Chapter 12
Although Chu Zhan smiled, the coldness in his eyes was like ice scum, which made people feel cold.

Yin Yi didn't dare to speak, and stood quietly like a chicken.

"Check!" Chu Zhan didn't believe that Gu Mingru's death was accidental.

Although this death looked like an accident.

If there is no secret letter sent by him a few days before his death, a small county magistrate will die as soon as he dies, and will not attract any attention from the court.

"Yes!" Yin Yi quickly backed out.

Chu Zhan slowly rubbed the teacup in his hand with his fingertips, thought about it, and took out a neatly folded letter from his arms and unfolded it.

There was no signature on the letter, but only two lines: there is something different in Dingzhou, the blacksmiths are all there, and I will find out quickly.

There are only a few short words, and the words are strong enough to pass through the back of the paper, and some of them are even slightly stagnant. It is obvious that the person who wrote the letter once hesitated.

But the letter was eventually sent to the capital.

It can be seen that although the person who wrote the letter hesitated and hesitated in his heart, he still believed in his own judgment in the end.

In the end, the letter fell into his own hands by mistake.

Chu Zhan took a deep breath.

The mother's ancestral home is Dingzhou.

If this news reaches the ears of the emperor, he, the crown prince, will be the biggest suspect first.

Just ask, what does a small Dingzhou need so many blacksmiths?
He has checked and found that there is no iron mine in Dingzhou, so there is only one possibility left, and that is to forge weapons.

So, regardless of whether there are people stationed in Dingzhou, or more seriously, there may be private soldiers stationed in Dingzhou?This news is extremely bad for him.

As the father got older, his suspicions became more and more serious.

If this incident happened, Father might not listen to his explanation.

So he secretly checked all the way here.

But the person who wrote the letter at the source died inexplicably.

He didn't even have a chance to question--
The more Chu Zhan thought about it, the more he felt the sinister heart of the person behind it.

Because it is best not to find out about the Tie Tie matter, once there is a difference, he, the prince, is the best person to take the blame, commonly known as - the man who takes the blame.

Chu Zhan, who was unwilling to be a villain, thought and thought again, and finally decided to rush to Huaining overnight, walking against the wind in the cold wind——
Gu Ruoyao was extremely tired from the afternoon's journey, so she fell asleep early and fell asleep.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, everyone hastily drank some porridge and hurried on the road, and arrived in Huaining smoothly in Xiaxiang.

"Miss, let's come back!" As soon as she entered the city gate, the smile on Xiang Cao's face could not be concealed.

Go home feeling good!
Gu Ruoyao was also happy in her heart, she put down her book, and called Zhu Jie to come over, "Have someone go to the academy and tell Brother Seventeen that we are here, and ask him to come over for dinner after school."

Zhujie led the way.

The carriage passed through the bustling street, gradually fewer pedestrians, and finally stopped in front of a secluded house.

This is an exquisite two-entry house.

Before Gu Ruoyao got out of the car, the door of the mansion opened with a "squeak", "Oh, the eldest lady is back!" The old man Shi, who was guarding the door, rushed out happily.

"Uncle Shi, how do you know we're coming back?" Vanilla was much more lively than when she was in Shanyang, and said with a smile before getting off the carriage.

"Oh, how many years have I heard the sound of our carriage?" Old man Shi looked proud, "When our horse walks, it sounds very nice. Old man Shi can hear it with my eyes closed." I can hear it!"

Seeing that Gu Ruoyao picked up the curtain and came out, she hurried over to pay her respects, "Miss!" After speaking, she looked into the car hopefully, "What? The young master didn't come back?"

"Brother Chen is young, and he's going to the ethnology school soon, so he didn't bring it with him when he came back this time." Gu Ruoyao replied patiently with a slight smile.

"Good! Good! Good reading!" Old man Shi put away his disappointment quickly, and led the way, "I don't know if Miss is coming back today, so I'll let my mother-in-law buy it! I said that magpies chirped early this morning, It really is"

As Old Man Shi got older, it was inevitable that he would talk more.

He used to follow Gu Ruoyao's grandfather, but now he is an old couple with a grandson staying here to guard the house. He thought he would not see Gu Ruoyao's siblings again in a short time, but today Gu Ruoyao came back suddenly, he was naturally happy abnormal.

Gu Ruoyao walked all the way, listening to old man Shi's nagging, her eyes were filled with soft light.

In the previous life, she never came back.

I don't know what happened to Shi Bo and the others?

She blinked, trying to force back the tears in her eyes.

Now that she's back, everything will be different
When they arrived at the Chuihua Gate, Old Man Shi stopped, and the woman who had come with him earlier carried them to the backyard to clean up.

Passing through the familiar Chaoshou corridor, Gu Ruoyao stopped at the door of the main room.

This used to be the parents' residence.

After my mother passed away, my father either lived in the yamen or in the study most of the time, and rarely came back.

The younger brother is still young, and has been living with her in Xikuayuan.

"Let's go." Gu Ruoyao didn't enter the door, and turned back to her yard.

A woman in front cleaned it up, and the vanilla burned the usual incense powder in time. As soon as Gu Ruoyao entered the door, she felt as if she lived here yesterday.

It's just that she used it for two lifetimes between going out and going in.

In her previous life, she was undoubtedly a failure.

Before leaving the court, she made a mess of her life.

A few years later, Gu Minghai, already the magistrate of Dingzhou, returned home to visit his relatives, followed by some sons who said they were relatives. She met Xue Yucheng, the second son of her husband in the previous life, Yongningbo Mansion.

At that time, she was trapped in the back house every day, and the Baicao Hall had already changed hands.What she thinks about every day is how much money can be sold for today's embroidery, and how many days the money she gets can last for a few days, so she doesn't care about what kind of guests come to the house.

One day, Xue Yucheng was dressed in a moon-white brocade robe and a purple gold crown with hair inlaid on his head. He stopped her in the garden gently and politely, saying that he liked her very much, and that he felt pity for her hard life and wished he could replace her.Although she ran away in the sunset that day, Xue Yucheng paid more and more attention to him as soon as he found an opportunity, and gradually accepted him.

Nacai, please expect to marry him soon after the tedious procedures are completed.

After leaving the cabinet, she didn't have half capable people around her.

After getting married, Xiang Cao left the mansion and disappeared. She left all the old people around her from Huaining in the Gu mansion. Firstly, she was really worried about her younger brother. The future went smoothly, but he didn't expect that Xue Yucheng already had a cousin who had a secret marriage and was only married for a month, so he begged himself to accept her into the mansion.

Only then did she realize that the reason why Xue Yucheng chose herself was because she felt that her natal family had no support and could control her well, paving the way for him to take his cousin into the mansion as soon as possible in the future.

In order to bring his childhood sweetheart cousin into the mansion as soon as possible, Xue Yucheng begged softly at first, then forced her with sneering words when he saw that it didn't work, and finally took four maids she brought out from the Gu mansion one by one a day.

In order to achieve his wish, he was insane and did everything he could.

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(End of this chapter)

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