Chapter 70


The originally suppressed voice of the canine police officer suddenly increased, and he looked at the cat police officer running over in disbelief.

"Who did it?" he asked with a frown, staring at Officer Cat.

Unexpectedly, the police officer asked back: "Who else can do such a thing except the escaped mouse? The office has never been able to contact you, and I want to ask what you are doing here."

The dog officer shook his head, "Impossible! That mouse was still here just now, so he couldn't have done it."

"How long has it been since the explosion?" After refuting her point of view, he touched his ears and found that the communication headset was lost at some point, no wonder he couldn't reach him.

When the police officer heard him so sure, he also began to doubt, "About half an hour ago, but who else would it be besides him?"

Half an hour ago, it was exactly when he found the mouse here, so he definitely didn't do the explosion.

"There's another mouse out."

Thinking of this, he put the pistol back into the handbag at his waist, and said to the police officer cat: "There is definitely more than one rat who can do such a thing as bombing the police station. I'll leave it to you here, and I'll deal with those at the police station. "

"What?" Officer Cat didn't know much about the situation here, so he didn't know why.

At this time, the canine police officer wished he could break himself into two halves. He chased the one in front of him for a long time and couldn't catch it, and now several more came out from the other side, but he could only reprove and say: "Check those people's resident cards. , let the qualified ones go out."

Compared with the one in front of him, the situation of bombing the police station is much worse, and the consequences are the most serious. If he doesn't handle it well, as the Alpha team installed in the police station, his future will be dark.

After he finished speaking, he nodded at Boss Leopard and quickly left the scene.

Seeing that the dog police officer left with some of the hounds, the rat's heart was also put back into his stomach. He had already prepared a dozen of such things as resident cards, and there were all kinds of animals, and of course the big cock was no exception.

Having said that, the police station in Zootopia was bombed. Could it be that the helpers sent by the alliance are already in action?

After that, he followed the crowd to the door and handed out his resident card with a normal expression. Officer Cat scanned it with some kind of scanning device. The information on the meeting board was the same as the rooster in front of him, so he let him out smoothly. .

After walking out of the dance hall, he walked leisurely along the colorful street, but his eyes scanned 360°.

There was such a big commotion here in the dance hall. If the alliance dispatched personnel, they would definitely know it immediately, and the police station also exploded at this time, all of which showed that someone was moving the dog away from the mountain.

But it would take a certain amount of time to come from the police station. Considering that he couldn't stand here and wait, the Alliance should send two groups of people, one to bomb the police station and one to respond.

It's just that both sides don't know the other's position now, and they don't know who is the companion.

The mouse deliberately went to the side, hoping that the other party could recognize him.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, he dodged into the dim aisle between the two buildings. It was also at this moment that a small voice came from above his head.

Looking up, I saw a few meters away from him, there was a black and white striped tiger lying on the wall, staring at him with big copper bell-like eyes as he slowly opened his bloody mouth.

And behind it, there is a big bird with scarlet eyes, sharp minions glowing with fierce light, giving people a strong pressure invisibly.

A drop of cold sweat slid down his cheek and dripped onto the ground, and for a while, only the sound of his own heartbeat remained in his ears.

Calm down, they didn't attack, which means it's very likely that they're here to meet you, don't panic!

The mouse took a deep breath and said with a trembling voice, "Odd change and even change."

It wasn't until Tiger said the second half of the sentence "Symbols look at the quadrants" that he gasped in relief.

"You can count!"

"Is the animal's location information intact?" No. 2 asked neatly, climbing down the wall and standing in front of the mouse.

These words made the rat's hot heart half-cold. This person didn't care about his own safety, but asked for the location immediately. He doubted whether this person would get the location information and just ignore his life or death.

You must not hand over your location information until you reach the dungeon safely!He decided in his heart.

"No damage, don't worry."

Seeing that the other party didn't ask him what he wanted after he finished speaking, the mouse was a little relieved. If the other party forced him to hand it over, he couldn't do anything. After all, he was just an intelligence officer, just like his code name, let him hide. It's okay to hide and use a little trick, but it's absolutely impossible to beat the big tiger in front of him.

No. 2 gestured ok at No. 4 on the wall, indicating that the rooster is indeed his own.

No. 4 waved his wings and motioned them to come up and talk.

No. 2 stepped forward, threw the mouse on his back, "Hold tight." After saying that, regardless of whether he reacted or not, he jumped up on the spot and climbed up the wall again, and quickly climbed up the wall.

He felt that his body was hanging in the air, and he was about to fall back with the movements of the person under him, but fortunately, he reacted quickly, and he stood up and hugged the waist of No. 2 to avoid the fate of falling.

It didn't take long for No. 2 and No. 4 to turn to the top floor and did not continue to move.

"The detection system here has been destroyed by me, just wait here."

No. 2 straightened up, and the mouse rolled down unguardedly, lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, making No. 4, who had a serious face, laugh out loud.

"Cough, but I think Zootopia has sent more people, will something happen to them?" No. 4 cleared his throat, then put on a worried look.

No. 2 sat on the ground and replied nonchalantly, "It's not like you don't know No. 1's strength, it won't happen."

"But isn't there a newcomer?"

No. 4 imitated her and sat on the ground, ignoring the mouse beside him, and talking to himself.

"If you're worried, get in touch via communication." No. 2 straightened the broken hair in front of him and replied perfunctorily.

No. 4 has been acting very uneasy since the 4 people were performing their tasks separately. Everyone knows No. 1's strength. Even if he brings new people, he will guarantee that the two will come back alive. Why are you so worried?

After hesitating for a long time, No. 4 still touched the communication device behind his ear and softly called No. 1's code name.

However, there was no response. She thought that her voice was too low, and she increased the volume and shouted several times, but there was still no response.

Although this kind of communication device needs to be touched when speaking, the listener will hear it automatically without any delay, and according to No. 2's expression, she can also hear it, why can't No. 1 hear it?
She called Fang Chi's name again, but there was still no response.

"They won't be caught..."

 Ask for the first order~
(End of this chapter)

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