Infinite evolution starts from the god ladder

Chapter 65 Inexplicable Hostility

Chapter 65 Inexplicable Hostility

"Cough cough!" The trainer woke up from the intoxication, put a fist on his mouth and coughed a few times.

"This one you're wearing is a newly developed new combat uniform, which is more flexible and fits the muscles better than the previous one, and has added a force-releasing function, which can nullify 30% of the attack."

Fang Chi, wearing the combat uniform he said, walked over awkwardly.

She originally wanted to change back to the clothes she was wearing before, but those people took advantage of her ignorance and took the changed clothes and disassembled them for recycling, saying that they would never let anything that could be recycled.

"How is it?" The trainer looked at Fang Chi with a smile and asked with some pride.

"It's good, but I don't know how it will work in actual combat." She stretched out one hand and folded her fingers together, feeling that the combat uniform was flexible and stretched with her movements, and there was no sense of burden. Clothes, rather like her regenerated skin.

"It's easy, come with me." The training officer greeted her to follow, and took big steps towards the training ground eagerly.

"You guys stop for a while." He stood outside the training ground and shouted at the people in the training ground a few inches below the ground.

Fang Chi stood behind him, thinking to himself: He won't let me fight with these people, will he?

Looking up, the eyes locked on the ones that looked the best. The faces of the others were somewhat weak. Only this man and two women seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

"Whoever fought with her won a trip to the training room." The trainer pointed to Fang Chi behind him and asked, his face full of excitement about wanting to watch a good show.

Everyone who had experienced a mutual fight did not notice that a stranger was standing next to the trainer. They just wanted to take advantage of this gap to rest for a while, but the trainer's words made them excited again.

It's so tempting for them to dispense with a trip to the training room!
The fear in the training room is deep in the bone marrow, and even if it is relieved only once, it will be so happy that I cry!
Looking at the person to be matched, his body was exposed by the combat uniform, and his thin arms and legs looked like he would die if the wind blows. There is no reason to refuse this opportunity.

"Trainer, here I come!"

It wasn't the strongest ones who spoke out, but a man who looked strong.

"what do you think?"

The trainer turned his head to look at Fang Chi beside him. This question is not to underestimate her, but she does not look like she can win in comparison. In addition, this person is too serious even in normal training, I am afraid She won't show mercy just because she looks weak.

Fang Chi didn't care. She also wanted to try the three punches and two feet she learned from Song Xiuyu and how effective it was on people, so she said yes.

The training officer clapped his hands after hearing this, and raised his voice to tell them to clear the training ground and let the two protagonists appear.

Fang Chi walked into the training ground with a blank expression, and stopped 2 meters away from the man.

"Code name: No. 5, how about you?" No. 5 raised his chin lightly, clenched his fists, and fixed his eyes on her, thinking about where a blow would make her lose her ability to resist.

No. 5 has coveted the positions of those 4 people for a long time, but they were selected from among them by the commander based on their strength, and they will not change at will for a while.

But now No. 3 is missing, and the group of 4 is missing one person. Before Fang Chi didn't appear, he thought that this position belonged to him, but now a person suddenly appeared, this person was brought back by the commander, let him knock in his heart Sound the alarm.

If you defeat this woman at the fastest speed, then you can show your face in front of the commander and the training officer at the same time, and they will always notice you.

Thinking of this, No. 5's eyes became firm, and a strong fighting spirit burst out.

And Fang Chi didn't know anything about all this. She was just shocked by the serious expression of the person in front of her. It wasn't a life-and-death battle. Do you need to be so serious?

"I don't have a code name... You can call me Fang Chi."

No. 5 just nodded casually and reminded: "Then I'm going to attack, you be careful!" As soon as the voice fell, the muscles on the calf suddenly bulged, and the whole person rushed over like a cannonball.

So fast? !


In an instant, golden light appeared in Fang Chi's eyes, and No. 5's movements were magnified infinitely. She also took the opportunity to tilt her head to avoid No. 5's fist.

The fist wind whistled past her ears, she flexibly dodged and retreated out of his attack range.

Surprise flashed in No. 5's eyes. To talk about where a punch can make people lose the ability to resist instantly, there is no doubt that it is the head. He is very confident in his own strength. If this punch hits, she will definitely faint on the spot.

However, in order to ensure the hit rate, he specially ran and rushed over, just to make her unable to react, but she not only reacted immediately, but also avoided, which surprised No. 5.

Although his strength is strong, he is not weak in speed, how could the attack be dodged so easily.

If he missed a hit, he turned around and aimed another blow at Fang Chi in the distance.

Fang Chi frowned and ducked again.

Although he didn't get hit, he could feel the strong gap between himself and him in the flash of the fist style. Since he couldn't face it head-on, he could win by chance.

She bent back to avoid another fist from No. 5, and turned to use her feet. Recalling the posture of Song Xiuyu's move, she followed his heart and attacked his lower ribs.

Seeing her running around like a mouse, No. 5 thought she wouldn't fight back, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly change her form and attack him.

But his reaction was also quick, he took a big breath, his ribs contracted, and he twisted his huge body to the side.

It was only a beat later that he was rubbed by Fang Chi's fist, and there was severe pain in his lower abdomen. The pain was too late for him to control his expression and express his pain.

Outside the training ground, No. 1, who was originally in low spirits, was breathing, but after seeing No. 5's distorted expression, he was aroused.

Several other people are also betting that No. 5 will defeat the newcomer in a few moves. I didn't expect him to show such an expression because of the newcomer's attack. How strong can this slender arm be, isn't it enough to hammer him on the shoulder?As for being so painful?
The trainer had an uncontrollable smile on his face. He leaned towards the woman, leaned down and sighed, "Lord Commander, this helper you picked up should not be underestimated."

The woman moved to the side calmly. When will the trainer's habit of getting excited when he sees other people fighting can be changed.

"My vision can't go wrong."

As she spoke, she glanced at No. 4, who was like a little white rabbit in the crowd, and she looked back when she saw that there was nothing unusual about her, but an inexplicable sense of strangeness still lingered in her heart, but she couldn't explain why, and even looked at the training ground. The battles above are a little distracted.

But this inexplicable feeling faded as time passed until it disappeared.

 Ask for tickets to read ~~~ Can you hit 300 before it goes on the shelves! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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