Chapter 33
"Watch your eyes carefully!"

Fang Chi and Song Xiuyu, who were hiding in the bushes, watched as the door was heavily guarded, and a man who was much taller than the other soldiers and looked like a general was lecturing.

"The demon girl is missing, and the king is furious. Only the private house of the demon girl has not been thoroughly investigated. If you still can't find anything, be careful that the king will use you!"

He secretly reminded the soldiers under him, for fear that they would take it lightly and not hurt himself.

As early as midnight, those loyalists of the king surrounded the palace and this private house, and even all entrances and exits of the royal capital were controlled, but Mrs. Sang was still unable to be retained.

After the king woke up and learned the truth, he was furious, but because he was in a coma for too long and his body was weak, he almost became angry again, and he could only leave the follow-up settlement to his confidants.

This king is also a ruthless person. Although Mrs. Sang disappeared, her male pets were still there, so she ordered all those who wore hats to be dragged out to vent her anger, and even those who went to Mrs. Sang immediately after his accident. The officials rushed to kill!
The common people in the capital didn't know anything. They only saw that there were suddenly many patrolling soldiers on the streets. They went from house to house to search Mrs. Sang's whereabouts.

As the king's 'saviour', the witch saint was naturally invited into the palace and treated as a VIP, and a team of well-equipped men and horses was assigned to protect her.

Song Xiuyu looked around. Behind him was a two-person brick wall. A dozen meters away was the gate guarded by the general. There were so many people there that they couldn't go out. .

He clenched his fists, feeling the power of the gradual recovery in his body, and had an idea in his heart.

He silently pointed at Fang Chi under his feet, and then outside, Fang Chi immediately understood what he meant.


I saw Song Xiuyu's back gradually growing a row of pointed bone spurs, bending backwards, connected by a membrane in the middle, and his legs also turned into wide fish tails. Fortunately, the bushes are relatively remote, and no one will notice this.

The slender ears stood up vigilantly, and the whole body was wrapped in pitch-black scales, exuding a cold aura.

Scarlet eyes looked at Fang Chi and reached out to her.

For her own life, Fang Chi hugged his neck tightly and pointed the way for him, otherwise she was afraid that she would be buried alive in the soil.

Then he felt light all over his body, and his eyes were shrouded in darkness, only Song Xiuyu's heavy breathing and the sound of digging soil remained.

This time, he deliberately put his movements lightly, for fear of disturbing the soldiers.

While digging the soil in the direction of Fangchi's finger, he refilled the passage behind him to prevent people from following the hole.

After a while, he first opened a small hole on the top of his head and found that there was a forest outside and no one was there, and then he took Fang Chi and got out of the ground.

After filling the drilled hole, Song Xiuyu turned back into a human body, and a white light flashed. The clothes that were originally ragged because of the transformation, he changed the ring after turning the ring.

If it was a bit slower, Fang Chi should have seen his naked lower body.

Fang Chi patted off the soil from his hair, stretched out his fingers wrapped in the breath spell, watching the transparent silk thread extending from that finger to the depths of the forest.

Tall trees cover the sky, flowers and plants move without wind, and from time to time, small animals with extremely fast speed pass by.

There will be no such wanton growth of grass and trees in the city, and there are no traces of people living around. It seems that they have gone outside the city.

 The collection has not been up for a long time, is the human and machine gone?

(End of this chapter)

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