Chapter 53

The carriage was banged and banged, but the strange thing is that, except for the men surrounded by the bunch of muscular men who were frightened and screamed, the other passengers didn't change their faces and didn't say a word even if they had painted on them, if it wasn't for them There were ups and downs in his chest, and Fang Chi wondered if they were dead.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The man ran to the back in a panic, kicked the passengers who were blocking the road aside, and stepped on the ones who couldn't kick them.

The men in suits who followed behind didn't pay attention to these people, they passed over them like stepping on garbage, and went straight to the back compartment.

Fang Chi frowned as she watched the scene in front of her. If she could survive in another carriage, she would have already run away, so why should she stand here waiting to die.

But the problem is that it can't. There are also sounds of collisions from other carriages, indicating that not only this piranha is attacking them, but the whole car is unsafe, and no matter where you go, you must eventually face them.

And this train will be submerged by the backwater sooner or later. The best way at present is to get rid of the piranha in front of him, and then find a way to leave safely.

At this time, the woman stumbled over with the child in her arms, her face was pale, and she looked at Fang Chi before he spoke.

She didn't run around like a man, but just huddled in the corner with the child in her arms, resigned to fate.

Fang Chi glanced at her and didn't ask aloud. Now is not the time to speak. Seeing that the water level in the carriage is rising higher and higher, if they don't kill the big fish as soon as possible, it will be very difficult for them to escape from here.

Thinking of this, Fang Chi raised his arm and held the sniper rifle in front of her, which was about to catch up with her height, and aimed it at the mutant piranha who was trying to get in through the hole.

When I first took it out, I didn't feel anything special, but now I come back to my senses and feel its heavy weight. I can only carry it with one hand, and I have to use both hands to lift it up.

In addition, the carriage shook violently due to the collision of the mutant piranha, and she had to force her toes to barely stabilize.


After exhaling a long breath, Fang Chi's eyes gradually sharpened and his body stabilized.

Although she said that the probability of hitting a big target should also increase, but she still has no idea, but if she doesn't take action now, the whole car will sink to the bottom of the sea, and everyone will be drowned.

Take a gamble!

Fang Chi gritted his teeth, narrowed one eye, tilted his head and aimed the muzzle at the mutant piranha's head through the scope. The piranha's movements in the scope suddenly became very slow, and a trembling red light appeared on the top of his head. point, floating up and down slightly with her breathing.

There are also two slightly changing numbers on the lens. The number in the upper left corner is basically stable at 19, while the number in the lower left corner is constantly fluctuating back and forth between 80-90.

She thought for a while, and tentatively took a half step back. The number in the upper left corner jumped from 19 to 19.3 as she moved, but the number in the lower left corner did not change much.

Half a step is about 20-40cm. It seems that the number in the upper left corner represents the distance, the distance between her and the piranha.

So what does the number below represent?

However, the situation was urgent. Most of the piranha's body had already got into the carriage, and the connection between the carriages was also messed up. The iron plate was overturned and had a tendency to be cracked.

There was no time for her to explore the function, Fang Chi took aim and pulled the trigger with his index finger.


A bullet accompanied by thunder and lightning was ejected from the head of the gun, hitting the piranha in the blink of an eye, and there was the sound of a sharp weapon penetrating into the flesh.

A wisp of white smoke came from the muzzle, and the powerful recoil made Fang Chi stagger, feeling like someone had punched her shoulder, and half of her body was so painful and numb, she almost thought her arm was broken.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the piranha that was hit exploded like fireworks, and before it could scream, it turned into a sky full of flesh and blood and spread radially over the entire carriage, leaving only the bloody fish body twitching in place.

Fang Chi was far away and was not splashed with too much blood, but he was still nauseated by the violent stench.

The only good thing is that the power of this gun is as extraordinary as she guessed, and even a piranha with such a huge body can instantly kill it.

Although one shot exploded the piranha's head, she did not act rashly, but waited 10 seconds later to make another shot.

After the piranha's body was also blown into mud, he dragged his sore body and stepped on the minced meat to the carriage behind him.

While walking, he had to avoid the passengers lying in the aisle. These people were more or less splashed with minced piranha meat, which made Fang Chi passing by feel a chill, and even felt the expressions on their faces. All became hideous.

In fact, Fang Chi has long since treated these people as living people. After all, no normal person would show such indifference in the face of such a disgusting scene.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and run!" Thinking of this, she turned back and shouted at the woman who was standing still, motioning for them to follow.

Now only these two people are still normal, at least they can run and move, not like a dead person.

There was a hint of hesitation on the woman's face, but just after she caught a glimpse of the dull-eyed passengers in the carriage, her eyes instantly firmed up, and she trotted to the top of the pool with her child in her arms.

There was also water in the car next to it, but not as much as where they stayed before, and the expressions of these passengers were exactly the same, and some of their faces began to turn blue.

"We'd better get out of here quickly!" The woman said in a trembling voice.

Fang Chi carried the gun and walked forward without looking back, and did not show any panic because of her words.

"Go to the roof."

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Chi's footsteps paused. He raised his gun and shot at the closed car door not far away. After a loud bang, there was a hole that could accommodate two people. Then pour in.


There was a short ladder next to the entrance to the car roof, Fang Chi signaled them to go up first, and stay behind.

This person knew something at first sight. If she wanted to leave here safely, she would have to get something out of her mouth. Naturally, she couldn't let her die here.

The woman hesitated for a moment, then put the child in her arms on the ground, and half squatted down to signal her to come up.The child crawled onto her back obediently, and wrapped both hands around her neck.

"One by one, hold me tight, or I'll be eaten by big fish if I fall!"

One by one, they responded with a vague understanding, but the little face lying on the woman's back did not appear to be frightened.

The woman tilted her head and saw that she was hugged tightly, and stepped forward to get out of the carriage and climb up the ladder.

Fang Chi stood at the door, holding a gun and looking at the rough sea in front of him. There were sounds of things rushing out of the water from time to time, as well as the sounds of collisions from other carriages. Even if they were far away, there were aftershocks.

Is it really safe outside?
As soon as the seeds of doubt appeared in my heart, strange sounds came from the carriages on both sides.

A piranha came in?
Fang Chi tightened his grip on the gun and prepared to counterattack.

No, if it was a piranha, the movement would not be so small, nor would it be so finely broken.

The moment she saw what was in the carriage, her eyes widened in horror.

At that moment, Fang Chi recalled the fear of being dominated by unknown creatures.

 I want to collect it, it’s almost 100 collections, and there is a milestone after 300 collections. Hey, if you have extra tickets, please come!
(End of this chapter)

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