Chapter 42 In the Tomb of Sin

In the midst of nothingness, a woman with her hands suspended by chains raised her head.

The woman sat on her knees, her long hair scattered, and the aura of chaos permeated her surroundings, revealing only her dark eyes, which made life not a trace of blasphemy.

Her cold eyes were fixed on Mrs. Sang's face, she slowly shook her head, and then lowered her head, like Jesus who was hanged on the cross, holy and sad.

Mrs. Sang didn't get the desired response from her, and stomped her feet angrily, holding Aoxin by her side and complaining, "How could this happen!"

Aoxing, who was holding his arm, frowned, and his eyes swept across the crowd lying on the ground like mud, just in case, he fed them some medicine in the middle of the night, and they still haven't woken up yet.

His gaze stopped at the monk, and when he saw that he had no sign of waking up, he looked back.

Among these people, only the monk has a special and most special situation. He is being tied up by a dark-colored rope. After all, everyone else is a little scoundrel, and they are not as big a threat as him alone.

"Think carefully about whether anyone has missed it." Aoxin reminded patiently.

He has been trapped in the first floor for too long. Although there is no threat for the time being, as time goes on, the probability of being targeted by all the missionaries will increase. This is the rule summed up by the predecessors, and he cannot be questioned. .

Mrs. Sang frowned, and after a while she clapped her hands and said, "The witch saint is not here, but it must not be her..."

"It seems that there are two more people, one tall and one short. I forgot what they look like. I just remember that the short one was sick and the tall one should be very handsome..."

Speaking of this, the depression on her face was even worse. Although this action was not done in a hurry, there was no more time to arrange her male pets.

At this time, they must have been dealt with by the goddamn king.

She sighed faintly, saying that it took her a lot of hard work to collect so many beautiful men, and now that it's gone, it's still very distressing.

Seeing Mrs. Sang's appearance like this, Aoxin knew what she was thinking about. It was now time. Instead of thinking about what to do next, she thought about useless things.

Brainless stuff!

Aoxin was disdainful in his heart, if it weren't for her usefulness, he would never tolerate having such a woman by his side!

"What about those two people?"

Although this woman has no brains, there is usually no big mistake in what she is instructed to do, and they shouldn't be left alone.

Mrs. Sang was also very puzzled. In order to ensure that everyone was arrested together, she sent another clone to investigate in the private house in the middle of the night.

She can understand the escape of the witch saintess. After all, from the beginning, she thought of a way to wake up the fish king, and she had also met her own people, and it was normal to be prepared for their plans.

But as far as she knew, the saintess of the witch clan went deep into the briefing, and did not have in-depth communication with the two missing people. How did they silently disappear into the private house and escape the search of the clone?

At this time, in a place where Mrs. Sang and Aoxin could not see, a transparent silk thread swayed slightly. One end of the silk thread was wrapped around the index finger of the monk's left hand, and the other end extended into the void.

A little red light flashed faintly on the monk's chest, and the shadow of the Zen staff appeared, but then it disappeared silently, and everything returned to its original state.

In order not to attract Ao Xin's attention, Gu Yu pretended to be in a coma and lay down all night. The poison was useless to him, but the dragon tendons on his body were a little troublesome.

And the Spiritual Breathing Curse fluctuated, indicating that they were approaching, and it should not be far from here. It seems that he has to prepare for the upcoming battle!

 Please collect it~ Please recommend tickets


(End of this chapter)

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