Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 15 Chapter 5 Talking about County Magistrate Gu

Chapter 15 No.15 Zhang Talks About County Magistrate Gu

".It is said that he is a clean and honest official. Up to now, there is not even a house in Huaining. The children live in the house left by the old father-in-law. The daily expenses are also maintained by the pharmacy left by the old father-in-law. There are other special things. It's nothing, by the way, after the death, the two children went back to their hometown." Yin told the news one by one.

"Have you checked the handwriting?"

"Yes, I have compared the documents of Gu County Magistrate, and I am sure that the secret letter was written by Gu County Magistrate."

"That's strange. Since he found out that there was something wrong in Dingzhou, why didn't he report directly to Shangfeng or the Ministry of War, but he didn't do that. Instead, he sent a secret letter to a small Ministry of Rites to inform the matter. "Chu Zhan couldn't help standing up.

There must be some inhumane reason for this.

"Magistrate Gu has a younger brother who is a fellow magistrate in Dingzhou."

"So, he knew about 'Different Dingzhou' from his younger brother?" If this is the case, then it should not be publicized.

After all, no matter how the incident happened, as an official in Dingzhou, he would definitely bear the thunderous wrath of his father.

"Perhaps, it's because——his younger brother was born to his stepmother?" Yin Yi asked.

Don't they all say that the stepmother is vicious?Then he must not have much affection for this younger brother.

If this is the case, it is natural that the sooner this matter is dealt with and made an appointment, otherwise, the more it drags on, it will be like tying one's head to the waistband of one's trousers.

Chu Zhan frowned, "Since he's not his own brother, how did he know about this?"

If the two brothers were not close, surely the younger brother would not have informed his half-brother of such an important matter.

Then where did he know that Dingzhou was different?
Hidden one, "."

Your Highness, I am just an ordinary guard!
You ask me, I——I know too!
Fortunately, Chu Zhan didn't pin his hopes on a small guard, he sat down again, "Do you have the correspondence documents from the county magistrate?" Maybe we can find some clues from it.

Yin shook his head, "After County Magistrate Gu passed away, all his belongings were brought back to his residence by his children, and there are almost no personal belongings in the back office."

Chu Zhan patted Yin on the shoulder with his fan, "Then go to the residence to check!" Does he need to teach this step by step?

If it wasn't for going out of Beijing this time to cover up people's eyes and ears, almost no one on the bright side was brought out, and he wouldn't be so restrained.

Hidden one, "."

His Royal Highness!The humble job is just a hidden guard!Not a professional to do this!

Yin Yi, who obviously felt rejected by his master, cried in his heart.

Fortunately, Chu Zhan also realized that his request was too high. He coughed, "Can the cause of death of County Magistrate Gu be investigated?"

Yin Yi was shocked, this is his strong point!
"I checked. I have been investigating this for the past two days, but it is very strange. The man who accidentally killed Gu County Magistrate said that he suffered from heart palpitations in prison and died,"

"In addition, I also went to the house to check, but found that the house had already been vacated. I asked the nearby houses, and they all said they didn't know when they left."

"Hey, I heard that Magistrate Gu is an upright official and is willing to do good. Many nearby neighbors have received his favor, so that family has been thrown vegetable leaves and rotten eggs every day since that day, causing them to almost stay at home. Because of this, almost no one noticed when the family left, until the humble officer went to check, and everyone knew that they had already left."

Thinking of the rotten vegetable leaves and stinky eggs piled up on the wall of that family's door, Yin Yi felt a little nauseous.

Chu Zhan understood the neighbor's approach.

After all, it is not easy to have a clean and honest parent official.

Now that such a good official is dead, who knows what the next county magistrate will be like?
Three years in Qingzhi County, one hundred thousand snowflake silver

It's really not easy to find another official with a clean sleeve like Gu County Magistrate.

Thinking about it this way, it's a pity for County Magistrate Gu——
Having said that, Yin Yi pushed open the window beside him, "Your Highness, look at that pharmacy."

Chu Zhan followed and looked out, only to see a carriage slowly stopping on the street.

A girl in white got off the carriage, and someone from the pharmacy greeted her. She smiled and said something to the visitor, and then said something to a handsome young man beside her. The young man watched the girl enter the pharmacy. Only then did he mount his horse and leave again.

Chu Zhan turned his head and looked at Yin Yi lightly.

Yin Yi, "." Your Highness, would you believe me if I said that what I told you to read was not this?
"Look, Your Highness," Yin Yi continued biting the bullet, "Your Highness, look at this 'Baicao Hall', which belongs to the Yue family of County Magistrate Gu. Thinking, if we really want to investigate people around County Magistrate Gu, apart from his children, it will be this Baicaotang."

Chu Zhan looked at Baicao Hall without turning his head and said, "Is there any news from Eleven?"


Yin shook his head, "However, he said that there were no people from us there before, and Dingzhou is mountainous, so it is a bit difficult to find out the abnormality in a short time."

It has been ten days since Yin Shiyi was sent to Dingzhou by His Royal Highness, but there has been no progress for the time being.

"If there is a real discrepancy, it's not so easy for you to find out." Chu Zhan still has this bit of patience.

Besides, this is not something that can be rushed.

"Let's go!" Chu Zhan withdrew his gaze and left here first.

"Wait, Your Highness," Yin Yi hurriedly followed, "Then, what shall we do next?"

The sound of their footsteps gradually faded away.

Herbs Hall.

The Baiyao cabinet welcomed Gu Ruoyao into the backyard, and the two sat down by giving way.

"Miss, do you still have the habit of staying in Shanyang these days? How does the old lady treat you? Are you still used to getting along with sisters?" Baiyaogui is about fifty years old, and he looks kind and kind. He has been in Baicaotang all his life. It was Gu Ruoyao's grandfather's book boy.

After marriage, she was released from slavery and slowly started as an apprentice in a pharmacy, watching Gu Ruoyao grow up step by step, like a relative.

"Don't worry, everything is fine." Naturally, Gu Ruoyao didn't want to say anything to worry the old man, "But you, you should rest more when you get older, and let Uncle Bai do the chores, you should also take care of yourself. "

Baiyaogui's son has been an apprentice in the medicine cabinet for a long time, and now he is able to stand alone.

But Baiyaogui always felt that his son was still young and he had to watch from the sidelines, so--
So the son of the white medicine cabinet is still an apprentice——
"Hey, it's okay, I can still visit this pharmacy for a few more years with my old bones," Bai Yaogui waved his hand, and paused, "Did Miss have something to do with your Uncle Bai?"

Gu Ruoyao nodded implicitly.

After all, it is a big deal to buy so many medicinal materials.

Baiyaogui is getting old, so it's better not to scare him.

"Okay, okay, you guys talk about your stuff, I won't bother you with my old bones." Baiyaogui laughed and stood up.

The eldest lady obviously had something that she didn't want him to know about. He was too old to explore, so he simply got up to make room for the young man.

Gu Ruoyao got up to see her off.

After a while, Bai Qitang, the eldest son of Baiyao Cabinet, hurried in.

"Miss." He bowed and saluted.

Bai Qitang is about [-] years old, with a white face and no beard. He has a strong and sturdy body, which is tall and tall because of walking outside all the year round. His eyes are also piercing, and he looks like a person with his own ideas.

"Uncle Bai." Gu Ruoyao returned the salute with a smile.

The two sat down again.

 Thanks for the rewards of the book friends Tuantuan, thank you for the little cuties who voted, bow
(End of this chapter)

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