Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 10 Going Out

Chapter 10 Going Out
I didn't feel anything when I had a headache every day before, but after a few days of recovery, I found that the pain was almost unbearable.

"The plaster can only relieve your symptoms temporarily. You should eat a light diet, less oily, less spicy, and more fruits." Jiang usually likes to eat pig's trotters, which is known to almost everyone in the family.

"Miss, you said that this plaster can only 'temporarily' relieve the symptoms, there a way to completely cure it?" Mrs. Liu asked when she walked in at some point.

Jiang Shi also looked over hopefully.

"This..." Gu Ruoyao paused her hands, "There seems to be one way, that is"

"Sister, tell me quickly." Jiang Shi simply sat up without caring about anything else.

"Your illness seems to have been mentioned in the medical books of my grandfather's family. It is a kind of senile illness, and most of it can only be prevented on weekdays."

Jiang shi showed disappointment on her face. She asked many doctors to look at it, and they all said so.

She said that she can only eat less of this and that, and how to take care of her, but her illness still follows her everywhere.

Originally thought that the eldest sister had something to do.
"However, in the prescriptions of my grandfather's family, there seems to be a prescription that should be very effective for your illness." Gu Ruoyao was not very sure.

"What?" Have a prescription?

Gu Ruoyao nodded, "Yes."

"Even if there are so many things in the house, Fang Zi also forgot when he saw it. If he hadn't been thinking about the old lady's illness every day, he wouldn't be able to remember it."

"Since there is a prescription, the elder sister went all the way to get it back?" Jiang was ecstatic, even if there was a glimmer of hope, she would seize it.


Gu Ruoyao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the current Da Zhou is not strict with women's morality and etiquette, there are often boudoir women who go out for a walk, but Huaining is almost two days away from Shanyang, without the permission of the elders in the family, she has absolutely no way to go out .

Jiang's temper was impatient, and as soon as he told Gu Ruoyao to go out, he asked people to prepare the luggage and guards for the trip, and it would take six or seven days at least.

Gu Ruoyao couldn't help smiling when she came out of Jiang's courtyard.

This really wasn't her own granddaughter, if it was her own granddaughter Jiang Shi would not be willing to let a teenage girl go out alone.

When Vanilla received the news, she hurriedly led people to pack things.

Although the wound on her face has not fully healed, it has recovered to a seven or eighty-eight degree in the past few days.

This time I am going far away and have other things to do, so it is really not suitable to bring Yuehuan there, Gu Ruoyao thought about it and could only bring vanilla.

The next day, the weather was fine.

The warm winter sun spreads over the earth.The breeze blows, and the small trees on the side of the road flutter in the wind.

At this time, the side door of Gu's mansion opened, and Gu Ruoyao and Xiang Cao came out of the door wearing curtains.

There was already a carriage and many guards waiting outside the door.

Beside the carriage, a young man with dark complexion but rather handsome appearance was waiting.

He is Zhujie, the son of Hu's mother.

Seeing the lady coming out, he hurriedly took the low stool and put it away, and whispered, "Miss, my father said that he has made an appointment with the girl, and he can come to the door anytime after he comes back."

Gu Ruoyao nodded, and Xiang Cao whispered back for her, "I know."
After the two sat down, the carriage moved forward steadily.

"Miss, would you like to rest for a while?" Xiang Cao took the curtains from the two of them, seeing the young lady took a book to read, and persuaded her in fear of motion sickness.

"It's okay, let's make a pot of tea." The journey is far away, so reading a book is good to pass the time.

Vanilla made tea for the young lady, and brought out some candied and dried fruits and other snacks. Hearing the voices of people fading away, she opened the curtain and took a look curiously.

"Miss, we are leaving the city soon." Vanilla said excitedly.

Vanilla has been with Gu Ruoyao's family in Huaining since she was a child, and now she thinks that she will be able to go back soon, so she is naturally excited.

