Chapter 20 Southern Barbarians

I saw that the ring was full of emerald green, and there was no trace of carving on it. It was natural, simple and calm.

I had obviously never seen this ring on his hand before, and I don't know where he got it from.

But thinking about it again, people are not people, and it is normal to have some means that she can't imagine.

Fang Chi withdrew his gaze, and the expression on his face returned to calm.

"Is there a way you want to try?"

This method has been around for a long time, but Song Xiuyu has always shown a look of disinterest, so she has not said it.

Song Xiuyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Me?"

Want him to do it?
"Yes!" Fang Chi nodded heavily.

"This is Mrs. Sang's private residence. She is probably beaten by the servants before, so there will be no useful information from their mouths. On the contrary, it will make Mrs. Sang suspicious, which is very detrimental to our future tasks."


Seeing that she was staring at him without speaking, Song Xiuyu had an inexplicable premonition.

I saw Fang Chi sitting up straight, reaching out and patting his shoulder, with a look of putting the burden on him, and said, "So, I can only grieve you..."

Song Xiuyu stiffened and swallowed, "What?"

What's wrong with him?Why don't you just say it all at once? !


"Ah?" Song Xiuyu's face was stunned.

"Let me seduce her? Impossible!" Song Xiuyu, who had regained his senses, refused decisively.
Seeing his unwilling face, Fang Chi persuaded: "Now this is the fastest way to get close to Mrs. Sang, you just need to do as I say, and make sure she will fall in love with you, then blow the pillow wind, news Don't you get it?!"

Removing her hand that was still on his shoulder, Song Xiuyu wondered if he had been too talkative recently, that she had the guts to think of such a way to humiliate him.

"Why don't you go in person, you must know that everyone still thinks you are a man!" He looked at Fang Chi's face with a pair of eyes and snorted coldly.

"I want to go on my own! Isn't there something missing..." Fang Chi glanced at a place on his body lightly after he finished speaking.

Where are your eyes looking!Song Xiuyu felt that the woman in front of her was becoming more and more unreasonable. Did she leave her brain out today and didn't bring it back?
Seeing that his expression was even more indifferent, Fang Chi accepted it and said sternly: "I don't want you to be a real sword, let's play hard-to-find, the more we can't get her, the more we care, it's better to live in her harem in the future. Here, you might find something unexpected."


Although Song Xiuyu still did not respond to her, but her expression had loosened, she decided to strike while the iron was hot——

"Also, you can take this opportunity to complete your mission..."

"You think, since it's true love, Mrs. Sang's treatment of that person must be different from the coquettish bitch in her harem. I'm sure she has long been hidden in a golden house. Yingyingyanyan in this harem is just to protect him, Don't let that person stand out!"

Since it is to complete the task, some sacrifices are also expected...

He exhaled the sullen breath in his heart, Song Xiuyu looked at Fang Chi, and said with a serious face, "I can promise, but I can't sacrifice my...body..."

He almost squeezed out the last two words between his teeth, almost making Fang Chi unable to hear them clearly.

"Mrs. Sang is still a great beauty, so you won't suffer... hey - when I didn't say it, you can do whatever you want, as long as you can find out the news."

Originally, I wanted to say that he was in the midst of happiness, but when he saw that he was about to change his face again, he hurriedly changed his words.

The two discussed the follow-up plan. Originally, Fang Chi did not intend to let Song Xiuyu devote himself very early. After all, in this situation where all the beautiful men are around, there will always be a commotion for what they cannot get. She will make Song Xiuyu a sang. A thorn in Madam's throat, unable to swallow but unable to ignore.

Finally, Fang Chi wrapped his arms around Song Xiuyu, looked left and right, and shook his head with disgust.

"It's not enough to have a good face, you have to rely on clothes."

The impatience flashed in Song Xiuyu's heart who was scrutinized wantonly, and then he turned the emerald green ring.

Fang Chi only felt that Song Xiuyu's figure flickered in front of him, and he changed into a dress he had never seen before.

"It's not bad." Fang Chi nodded with satisfaction.

I saw Song Xiuyu dressed in white, with a small cherry red bell hanging on the dark blue belt. There was no wind, and the crisp bell rang, breaking people's guard.

Fang Chi only felt his mind move and gave birth to an urge to get close to him.

When he suddenly came back to his senses, he found that he had taken a few steps forward without knowing it, and was about to get close to him!
On the other hand, Song Xiuyu was looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, with undisguised mockery in his eyes.

Wiping the cold sweat that didn't exist, I thought to myself: I didn't expect this person to hold grudges.

I don't know what kind of existence the bell is, but it can make me lose my mind.

How can there be so many strange things in people from the outside world!It seems to be more cautious.

Song Xiuyu turned around indifferently and returned to his side room after seeing what he expected to happen.

Fang Chi pouted at his back and returned to his room.

Tomorrow is going to start the "big love battle" designed by myself. It is necessary to rest early to replenish energy and prepare for the battle.

Day two.

Mrs. Sang, who did not know that she had been targeted by the strategy, was covering her face and yawning, waking up from the arms of the new male pet who entered the palace to serve.

Aoxin never stayed overnight, she had to call someone else for him.Although he can't compare to him, it's better than keeping an empty room.

Outside the screen, there are the imperial censors who are in charge of entertaining the envoys, and two small officials with glossy and pink noodles.

The two servants looked at the layout of the room with some curiosity, but the censor, who was walking in front, frowned and coughed lightly, and then they lowered their heads and stopped looking around. Usually a little lighter.

"What's disturbing?"

Mrs. Sang's tone was light, and she didn't seem to blame them.

A small official who wanted to appear in front of her stepped forward and replied eagerly: "Mrs Hui, the envoy of the Southern Barbarian Kingdom has come to ask for an interview."

"No." Mrs. Sang decisively refused.

 Ask for collections and tickets

(End of this chapter)

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