Chapter 85 Broken Beauty
Chunliang clenched the hand he took back, put it on his chest and stared at the ice coffin silently.

Fang Chi saw that he didn't speak, so he could only carefully stretch out a finger to touch the corner of the ice coffin, and was mentally prepared to deal with the unexpected situation, but he didn't feel at all after poking it.

He glanced suspiciously at the man next to him, how could he react so strongly, but he had nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, in order to confirm, she slowly put both hands up again, except for a faint warmth, there is no other special feeling.

Maybe it's your own memory fragment that recognizes the owner and doesn't let others touch it?Thinking so, she tried to lift the coffin board with her hands.

The person lying here is most likely a fragment of her memory.

And at this moment, Chunliang, who was immersed in his own world, came back to look at her with a look of surprise. The ice coffin had been exposed by her with a gap two fingers wide, and the smoke was constantly blowing out.

Seeing this, he straightened the corners of his clothes in a panic, pushed the broken hair on his chest behind him, and both hands were nervous and didn't know where to put them, like a girl who was about to meet her lover.

Fang Chi was pushing the coffin board, the ice and snow that had just formed on her eyelashes was slowly melting, and the cold air coming out of the ice coffin seemed to her like hot air, which made her stiff limbs gradually rejuvenate and no longer freeze. Teeth chattering.

The coffin board was also lighter than expected, but with a little force, it slid along the coffin and went out. The coffin board that was separated from the ice coffin melted instantly after touching the ground, turning into a transparent liquid with white smoke. .

But at this time, the two people next to the ice coffin were staring at the person lying in the coffin, and they didn't have any extra eyes on the melted coffin board.

The woman has an absolutely unforgettable face, with thin, angular lips and slightly downward corners of the mouth, a straight nose bridge, curved willow leaves, and slightly heroic eyebrows. What kind of fragrance?
She was lying there, covered only by a layer of snow-white veil, her thin arms and calves were exposed, her skin was so white that it was almost transparent, but such a slender body had a heroic face, which made people wonder what she was like when she was alive. people, these two diametrically opposed temperaments can actually exist in the same person.

The countless fine icicles that penetrated her body made blood-red flowers bloom on the snow-white veil, with a broken and desolate beauty.

who is she?Is it your own memory fragment?
Fang Chi looked at the dense ice picks on her body, and felt like she was lying there, and shivered involuntarily.

Just when she was thinking about how to confirm whether this person was or not, the man beside her suddenly let out a suppressed sob.

Why did he cry so well?

Fang Chi had never seen a man cry like this before, watching him bit his lower lip and let out bursts of sobbing, he was at a loss for a while.

Should she be comforted?Still pretending not to see?After all, a man's self-esteem can sometimes show up in unexpected places.

And looking at his eyes, this reaction should be closely related to the woman in the ice coffin. Does his memory fragment have anything to do with him?
For a while, all kinds of outrageous thoughts emerged one after another in my mind, what love can't be, the yin and yang are separated, in short, there is no happy ending.

"Little water..."

Chunliang, who had been suppressed for a long time, approached the ice coffin, and stretched out a hand to caress the woman's cheek, but he didn't know what he was worried about and never fell.

 Drive out 1000, so sleepy I can't open my eyes
(End of this chapter)

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