Chapter 61 Are You Barking?
"Wait, let me help her drink." Fang Chi patted the person who was about to drink the wine with a bowl, and smiled kindly at him.

"Who are you?" The man looked down at her suspiciously, but found that he was very faceless and did not remember that he had seen this person.

Besides, he was wearing sackcloth and sackcloth, not the same combat uniform as himself, indicating that he was not a member of the law enforcement team.
"Why? Just you little beanie still wanting to be a hero to save the beauty? Hahahaha" After that, he laughed, and the other members of the law enforcement team also laughed.

For a while, except for her and Guan Guan, who had been flooded into unconsciousness, everyone in the tavern was laughing, and the earth on the wall was shaken to the ground.

"Is this the helper you brought back?"

On the bar, a hot girl wearing only a hot skirt that only wraps her breasts and only covers her buttocks raised her fiery red curly hair with a hint of teasing on her face.

The woman originally wanted to wait for the tavern to close before introducing Fang Chi to them, but she didn't expect that she would show her face in front of these people in advance, and she was still confronting the local snake in the dungeon.

Seeing that the woman didn't answer her, the girl curled her lips in disdain, and waved at the person who was in charge of carrying the dishes not far away, motioning her to deal with it. Don't cause this person to cause any trouble in the tavern. She came to wipe her ass.

The beauty who was serving the plate was dressed similarly to the red-haired girl, and her figure was equally impressive, except that she had black hair, and she was not as enchanting as a red-haired girl.

She finally found a viewing angle with excellent sight and hearing. She was watching the play with relish, but she suddenly received an instruction from her boss, so she had no choice but to put down the plate and walk over.

At this moment, the mocked Fang Chi had a stiff smile on his face. He did not refute his words, but grabbed the wine bowl in his hand and drank it. left.

Seeing this, the beautiful waiter who had just approached her eyes widened her beautiful eyes, and there seemed to be twinkling stars in her eyes.

Wow - so brave!Seems like you don't have to show up on your own.

drink wine?

Fang Chi wiped away the wine stains from the corners of her mouth, disdainful in her heart. In terms of the amount of alcohol, she has never encountered an existence that can compete with her except Song Xiuyu. Although the wine in this bowl is indeed choking, she is not cowardly!

"How? Can I help her drink?"

Fang Chi looked up at the man, his face was as usual, but he was thinking that even if he was shorter than him, he couldn't lose his aura.

Damn, I must find a way to grow taller in the future!

It stands to reason that the height of parents is superior among their peers, how can they not have long legs?
In grief and anger, Fang Chi finished drinking for Guan Guan according to the number of people present. The situation developed so fast that the black-haired girl watching the play ended before she could react.

This man is so powerful that he drank so many bowls of mixed wine without taking a breath.

As a waiter serving wine, she has seen many people who can drink, but she has never seen such a drink!

Although this wine is not a good wine, it is strong and strong, so it is a hot-selling wine in this tavern. I have never seen anyone drink so much.

"I'm done." After drinking the last bowl of wine, Fang Chi's face was only slightly red, so much alcohol intake had no effect on her except for a little support.

"Captain, look..."

Seeing this, the thief with eyes and eyes didn't know what to do for a while. In the past, he used to get the newcomer drunk to give him a slap in the face, but now a guy who drinks like water suddenly appeared to stop the newcomer from drinking, and he couldn't fix it.

The man known as the captain squinted his dangling eyes and looked at the man in front of him meaningfully, "Don't she like to help others drink, drink with her."

"Okay, I don't believe that if we take turns pouring her, she won't fall." The thief's eyes clenched his fists viciously, and greeted a few ill-intentioned people in the team, asking them to pour alcohol hard.

"Captain, look at this account..."

Although the wine is tempting, it also requires capital to drink. These seem to be superior to others, but they are actually migrant workers of the dungeon ruler class.

"Today's cost is on my head."

To be able to get to the position of captain means that he is not a vegetarian, either he has good means or relies on nobles, and the captain can say this with bold words, indicating that there is a certain amount of capital behind him.

After hearing this sentence, everyone's hearts fell back into their stomachs. If they simply 'welcome' newcomers, they can afford it, but the captain asked them to take turns drinking, and their wallets couldn't bear it. .

"Come on, let's put her to death!"

Guan Guan, who was lying on the dirt table, squinted, her drunk hands were speechless, and her mind was clouded. She only saw a group of people holding wine and swarming towards a petite figure, but it didn't take long for one after another. Drunk on the ground.

"Heihuang! What's going on, didn't I let you deal with it? Why did you pour a piece!"

The red-haired girl who was leaning over on the bar suddenly straightened up when she saw this, her chest was suddenly choppy, she twisted her slender waist and walked towards Heihuang, who was watching the play.

And Heihuang, who was addicted to Fang Chi's sassy and heroic appearance of fighting against several people, did not find anyone walking towards him aggressively.

"Hey, hey..." Suddenly, Heihuang's ear was grabbed, causing her to scream in pain.

"Huofeng, why are you pulling my ears!"

"Why am I pulling your ears?" Huofeng said, and the strength in his hands hit a few more points, and the pain caused Heihuang to keep drilling on her.

"I'll ask you, how are you doing? Look at the people who have fallen to the ground, will you send them back one by one!" After speaking, she pinched the soft flesh around her waist.

Heihuang looked at her with tears in her eyes, and quibble with grievance: "She drank everyone down, so I don't need to do anything at all."

When Huofeng heard this, he turned his head to look at the figure standing in the crowd, his face was ruddy, but his consciousness was clear, and his kicking movements were neat and tidy...

Wait, kick people?
She hurriedly left the black phoenix and ran to Fang Chi, kicking people?Where did she have the courage to kick the people of the law enforcement team, or when they had no power to fight back, when they woke up and found that they were blue and purple, what should they do if they tried to reason with her?
The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and his tone of voice became louder.


Hearing the sound, Fang Chi tilted his head to look at the red-haired girl. He raised his foot only for a while, and finally kicked the face of the person who spoke the loudest at the beginning.

She looks so ugly and dares to tease people, it's disgusting to look at.

Fang Chi, who was about to use his face to clean the soles of his shoes, was pulled away by Huofeng.

"What are you doing? If you don't kick enough of a kick, you're going to make people lose their appearance?!"

Fang Chi was pulled to a stagger, and the wine in his stomach made the sound of Siri gurgling with the shaking of his body.

Although she didn't get drunk, she actually drank so much alcohol. As the saying goes, alcohol is a coward. She, who has always been cautious, also did things that she would not normally do under the urging of alcohol.

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(End of this chapter)

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