Chapter 4 God Ladder
He bent down and ran towards the nearest golden light, forcing a man without a halo out, and digging in by himself.

Another person spit out an oversized bubble from his mouth and wrapped himself up.

The bubbles that seem to burst when touched can withstand the attack of unknown creatures!
The man also competed for a place with this bubble.

There are also people whose bodies have been transformed into beasts, or their limbs have been transformed into beast-like forms, or their faces have been transformed into strange beasts, or they have given birth to tails and wings!

The bodies of people who have undergone animalization can touch unknown creatures, and some can even resist their attacks!

And there is no doubt that these people have an aperture on their bodies.

More and more people are empowered by the halo, all kinds of strange.

Some people grew wings like angels, emitting divine brilliance similar to golden light, causing those monsters to flee.

Some people suddenly have a majestic spear in their hands, which can nail the attacking creature with one shot.

There are also words in the mouth, and it seems that the words are out of the way, and the words will be eloquent!

With the occurrence of these changes, the originally chaotic situation has gradually developed into a regular direction.

The golden rays of light are basically occupied by the capable, and unless the incompetent is superb, the rest will be killed and injured.

Fang Chi's originally dull eyes now glowed with a little golden light. She reached out and touched her eyes, which were a little dry and seemed to be overused.

Could this be his own ability?

Thinking about it carefully, the first monster that attacked her, and the woman just now appeared inexplicably where she was a few seconds ago, and there were no other people who had changed at that time, so the reason for this change can only be yourself. .

From the appearance, she has not changed, she still looks soft and weak, but the eyes under the hat have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The originally thick dark circles disappeared, and there were cracks around the eyes, spreading half of the face like a spider web. All the cracks converged at the pupil and gathered into a golden light spot.

The whites of his eyes seemed to have been injected with ink, making the golden light more obvious.

Originally, I was slightly short-sighted and astigmatism, but now I can clearly see people more than ten meters away through the fog, and even the subtle expressions on their faces are clear.

The black unknown bugs wriggling on the ground and the scattered limbs were magnified in his eyes, bringing powerful sensory stimulation.

Since the unknown creatures could not touch the crowd shrouded in golden light, they could only repeatedly destroy the dead, and soon no complete corpse could be found on the ground.

Some creatures are still gnawing on the severed limbs, and the unknown bugs that walk under the skin have grown bigger and seem to be about to peel off their cocoons.

After killing the last living person, they began to wander around the golden light, lighting up their fangs at the people inside, and making a suppressed roar in their throats, as if to lure them out.

She blinked her dry eyes, and as she blinked, the cracks gradually faded and finally disappeared completely, and the whites of the eyes slowly returned to normal.

Although the burning sensation in the eyes disappeared, there was an inexplicable emptiness in the body, as if it had been hollowed out.

Looking at the other people secretly, on the left is a woman with a high ponytail. The nails on both hands have become pointed and long, and the shoes have been pierced by sharp claws. Standing tall beside her, like a wild cat ready to hunt at any time.

On the right is a young man with bunny ears on his head. Both ears are raised high and trembling slightly, as if he is paying attention to the surrounding movement.

The young man's perception seemed to be extremely sharp, and when Fang Chi looked at him, his red eyes immediately glanced over.

Fang Chi pulled her hat calmly. Originally, she wanted to see who attacked her before, but now the situation is a bit special. Everyone is afraid of being pushed out by someone who has a heart. She is afraid that her scrutiny will make people angry. suspicion.

The teenager found out that it was a skinny girl who was peeking at him. She was dirty and looked more like a frightened rabbit than himself.

Seeing the young man look away, Fang Chi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I was afraid that this young man thought she was going to do something, so he would do it to himself first.

Human beings are like this, even if resources are sufficient, struggles cannot be avoided.

The most important thing is that I don't seem to use this ability when I want to use it.

Just like just now, she wanted to use her ability to return the boy to the state he was a few seconds ago, and she didn't notice her peeping, but it didn't work.

Does it have to be in a specific situation, or does it need to be cooled?
Fang Chi moved his body secretly again, and remembered the face of the person who fell behind him.


Someone's low voice pulled Fang Chi back to reality from his thoughts.

Everyone looked in one direction, and everyone's eyes were full of doubt and shock.

She followed her gaze to the direction of the barrier.

The originally thick fog was gradually dissipating at this time, and the golden light shone through the gaps in the fog and shone on the pitch-black ground.

If all the places are illuminated by golden light, then there is no need to worry about unknown creatures floating around, ready to kill at any time!
There was a gleam of hope in everyone's eyes.

Although most people have acquired abilities, they will be unavailable for a period of time after the abilities are used. Even if they can single-kill unknown creatures, they cannot fight a protracted battle.

And there are too many unknown creatures. From time to time, new creatures will emerge from the fog. Who knows if they will be gone after killing them?

Where everyone is currently standing, it seems that they are deliberately separated, and they are not allowed to have the opportunity to join forces.

Even if you temporarily break out of the siege, in this dark place shrouded in fog and murderous, how will you survive?

At this time, the dissipation of the fog over there gave them hope that if everything was covered with golden light, the unknown creatures would disappear, and they would have the opportunity to find life.

The golden light seemed to hear their hearts, and gradually lifted the shrouded fog, and the illuminated black earth turned into a holy white, and the reflected golden brilliance made people unable to open their eyes.

In fact, the sudden bright light blinded them for a few seconds due to long-term dim vision conditions.

When I opened my eyes again, the fog disappeared, and the unknown creatures seemed to be expelled by the golden brilliance.

Fang Chi also squinted to enjoy the sudden golden light.

Unlike before, under the current brilliance, the fatigue of the whole body was instantly swept away, and the emptiness after using the ability just now disappeared.

But the golden brilliance didn't last long before disappearing.

The top of the head is the golden sky, the bottom of the feet is the white earth, and not far away, is the golden ladder that cannot be ignored and reaches the sky.

 Does anyone have a vote?
(End of this chapter)

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