Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 17 The Prince

Chapter 17 The Prince
When she first saw herself, she was surprised at first, and then unbelievable.

Because I never thought that I would appear here, right?That's why I was so surprised.

Chu Zhan stroked his smooth chin, lost in thought.

the other side.

The old man pulling slop kept apologizing to Gu Ruoyao, Gu Ruoyao glanced at the street corner where Chu Zhan and the two disappeared, and then regained consciousness.

"It's okay, you can go now." She looked away, paused, and said, "Next time, don't pull so much."

The old man knew that he was about to get into trouble, so he nodded repeatedly.

After the old man pulled the car away, Gu Ruoyao couldn't help but glance at the empty street corner again.

Yes, she recognized it.

The man just now turned out to be His Royal Highness, Chu Zhan.

"Miss, let's go quickly." This smell is too strong!

Miss vanilla la la la la.

Fortunately, the handsome young man came to the rescue just now, otherwise she would not dare to imagine the feeling of those things dripping on her body.

The time-honored brand's stewed pork jerky tasted very good, so there were quite a few people who bought it. The two waited in line for almost half an hour before turning back.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" On the way back, Vanilla couldn't help asking.

I always feel that the lady is a little strange, as if she has something on her mind.

"I was wondering why he appeared here." Gu Ruoyao replied subconsciously.

"Who is the 'he' you are talking about?" The lady doesn't know that person just now, does she?

Should not be ah.

She grew up with the young lady, what a handsome man, she will definitely remember him when she sees him.

"Uh, nothing." Gu Ruoyao shook her head.

According to the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the prince cannot leave Beijing without a call.

But it was unusual for him to appear here now, Gu Ruoyao didn't want to be troublesome.

It's just that the impact of seeing the prince was too great, and Gu Ruoyao couldn't treat it normally.

Especially when her father died suddenly and she planned to pull Gu Minghai down.

When the two returned home, Gu Ruoyao locked herself in the room.

In the previous life, the prince died in a few years.

The death of the crown prince had something to do with the Gu family.

In the 20th year of Hongde, that is, four years later, someone reported that the crown prince stationed troops in Dingzhou, and the soldiers were excellent. Long Zhigong, this is why he made a big mistake.

The emperor was furious.

He wants to recall the prince who is currently doing disaster relief in Fujian.

He also ordered Jin Yiwei to cooperate with the officials of the Ministry of Justice and the eunuch who issued the eunuch to go to Fujian together. Unexpectedly, the prince got the news and fled all the way to the north, and finally died of serious injuries in the chaos.

Gu Minghai, who was the magistrate of Dingzhou, fully endured the emperor's wrath. More than 130 members of the Gu family died in Huangquan.

Even a year later, the emperor found out that the crown prince was framed. In fact, it was the king of Jin who was ambitious and stationed troops in Dingzhou for misconduct, and Gu Minghai, the governor of Dingzhou, did not participate in it. Without knowing it, it is really a kind of "uninterested wine bag and rice bag".

The emperor felt that his death was not wronged at all!

Therefore, until King Jin was imprisoned and King Yan ascended the throne, everyone still turned a blind eye to the more than 100 lives of the Gu family and did not comment.

And she, Gu Ruoyao, was first the family member of a rebel official whom everyone avoided, and later the niece of Gu Zhizhou, the "wine bag and rice bag" under the emperor's golden words, and she almost became the laughing stock of the entire capital!
However, in the past two decades, it seems that her future life has come to an end
Gu Ruoyao sighed, and refilled a cup of strong tea for herself.

A bitter taste spread in the mouth.

Seriously speaking, both the Gu family and the prince are victims.

It is said that the king of Jin stationed troops, but the final winner was the king of Yan.

Which of these is right and wrong, no one can tell.

But the problem now is that the crown prince actually came to Huaining!
Gu Ruoyao met the prince in her previous life.

Everyone knows that the busiest temple in the capital is the Huguo Temple.

And she was newly married at that time, Xue Yucheng was eager to let her cousin into the house, so she kept a low profile for a while, the two went to the Huguo Temple that day, and happened to see the abbot of the Huguo Temple sending the prince out, the two of them Although the person avoided it, she still couldn't help but glanced over there through layers of guards.

The man's face was as white as jade, and his well-proportioned face was as delicate as fine porcelain.Wearing a jade-colored robe on his body, he looked very luxurious.

Gu Ruoyao thought, such a talented person, even if he met him once, he would never forget him in his life, right?
Outside, Vanilla saw that her lady had been locked inside for more than an hour after she came back, she couldn't help but raised her hand and knocked on the door, "Miss, the dinner has been reheated twice, you"

"Bring it in." Ms. Gu's faint voice came.

Xiang Cao hurriedly opened the door, motioning for the mother-in-law to bring in the rice.

After dinner, it was Hai time for Vanilla to wait for Gu Ruoyao to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Ms. Gu was refreshed, thinking that she would not be able to sleep at all, and the books left by her father hadn't been sorted out, so she asked Vanilla to light the lamp, and the two headed towards the study in the outer courtyard.

The night was silent.

The mirror-like meniscus hangs high in the sky, and streams of light pour down, as if covering the overlapping shadows of rockeries and trees with a layer of white gauze.

In the study not far away.

"Your Highness, no." Yin held a fist-sized Ye Mingzhu in his hand, and rummaged through the bookshelves.

"It's strange, there isn't even a single personal letter," Chu Zhan kept his hands in his hands, "Maybe he has more than one study?"

"Maybe he doesn't have any friends!" Yin Yi said quickly.

Like him, he never writes a letter.

Chu Zhan, "."

Such a stupid guard, he wants to return it!
"Your Highness."

"Someone is coming!" Chu Zhan paused, noticing that the footsteps were getting closer, he quickly put the Ye Mingzhu in Yin's hand into his arms, and hid under the curtain behind the desk.

Yin Yi, "."Your Highness, the only place in the house where people can hide is taken by you. What about the humble job?

"Give me the light, you go back first." The girl's soft voice came from outside the door.

Yin looked around, and at the moment the door was pushed open, he jumped onto the beams of the roof.

He wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

It's dangerous to be discovered.


Gu Ruoyao asked Xiang Cao to go back first, and opened the door.

She went all the way into the house, first lit the oil lamp on the desk, and then turned around to close the door.

Seeing that the books on the case were placed in a mess, Gu Ruoyao's outstretched hand paused.

"Anyone here?" she murmured.

She remembered that the books on the case should have been in stacks of ten, but now it is obvious that one of the stacks is much taller.

Chu Zhan's heart skipped a beat.

He couldn't help lifting the curtain slightly to look out.

But under the orange light, a girl with waist-length hair and a crescent-colored uniform was facing him sideways, standing in front of the desk.

The girl had obviously just finished bathing, and the tips of her hair were still stained with water, which shone like pearls under the orange light.

is her--
Chu Zhan froze for a moment, and quickly let go of the curtain in his hand.

Thinking of meeting this girl on the way to Huaining, I heard what Yin Yi said again, "It is said that after the death, the two children returned to their hometown"--
And now the girl is here again--
Then her identity is easy to guess.

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(End of this chapter)

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