Gu Ruoyao took a look outside, and saw that the carriage was getting closer and closer to the city wall, and it went out of the city gate after a while.She hooked the corners of her mouth, looked away, and put her mind on the book again.

In her past and present lives, she has never been back since her father passed away, and she is actually very excited to be able to go back this time.

It's just that after going through her previous life, she is no longer that simple-minded little girl, and now the most urgent task is to find a way to completely leave the quagmire of the Gu family, so as not to fall into a place of eternal doom in the future.

The carriage galloped all the way, and when it reached Xiangwu, the guards found a wide place to stop.Some people buried pots to make food, and some people stood around to protect this area.

Seeing that everyone dispersed, Zhujie raised the curtain of the car, and Xiangcao helped Gu Ruoyao to walk down.

Although this journey was all in the carriage, it was bumpy all the way, and Gu Ruoyao had been reading for half a day in the carriage, and when she stopped, her eyes were sore and her head was dizzy.

"Miss, the guards said that we will be able to eat in a while. After you finish eating, you can walk around and digest your food before we continue on our way."

Vanilla knew that her young lady was easily fascinated when she read a book, and she might pick up the book to read after getting on the bus, so she advised her to rest enough before walking.

After hearing this, Zhu Jie also said, "The weather is fine today, and we have already traveled more than half of the trip, and we can arrive at the post station before sunset, so you can rest assured."

The post mentioned here in Zhujie is actually a folk post, similar to an inn, but because it is located in the mountains and in the same place as the official post, everyone is used to it and calls it a post.

There are not many people in Huaining nowadays, so Gu Ruoyao and Zhujie are also very familiar.

Gu Ruoyao nodded when she heard this, and after a while, a woman came over with pasta, and the master and servant went back to the carriage to eat.

After the meal, Vanilla accompanied Gu Ruoyao for a walk to digest the food.

"Miss, are you sure?" Vanilla bit her lip.In fact, what she wanted to say was: Miss, are you really going to cure her?

Everyone has seen how the Jiang family has treated Da Fang these years.

From Vanilla's point of view, Gu Ruoyao's behavior this time is completely repaying hatred with kindness, which is not worth it.

"Without this excuse, we won't be able to come back this time." Although she didn't say it clearly, Vanilla still understood Gu Ruoyao's meaning.

She pursed her lips and nodded heavily.

The two walked towards the mountainside without knowing it.

"Ah!" Vanilla suddenly exclaimed, and looked down, only to find that a thorny vine under the embroidered shoe was being stepped on by her.

Gu Ruoyao found a twig to press the vine, and motioned to Vanilla, "Let me see."

Vanilla reluctantly pulled the shoe off, but fortunately the thorns on the vines didn't grow long, leaving only a shallow wound on her foot after wearing the embroidered shoe.

Gu Ruoyao returned to the carriage with Xiangcao, but suddenly remembered that the vines looked very similar to the black vines drawn in a medical book.

She remembered that it was written in the book that Wuteng has the effect of stopping bleeding and numbness, but because it is rare and hard to find, not many people know about it.

She thought about it, asked Zhujie for a dagger, and planned to pick the Wuteng back.

He didn't want Zhu Jie, but followed him directly with a dagger, "This knife is sharp, tell me what you want to pick."

Anyway, she was determined not to let Gu Ruoyao use the knife herself.

Gu Ruoyao had no choice but to walk back with the bamboo knot.

"That's it, be careful not to hurt the root." If this is really a vine, there is still time to dig the root back next time.

"Okay, just watch from the side." Zhujie rolled up his sleeves and carefully rolled up the vines, and finally cut off at the root with a dagger.

Gu Ruoyao thought about it, carefully broke off a slanted thorn, tasted it at the crack, and felt her tongue numb and numb after a while.

She felt that she should have found a treasure.

This must be Wu Teng without a doubt.

There are six or seven vines in a clump of black vines. Gu Ruoyao thought that this thing is hard to come by, so she continued to look for it while the bamboo joints were harvesting vines one by one.

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(End of this chapter)

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