Chapter 18 The Inner Ghost
The monk took out a handful of short flags out of nowhere, and distributed them to some people, asking them to circle around the range he pointed, and put one every mile, and finally closed into a circle, while he placed the flag in the center of the circle. A stone the size of a palm was buried in the ground.

Fang Chi took the flag and looked at it carefully.

The pole he was holding seemed to be made of wood, and the khaki cloth was covered with incomprehensible red symbols. Although it looked small, it was very heavy. It was heavy in his hand.

According to what the monk said, after planting the flag, she and Song Xiuyu turned into a small courtyard and waited for the arrival of the evil dragon.

This family raised a litter of chickens, and when they saw Fang Chi and the two who suddenly appeared, they flapped their wings and ran around in the corner surrounded by the net, but they soon calmed down, only the rooster still crowing on time.

Fang Chi pulled Song Xiuyu to dig a small hole behind the firewood stack, and the two of them nestled in it, covering their bodies with scattered straw, leaving only one pair of eyes staring at the dark sky.

I don't know how long I watched like this, but I just felt that his shoulders sank, and Song Xiuyu actually fell asleep by himself!
Even though he drank alcohol himself, he was woken up half-sleep, how could he fall asleep with his heart but he dared not sleep!
You are amazing, you dare to sleep, you are amazing!

I have no ability, I dare not sleep, I am afraid of death!

Being able to be close to her is different. She is afraid that as soon as she closes her eyes, she will be crushed to death by a dragon falling from the sky!
Continuing to stare at the sky resignedly, the activation of this formation takes time, and their task is to keep the dragon within this range before the formation is activated.

I don't know how long it took, even Song Xiuyu woke up, the sky was bright, and villagers went down with hoes one after another, but there was still no sign of the dragon.

The family where she was hiding also opened the door and passed them with a chamber pot. Because the two of them were hiding so well, they didn't notice that there was an outsider in their house, and they simply ate breakfast as before.

At this time, Fang Chi and Song Xiuyu had already woken up from the wine, and their stomachs reminded them that it was time to eat, but according to the monk's instructions, they could not move around!

He swallowed his saliva across the door, just hoping that the dragon would appear quickly so that the monk could save himself, so that he could go back to eat.

The sun gradually moved into the middle of the sky, making people unable to look directly, so they had to tilt their heads and squinted with their eyes.

The men came back from the fields one after another, lying on the bed snoring after lunch.

After the woman had finished serving her own family, she held a fan and moved a small bench to gather in twos and threes under the shade of the tree at the door, talking about the parents' shortness of life. Was there a shrill laughter, and the piercing local pool's ears hurt.

Is this dragon coming? !
I didn't eat breakfast or lunch, and the noon sun in the scorching hot weather could roast people.

The cicadas and the women's laughter were all in her ears. She only felt dizzy, and she was about to lose sight of Song Xiuyu beside her.

Maybe it was a racial difference. Song Xiuyu's condition was not even better than hers. He didn't look like he didn't eat two meals at all. The heat at noon didn't seem to have much effect on him.

Fang Chi reached out and pinched himself, forcing him to wake up.

From dark to dark, not even a dragon's tail!
Fang Chi, who had no strength and anger, was led out of the wood stack by Song Xiuyu and came to the agreed meeting place. Everyone's faces were not good.

Some people are like her, they have not eaten for a day and their faces are pale; some people are expected to take some easy-to-eat pastries. They are not weak, just a little tired.These should just be ordinary people.

People like the witch saint, the blind monk, and Song Xiuyu were no different from when they first came.

"My prophecy can't go wrong." The witch saintess explained loudly at this time.

"Someone must have leaked the news!"


Inside the Royal Palace.

"Because the king is seriously ill, Madam Hui is impatient with loneliness, and commits adultery with a servant. She should be punished for her crime, and she will be given a cup of poisoned wine—"

In the empty hall, Mrs. Sang sat on the high dragon chair, looking down at the woman who was stunned in terror under her feet, her eyes full of disdain.

Just like this, the shoes are not worthy for Asinti, how dare you miss him!


"The slave is here."

"Give it to her."

"Yes, ma'am."

She leaned lazily on the man in the flower coat beside her, and pointed at the woman on the ground.

The servant held a delicate wine cup in his hand, which was filled with colorless and transparent liquid. He lowered his eyebrows and walked in front of the woman and said, "Mrs Hui, please—" He handed the poisonous wine cup to her. mouth.

The woman known as Mrs. Hui had a face full of horror and disbelief with her delicate makeup on.

She stretched out her hand to overturn the poisoned wine in front of her, but was flexibly avoided by the servant, not even spilling a drop.

Seeing this, I could only stretch out a finger at Madam Hui tremblingly, and scolded, "Demon girl!"

Since the king was seriously ill and awake, she has become more self-disciplined, and even rarely stepped out of the door, this demon girl even made up such a reason to kill her!

"I claim that I have never offended you, so why do you want to kill me!" Mrs. Hui covered her face with her hands, tears streaming from her fingers, dizzying away the powder on her face.

Mrs. Sang admired her nails and was not affected by her accusation.

"I did this if I wanted you to die. The reason I said casually was just to be justifiable. You must know that this lady is a wise man, and she will definitely not do anything to wrong a good person."

After he finished speaking, he nodded slightly at the servant, and the servant instantly understood, and suddenly stepped forward and squeezed Mrs. Hui's cheeks, forcing her to open her mouth.

Although she resisted with all her strength, she couldn't resist the strong servant.He was poured with poisonous wine and fell to the ground, twitching all over his body and bleeding from his seven orifices!

Seeing that Mrs. Hui's eyes were still open, the servant reached out to close her, but was stopped by Mrs. Sang.

Under her signal, the man in flower clothes and the servants both stepped back, leaving only Madam Hui who died in the palace, and... the man in black clothes who came out of nowhere.

"Axin!" Mrs. Sang changed her previous viciousness and hurried to the man's side and hugged his arm with a face full of excitement.

Aoxin took out his hand and put his arm around her, making her face towards his chest, while the other hand stroked her loose hair, and said indifferently, "Why do you need to do this, you know who she is, right?"

Mrs. Sang's originally shy expression froze, and then she drew a circle on his chest with a face full of grievances.

"Who made her think about you..."

Don't think that she doesn't know why that Madam Hui is dressed up all of a sudden, not to see him in the best possible way!

snort!Now she sees it, only dead!

After listening to Aoxin's movements, he frowned slightly, thinking that his whereabouts might have been unintentionally seen by her.But since the person is already dead, there is no need to pursue it.

What he didn't know was that Mrs. Hui had been obsessed with him ever since she caught sight of him that day. Even if she never saw him again, she dressed herself beautifully every day, looking forward to meeting him again.

 Ask for a ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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