Chapter 88 Awakening
Time passed bit by bit, the temperature in the ice coffin gradually increased, and the ice pick finally turned into running water, soaking the tulle on the woman's body, and also melting the blood on the tulle.

The moist tulle outlines the woman's exquisite figure, which makes Chunliang, who can't take his eyes off the side, swallow his saliva involuntarily.

He turned his head slightly and forced himself to look away, because he would not allow himself to look at Xiao Shui with such blasphemous eyes.

But his eyes still kept looking over there reluctantly, but when he closed his eyes, he was afraid that he would miss Xiaoshui's awakening. Just when the water in his heart was hot, he suddenly heard the sound of ice cubes breaking.

He stared intently at the place where the sound was made. A crack was evident on the woman who was frozen to the side, and then he looked at the little water in the ice coffin with frowning eyebrows, and his brain was instantly overwhelmed with joy.

Xiao Shui is waking up!
No matter how excited he was in his heart, he didn't make any big moves, for fear that what he did would interrupt them and cause Xiao Shui to not be able to wake up smoothly.

As for Fang Chi, who was frozen like that, no one cared about the dangerous situation she was in, except for herself. Logically, no normal person could survive at this temperature on her body for so long without freezing to death.

Her brain was frozen to the point of numbness and she stopped thinking. It was all thanks to the anger and hatred for whoever pulled her into the divine ladder that she did not completely lose consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Chi suddenly felt a warm current coming from the palm of his hand, flowing slowly along his own blood, gradually restoring consciousness to the trunk and limbs.

However, there were several more cracks of different sizes on her body, which reached a peak at a certain moment. In the end, the ice cubes on the surface of her body were completely cracked, revealing the person covered with water vapor inside.

It was also at this moment that the woman in the ice coffin opened her eyes full of mystery. For a while, there seemed to be thousands of stars hidden in it, fading from prosperity and returning to simplicity.

She looked at the man whose eyes were full of tears, and there was a slight ripple in the plain watery eyes.


This was the first sentence she opened her mouth to say, and it was exactly the same sigh that Fang Chi heard at first.

"Little water..."

Chunliang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said the name that had been lingering in his heart for thousands of years.

"Why did you wake me up?" The woman lowered her eyes, looking at her emptiness, and murmured a little sadly.

"Because I'm here." Fang Chi said to her coldly after shivering.

How can I get my memory back without waking you up?

She looked at the man beside her, hesitating how to avoid him and ask the woman a question.

It's best not to let outsiders know about her lack of memory. After being killed by the centipede once, Fang Chi's vigilance has skyrocketed. If it wasn't for the lack of time and form, she had to talk to this person. Come in together, she will never allow this to happen.

And as the time she spent with him became longer, she felt more and more that the man in front of her who looked exactly like Song Xiuyu might not really be Song Xiuyu. Although they looked the same, they felt different to her, and she couldn't tell what the difference was. Come.

In short, be careful. This person is not a good person. I reminded her that the enchantment was broken to use her to enter here. After all, she almost froze to death just now, but this fish has been watching the play by the side without saving it.

Putting the issue of identity aside for the time being, how can he be taken away now?
Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly made a sound.

 After moving house tomorrow, I will be able to guarantee the word count the day after tomorrow. I have been packing my things for the past two days, and I have to attend the graduation ceremony tomorrow. I am exhausted...

(End of this chapter)

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