Infinite evolution starts from the god ladder

Chapter 73 It's Like A Dream Waking Up Still Painful

Chapter 73 It's like waking up from a dream, but it still hurts (two in one, please subscribe)

Although the shot was successfully fired, the rate of fire of the bullet dropped sharply due to the near-substantial effect of the yellow fog. When it came into contact with the golden shell of the centipede, there was no power to move forward. What was even more hopeless was that the bullet's The explosion did not cause him substantial damage.

At this time, Fang Chi Xin sank to the bottom of the valley, and even this special gun couldn't work on him, how could he resist?

"Are you a tasker?"

The dense eyes on the belly and back of the centipede squinted with laughter because of her question, and the countless feet also made a screeching sound, and there was a yellow mist all over the body, like clouds and rain, so that Fang Chi began to lose sight of him. It didn't go back to normal until the laughter died down.

"No, I'm not." He objected to her statement and said to himself, "I came because of you."

Following his words, his huge head suddenly approached, the tentacles on the top of his head swayed slightly because of his movements, and a pair of dark eyes were also at the level of her line of sight.

Fang Chi couldn't help but hold his breath, the golden light in his eyes bloomed, and the centipede's tentacles suddenly stopped because of her ability.

It was too late to speak, but she saw her aiming position, and suddenly inserted the gun in her hand into his eyes and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

After the centipede becomes real, it can only perceive the environment with its tentacles. This approach is also to use the tentacles to 'see' her clearly. I didn't expect that she would be bold enough to attack itself first, and the huge body limits its flexible response ability. , so she didn't dodge it at once, and was plugged right in by her.

Fang Chi also guessed based on the moment he approached that since his shell was hard, he would find another way, but she didn't know that the eyes of centipedes did not play a role in seeing, and this attack was destined to only anger him.

After the explosion sounded, she stared at his head, which was thrown back because of the impact, but found that his dark eyeballs only had a white spot, and there was no scene of blowing him blind as expected.

Still useless...

Do not!Don't be discouraged, there must be a weakness that she has not yet discovered, and only if you buy time, you must find it!

Fang Chi secretly cheered herself up, if she didn't fight, she would lose half of it. She couldn't deny everything because of several failures.

This centipede said it came because of her. Could it be one of the conspirators hiding in the dark?

Seemingly aware of what she was thinking, the centipede blinked, and the white spots on the eyeballs gradually disappeared, "Remember, I found you first!" The two curved fangs squirmed, and there was a faint venom oozing at the tips. out, glowing with a cold light.

The huge body attacked like the top of Mount Tai, but Fang Chi couldn't avoid it at all, because the yellow mist stuck to her body like a maggot on the tarsus, making it difficult for her to move.

The teeth made a creaking sound because of the force, she put away the gun, and quickly brought out the small shovel, and pressed against the two fangs of Hundred Eyes, buying herself a little time to react.

It's just that she is small and weak, and she will use all her strength to hold on for a moment, not to mention that she has increased her strength after seeing that she was blocked by a small shovel.

The shovel was picked up, and Fang Chi cried out in pain because he was penetrated by the fangs.

The new combat uniform boasted by the perverted trainer was like paper paste under his fangs, and was pierced without any resistance.

Seemingly not wanting her to die too quickly, Hundred Eyes did not hit the key with a single blow, but avoided the heart and penetrated her right shoulder, making it difficult to pick up weapons to resist.

The pain drowned out Fang Chi's brain like a huge wave. The last time he suffered such a serious injury was in the hands of the fake God Transcendent. The venom spread into her body along the wound on her shoulder, and her lips gradually lost their blood and turned blue.

Cold, biting cold!

It's like being in an ice cave [-] meters below, the blood becomes cold, but the body is burning hot!

Before she could react from the icy fire, a sharper stinging pain suddenly came from the penetrating part. Because her body was hooked by the poisonous fangs, when Baimuzu raised her head, it also hung in the air. The pain was enough to make a normal person pass out, but she gritted her teeth and endured it, and even her lips were bitten into black blood.

"You can still stay awake after being poisoned by me, as expected of you, my ** adult"

Fang Chi opened her eyelids weakly, and the golden light in her eyes became dim at this time, like her life, as if it would disappear at any time.

