Chapter 9 Showdown
He pursed his lips, pondered for a moment and replied, "I can transform into a halberd, although it is not very handy, but my skills are still good."

After speaking, she looked at Fang Chi's eyes through the lens. It is reasonable to say that people with the power of reincarnation have eyes that are different from ordinary people, but except for the abnormally thick dark circles around her eyes, they are no different from others. Could it be that it is just contaminated with a trace of the power of reincarnation, not really controlling it?
In any case, even if it is only contaminated with the power of reincarnation, when the time comes...

Fang Chi couldn't see the strangeness in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking. At this moment, he was secretly evaluating the strength gap between the four of his own and the girl.

At this time, footsteps were heard from the attic, and the girl seemed to have come downstairs.

After hearing the footsteps, she hurried to the door of Tang Long and Zhang Wei's room, and deliberately shouted in a voice that a girl could hear: "Tang Long, Zhang Wei, are you up? We want to ask the seniors some questions, you guys. Let's go too!"

However, apart from the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to his ears, there was no response.

He and Song Xiuyu looked at each other, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

Then she patted the door again and called out their names several times, but there was still no response.

Tang Long and Zhang Wei might have been killed!
At this time, the girl had reached the stairs on the second floor and was looking at them with a smile, but Fang Chi felt cold.

"What's the matter, haven't they got up yet?"

"It's okay, senior, we will pass it on to them later." Song Xiuyu, who was standing beside Fang Chi, explained.

The girl smiled and didn't speak. She went downstairs on her own. Fang Chi and Song Xiuyu followed behind at a distance.

The life and death of Tang Long and Zhang Wei are unknown. Now that there are only two of them, the chances of survival are even lower. How can they escape from the hands of the God Transcendence who is unknown in strength?

A fine sweat gradually appeared on the forehead, and the brain was running fast, but staring at the back of the girl's head always felt that something was wrong.

The girl went to the first floor first, sat at the round table, and poured a few cups of tea for them from the glazed teapot transformed from flying insects.

"Sit down, what do you want to ask?" The girl picked up a cup of tea and tasted it carefully, as if she could not feel the change in the atmosphere.

After the two sat a few seats away from her, they did not drink the tea poured by the flying insects.

Song Xiuyu saw that Fang Chi's brows seemed to be struggling with something, so he said, "Senior, we want to know more about the Sea of ​​Quietness, there seems to be some taboos in it."

Looking at the girl's face, it was obviously no different from before, but what made him feel wrong?

"You want to know about the Sea of ​​Silentness?"

The girl held her cheeks with both hands and pouted her small mouth. She was a little confused: "But I don't know much about the sea of ​​​​silence..."

"However, I can share common sense with you."

"The sea of ​​silence connects the first door and the second door to enter the ladder. If you want to enter the first floor, the sea of ​​silence is the only way to go."

"The sky above it cannot be seen due to fog all the year round. If there is no guidance from the gods, you will be lost in the vast sea."

"And there are countless beasts and alien beasts in the sea, with unpredictable strength, ferocity and cruelty. Once you encounter them, you will be killed, so it is basically impossible to travel through it alone."

Song Xiuyu held the hand of the spectacle frame for a while. Originally, he was thinking of using other means to cross the sea and leave, but after hearing what she said, he hesitated. Even if he was... he could not guarantee that he would be able to safely reach the other side with two people.

Is there any other way...

At this time, Fang Chi's heart was full of stormy waves, and she finally found out what was wrong!

Face!What about the other face in the back of her head? !

That face only said a few words, so she didn't realize when it was gone!

Looking at Song Xiuyu, he had to remind him that he was flustered in his heart, but he didn't miss the slightest trace on his face.

"So it is."

"Senior, I don't know what kind of flowers are these human face flowers outside? I haven't seen any flowers with human faces on them, so I'm really curious."

She focused on the pronunciation of the word "face" and accentuated her tone. She seemed curious, but she was secretly reminding Song Xiuyu.

Song Xiuyu was not stupid either. He received her message and lowered his eyes to cover his thoughts.

Face?That being said, I really didn't see the face behind her head.

The girl didn't seem to notice anything. When Fang Chi asked about this, she clapped her hands and smiled and said, "You also like these flowers? I'll give you a few plants later. Everyone thinks these flowers are disgusting. Only you and I have similar interests!"

No, I was just curious, didn't like it, and I felt disgusted too.He retorted in his heart, but had to cope with a smile on his face.

Just as the girl was still chattering and expanding the feeding conditions of the human face flower, there was a creaking sound from the second floor, and a door was opened.

"Yeah, you're awake!" The girl looked at the man who came out from the second floor, looking surprised.

Fang Chi and Song Xiuyu glanced at each other secretly, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes. Could it be that Tang Long and the others were not killed?Did you not respond before, did you really not wake up?
It was Zhang Wei who opened the door. He yawned as soon as he came out, as if he had just woken up. Seeing that they were all sitting downstairs, he asked suspiciously, "Why are you all downstairs?"

Fang Chi glanced at the girl and replied, "We asked the seniors some questions about the divine ladder. We wanted to invite you together, but you don't seem to have woken up yet." As he said, he observed his expression.

"Really? I didn't hear it, maybe it was too much sleep." Zhang Wei yawned again after speaking, and went downstairs as he spoke, his face still showing exhaustion.

exhausted?Why are you still so tired after taking such a long rest?
"It may be that there are too many flowers here. Some people are allergic to pollen. They sneezed all night and didn't sleep well." Zhang Wei explained to himself.

is it?

There was no strange expression on Fang Chi's face, but he silently suspected Zhang Wei who had walked downstairs.

No, it should be said that it is Zhang Wei who is fake.

She had found out that Zhang Wei had always had a habit before, which might be due to his nature brought by the change of his nose. His nostrils always opened and closed unconsciously, making a slight breathing sound. leave an impression.

As for the one who just came down, although his nose is also a dog nose, he doesn't have this habit, plus the situation when he went to wake them up before, it's hard to believe that this one is fine.

Song Xiuyu also saw a clue, and asked aloud: "Is Tang Long still awake? The senior said we can go, let's go up and call him again." After speaking, he and Fang Chi next to him got up and walked upstairs go.


The little girl behind her finally couldn't help it, and covered her mouth and laughed.

The two of them stopped in place, but did not turn around immediately when they heard the sound.

"Have you received his call for help?"

 ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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