Chapter 45 The Useless Monk
"Dead monk!" Aoxin opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of thick blood. He gritted his teeth and took a sharp breath, and then exhaled forcefully.

A blizzard laced with his blood descended on this space, bringing biting cold and storm.

Fang Chi's sweat-soaked clothes instantly froze into a stiff piece, and the ice slag fell off when he moved.

She stomped her feet, shook the snow off her body, and sighed at her hands for warmth, but it had no obvious effect.

Song Xiuyu, who was beside him, seemed to be safe. The moment the snowflakes touched the scales on his body, they instantly evaporated, vanishing into nothingness, and even the storm followed the trajectory of the scales to bypass him.

Looking at the old saying in the center of the eye of the storm, the cassock rustled, the Zen staff had already flown back to his side, and the nine-link circle also separated from the Zen staff and surrounded him, finally forming a transparent golden bell that would cover it, and the wind would shroud it. Snow couldn't stand him even more.

Aoxin had no intention of fighting with him. Seeing that the blizzard he vomited trapped the monk, he took Mrs. Sang to escape quickly, and secretly paid attention to the situation on Song Xiuyu's side.

"If he doesn't make a move, he will run far away!" Fang Chi reminded coldly with gritted teeth.

The snow on her eyelashes was melted by the body temperature, and her eyes were a little blurry, but she didn't dare to close her eyes, for fear that when she opened her eyes like before, another person would be next to her, and then she would have nowhere to cry.

Song Xiuyu originally planned to let them compete with snipe and mussels, but when the time comes, he will benefit from the fisherman. Who knows that this monk does not seem to be as useful as he imagined.

Although the monk was not physically harmed because of the golden bell, his freedom of movement was restricted, and he has not moved a step since then, as if he was rooted in the ground.

Song Xiuyu held the halberd with force, and a flirtatious red light appeared in his eyes, the tail of his eyes elongated, his ears became tapered, and his legs turned into giant fish tails.

Seeing that the strength is slowly recovering, I just use this dragon to practice my hands and see how well I recover!
I saw him with a fish tail, holding a halberd, and rushing towards the two Ao Xin who were drifting away like an arrow from a string.

A large pit with a diameter of more than one meter appeared in the place where it was originally standing!There are even finer cracks spreading around.

The aftershock shook the ice balls off Fang Chi's body, which made her feel a little better.

The blizzard seemed to thin out as the dragon moved away. Fang Chi stood on the spot and pondered for a while, and decided to keep up with Song Xiuyu.

Although it is very likely to be affected by the war between them, she has to ensure that the dragon does not die!

Fang Chi felt a headache when she remembered the oath she had made. She clenched her fists and decided in her heart: After all, she was planning to risk her life to save him, so she had to grab something to make up for it.
After thinking about it, Fang Chi shook the remaining ice slag on his body and trotted along with the shovel.

"Ashin! Here he is!"

Mrs. Sang flew behind Aoxing on all fours, but when she turned around, she saw a black shadow breaking through the obstacles of the blizzard. In the blink of an eye, she followed their pace and appeared in the sky several meters away from them.

The halberd, lingered by the chaotic air, struck like a rainbow, giving them a sense of oppression from the top of Mount Tai.

In an instant, a coldness climbed onto Aoxin's limbs. Even though he had Mrs. Sang's reminder, the halberd was already in front of him when he reacted, and it was difficult to avoid it!
The sharp sound of breaking through the air resounded through his soul, as if it had been stripped from his body, causing him to be stunned for a moment.


Just as the halberd sank an inch, Aoxin came back to his senses, and hurriedly squirmed the muscles where he was hit to imprison it, preventing it from going further.

Song Xiuyu's vigorous hand paused, and when he was about to exert his strength, Aoxin had already swung his body out of the attack range of the halberd, and he was also left with a hole the size of a bowl.

Blood flowed from the hole, and the golden thread that was only harassing him took advantage of it to prevent his body from regenerating.

Aoxin gritted his teeth and roared. Although he was afraid of him, he was not powerless to fight back. How could he let these people humiliate him like this!

"Fox Sang!" His two lantern-sized eyes shouted at Mrs. Sang with split canthus.

Hu Sang stood up in response, the two tails behind him turned into two white lights, and rushed towards Song Xiuyu from left to right, only to find that they were two identical little foxes when they got close.

Among them, the chubby fox was the one who kidnapped Gu Yu, and Song Xiuyu, who had a red ribbon tied around his neck, had no impression.

The two foxes protested at him with their claws and claws, but they didn't give him any pressure, on the contrary, they seemed to be playing cute to him.

It's really embarrassing for a man to be beaten by a woman.

He waved his halberd, stood still and shot the two foxes through the ground.

Song Xiuyu spurned in his heart, but showed no mercy in his hands.

The two foxes returned to their original forms without even uttering a scream. He picked up the halberd and shook off the two bloody tails with all his strength, without any emotional fluctuations in his eyes.

When he turned back and looked into the distance, the wound on Aoxing's body had healed, and even the golden thread that had been harassing him was dispelled, and no more harassment.

Under him, Hu Sang was dying, and the slightly shorter tail was also missing, licking the blood on the broken tail miserably.

Aoxin's eyes were red and black, and the dragon's breath gushed out like a raging fire, and fell on Song Xiuyu one after another.

Fang Chi, who had just approached them, lay down again, but fortunately, Song Xiuyu wielded his halberd to isolate a space so that she was not affected by the dragon's breath.

"Is this dragon crazy?"

What Fang Chi feels from him now is completely different from before. If he was compared to an ordinary reform-through-labor prisoner, now he is like a murderous serial killer!
Well, she thinks it's time to worry about herself now. As for this dragon, I'm afraid it won't die so easily.

"Take it, good stuff."

Song Xiuyu kicked the two blood-stained fox tails to Fang Chi, signaling her to put them away.

"What's the use of this?" Fang Chi frowned and grabbed it, not knowing what the two broken tails could be used for.

"Take it away." Song Xiuyu didn't have time to explain this to her now, because Aoxin was already yelling at him!
He rushed a few meters away, and Aoxin followed, without even looking at Fang Chi.

The hurricane lifted by the dragon's body made Fang Chi's face hurt. She pinched her tail and ran in the opposite direction.

The mad dragon killed herself as easily as stomping on an ant, and she still couldn't make trouble.

When he arrived at the place he thought was safe, Fang Chi swept his eyes and saw Hu Sang lying motionless in a pool of blood.

It doesn't look badly hurt...

Fang Chi thought for a while, and finally shoved the two docked tails into his arms with firm eyes, wiped the blood accidentally on his clothes, and finally clenched the shovel in his hand, and exhaled heavily.

It works!

She secretly waved the shovel a few times, and after regaining the feeling of beating a ghost boy before, she paced towards Hu Sang.

 so tired...

  Ask for collection-

(End of this chapter)

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