Perhaps because of the poison, Hundred Eyes Foot's words kept echoing in her mind, but there were some places where she couldn't hear clearly, whispering softly like a spell.

Remember that I found you first!

Hundred Eyes Foot... I seem to have heard this name somewhere...

Yes, in that dark alley!
The golden stick in the back of my memory also overlapped with the limbs of the centipede in front of me. It turned out that they had an intersection there, so he also dealt with the thrown bug. Did he find himself long ago?

"You disguised as No. 1...just to surprise...kill me."

Fang Chi endured the pain and spoke out his speculation, even if he died, he had to be a sensible ghost.

The slender tentacles slowly stretched out to tie her up, the fangs were pulled out of her body without warning, and the blood from the hole was no longer hindered and spurted out, dripping down her arm on the ground. , the bleeding also gradually blurred her consciousness.

"I'm No. 1, so why pretend?"

The tentacles that bound her were getting harder and harder, and the blood slid down like a turbulent trickle. The right hand was already unable to exert any strength, and it was difficult to hold the sniper rifle with only the left hand.

Fine cracks gradually appeared on Fang Chi's face, and as her expression slowly oozes black and purple blood, her entire face was like a devil in hell, her eyes staring viciously at the wriggling centipede in front of her eyes, the dull golden color in her eyes. The brilliance also bloomed for a moment with her movements.

She raised her left hand tremblingly, the dark gun body appeared, her arm slumped down violently due to its weight, maybe it was the explosion of potential before dying, an inexplicable force was injected into her left arm, causing her to die. Able to carry the gun with only one hand.

Hundred Muzu was also slightly surprised by her tenacious vitality, and she didn't let out an earth-shattering laughter until the gunshots sounded again.

God didn't care for her, and the shooting this time did not have any effect, and the gun returned to her mind after she lost her strength.


The tentacles on his chest tightened as he laughed, and Fang Chi almost fainted due to a large amount of blood loss and lack of oxygen to the brain caused by breathing difficulties.

He waved his tentacles and pulled Fang Chi to his mouth, letting the fangs penetrate her left shoulder again.

"Hahaha, let's see how you resist now."

Baimuzu injected venom and pulled out the fangs. Fang Chi was very satisfied because of the painfully distorted face and the blue and purple body on his body.

"Huh? Is it not enough, or why don't you beg me for mercy."

Although Fang Chi was in great pain at the moment, both arms had already lost consciousness, no doubt they were abolished, and because of the centipede's venom, the inside of the body had become ice and fire, with heat outside and cold inside, like ants eating flesh and blood. This kind of torture is enough to make those who are not determined enough to immediately kneel and beg for mercy.

But let her do such a thing as begging for mercy, forgive me!
Will he open up to you because of your begging for mercy?No, no, he just enjoys the pleasure of killing others by himself, and your begging for mercy will only make him more excited!

Even if she wants to die, she has to die decently, and she will never let herself die in such an undignified way!

Since Fang Chi never gave Baimuzu the reaction he wanted, he used his fangs to penetrate her lower abdomen again when he was embarrassed.

Fang Chi never thought that she would have such a tragic day. When she was dying, she seemed to see the legendary revolving lantern in the blur. From her birth to her death, the ups and downs, loneliness and happiness, the thing that made her nostalgic the most was not People, but a series of numbers in a bank card.

With so much money, before she could spend it, she was taken to this ghostly place called Tiantianbuling and Jidibuqing. She had to worry about being killed, and she had to complete the damn task.

Why does she have to be the only one entering the ladder?

It hurts……

Where is this time?Left leg or right leg?

Her eyelids had long since closed reluctantly, and only her ears could faintly hear the centipede piercing her body, and her throat was unable to make a sound because of the pervasive yellow mist.

Are you going to die like this?
She still doesn't know who the person who brought her to this place is, and even the identity of the person who tortured and killed her is a mystery. Only the broken memory reminds her that there seems to be a huge conspiracy behind all this.

The originally unclear thoughts also became clear when she was about to die. If she was given another chance, she would never step out of the door that night. Maybe she could continue to eat and wait on earth to die.


