked his injured leg one after another, and over there, the flames from Xiaoman's hand flew away and flew towards Fang Chi.

Even from a distance, you can feel the coldness in it.

"and many more!"

The flame was halfway through, and was called back again, but it was in Xiaohuang's hands.

Fang Chi's eyes were splitting at this time, only a little golden light appeared in the center of his pupils, and his face was covered with fine golden cracks, which interrupted the ability that was about to be activated soon.

what's the situation?
"Don't burn it with fire, how can you eat it after burning it!" I saw Xiaohuang looked at Xiaoman angrily and said.

Xiaoman sticks out his tongue as if he just remembered it.

"Then what do you say? Tie them up with ropes?"

After listening to Xiaohuang, he thought for a while, turned the flame back, and digged one hand from the animal skin on his chest, and took out a bundle of golden ropes.

"Go!" Following his order, the rope flew towards Fang Chi and the others.

Song Xiuyu brought Fang Chi to the edge of the garden, but his calf was bloody, the scales were flying, and the right hand holding the halberd hung down weakly. He looked carefully at the two-finger-wide blood hole on the right shoulder. Hard scales could not stop this continuous attack.

Seeing that Song Xiuyu's movements had become sluggish, and the rope was getting closer and closer, Fang Chi stretched out his hand to block the sneak attack of Ren Mianhua behind him. She had no scales herself, her wrist was instantly penetrated, and she felt heart-piercing pain.

"Hold on! We'll be able to escape in no time, they didn't kill us, we can definitely escape!" Holding back the severe pain, he didn't look at the bleeding hand, and the other hand tightly grasped Song Xiuyu's shoulder , shouted in a trembling voice in his ear.

Song Xiuyu, who was in a trance, woke up instantly. Seeing Fang Chi's blood flowing down his neck to his chest, he gritted his teeth and picked up the halberd, cutting off the cane in front of him.

The rope got closer and closer, and Fang Chi's eyes suddenly burst into golden light, trying to use his ability to return to a few seconds ago to buy him time.

However, the rope in the air just twisted and flew back a few meters, and then continued to fly towards them again.

Although this situation is within my expectations, but... I am not reconciled, so I am not reconciled...

Since it can't be delayed much, it can only be...

Because of excessive blood loss, her face was paler than before, as if she would faint at any time.

Biting his tongue to keep himself awake, until the smell of blood came from his mouth, Fang Chi leaned into Song Xiuyu's ear and said inarticulately, "You will keep running forward, don't look back."

Before Song Xiuyu could react, she braced her arm and bumped against the flying rope, which bound her upper body, and she kicked him with all her strength, pushing him forward for a distance.

The rope did not tie the other because of the distance between the two of them.

This was the hardest time in her life, but it still didn't help Song Xiuyu move far.

She fell heavily to the ground, the rope on her body held her breathless, her pale cheeks flushed, and her drooping wrists were numb with pain.

Fang Chi admitted that he was not a good person, but she couldn't escape because of her own drag, and she couldn't do it. She didn't think he was a special person, she just couldn't accept the fact that she was a dragger. .

Before escaping, she also thought about what to do if her eyes couldn't hold them back. Should she use people as a springboard to run away by herself, or die together?

There was no answer at the time, but now there is.

She can't do it by sacrificing innocent people in exchange for her own life, and she can't accept that others will die because of her drag. Her inner self-esteem wants her to die at least worthwhile.

The warm blood still remained in his ears, and Song Xiuyu's last words echoed in his mind, and he was in a dilemma for a while.

If he was in the past, he would have left without looking back, but now...

The purpose of his coming out this time is to find the power of reincarnation, and he finally found a hint of it, how can he give up in such a place!

It can be said that for the power of reincarnation, he can even disregard his own life!
"Don't let him escape, there will be a lot of trouble!" Xiaoman shouted, throwing a white light out of his hand, attacking Song Xiuyu.

 ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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