This time the penetration was different from the previous one. Fang Chi could clearly feel that life was passing by quickly. She woke up from the memory and looked at her chest. It turned out that it was the heart that was broken this time.

"There is still consciousness."

Baimuzu's tentacles loosened, and Fang Chi, who was bound, also fell, lying motionless on the ground like a dead fish.

The yellow mist seems to be able to slow the flow of her blood, but it will slowly erode her flesh until she turns into pus.

"But that's the end of it."

The surrounding yellow mist burrowed back under his ribs as if the reverse button had been pressed, and only part of it remained in Fang Chi's wound, constantly corroding her body.

The moment her heart was penetrated, Fang Chi's consciousness gradually slackened, and she finally glanced at the narrow sky in the middle of the wall. She felt that she was now bound in a cage and could not help herself.

The world returns to silence, and she returns to nothingness.


"Please show your resident card."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears, Fang Chi suddenly opened his eyes, and a pigeon police officer in uniform was looking at her seriously, and even put his hand on her waist because she had not handed over her resident card. on the gun pouch between.

"Please show your resident card." Officer Pigeon narrowed his eyes and repeated word for word.

After recovering, Fang Chi skillfully took out the resident card prepared by the alliance from her body and handed it to him, and put her hand on her chest with some anxiety. After feeling the rhythm of her heart, she felt a little relieved. She glanced around and met No. 1's eyes seemed to hide the vast ocean.

She covered her heart, which was beating wildly, suddenly, what was going on? It wasn't the first time she looked at him, so was it necessary to be so excited?

"Thank you for your cooperation. During these extraordinary times, please don't go out unless necessary."

Officer Pigeon returned the resident card to her after completing the verification, and looked at them suspiciously. Who is so daring to dare to hang out outside at this time, not afraid of being caught and killed by lawbreakers?
However, he didn't see any clues from these two people, so he had to let them go after a routine warning.

Why does this scene feel so familiar...

Fang Chi took the resident card and looked at the police officer's back with some hesitation. This is the first time she has entered the zoo, and she should have never seen this pigeon. Why does she have this illusion?

Throwing away the strange thoughts in her head, she turned around to keep up with No. 1's pace, but the more she walked, the more strange she felt.

It feels like a dream you had one night suddenly came true someday in the future, but it's only when you actually experience it that you suddenly realize, "Huh?"This is exactly the same dream I had.As for the content behind the dream, I can't remember at all.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Look for a quiet place to discuss the mysteries of life." No. 1 in the dream seemed to answer her the same way.

No, since she met No. 1 until now, she hasn't even slept, so why is she dreaming.

Then why do you feel that the current experience is familiar, Inception?Ghost hitting the wall?
The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible. The god ladder is strange and unpredictable, and what I have come into contact with is only the tip of the iceberg. It is not difficult to imagine that a similar situation will occur.

Just when she doubted that she had entered into an infinite loop, the arrival of a person made her doubt her own thoughts again.

"Finally found you!"

At the corner, a magpie looked at Fang Chi and the others with scarlet eyes, and ran over in surprise.

The appearance of No. 4 did not bring her a familiar feeling. Could it be that it was all her illusion before, just a brain disorder?

No. 4 walked in front of the two of them. When he saw No. 1, he avoided his gaze a little unnaturally, and turned to look at Fang Chi up and down.

"You...haven't you encountered any danger?" No. 4 cautiously approached Fang Chi and asked worriedly.

Fang Chi was a little caught off guard by her sudden approach. They weren't so familiar yet, so they were holding her arms no matter what.

She glanced at No. 1, and seeing that he did not respond to No. 4, she replied: "Not for now, what's the matter? What happened to you and No. 2?" Only No. 4 came over, and no No. 2 followed behind. Could it be that they are in danger?
No. 4 shook his head, glanced at No. 1 hesitantly, and said, "No. 2 thought of a way to lure those hounds away, but the two of us alone have little chance of success. The best way is to have another person to cover."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Fang Chi with anticipation and added: "You happened to be in a cover position, so she asked me to bring you over to help."

Before Fang Chi could reply, the ignored No. 1 suddenly asked, "Oh? Can you tell me what to do?"

 Two in one, ask for subscription, ask for ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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