Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 28 Method

Chapter 28 Method
Gu Ruoyao carefully asked about Xiaoyuan's eating habits, and finally came to a conclusion: that is Xiaoyuan's extremely rare fat-prone physique.

"Don't worry, you go find vanilla first, and I'll make a recipe later. From now on, you only eat the amount on the recipe, and you will lose weight slowly." Gu Ruoyao comforted Xiaoyuan for a while, and Xiaoyuan finally became happy.

At night, Gu Ruoyao went to bed early.

In the morning of the next day, Xiang Cao was serving Gu Ruoyao for dinner.

Dongqing was about to enter the door with mouthwash, but was stopped by Yuehuan halfway. She took a deep breath, and walked in with small steps cautiously.

Suddenly there were a few more maidservants yesterday, and Yuehuan's pressure doubled.

After the meal, Yue Huan waited on Gu Ruoyao to finish rinsing her mouth, seeing that the eldest lady treated her in the same way, she quietly let go of her concern.

I'm afraid that the young lady will suddenly have a useful man, and she will never have the chance to get close to the young lady.

To say that she really wanted to stay away from the eldest lady before, after all, an orphan girl who lost her parents, and still begging for a living in front of her step-grandmother, life is naturally difficult, and there is no need for her to move forward.

But after following the eldest lady for a few days, she gradually felt that the eldest lady is a person with a strong heart, and her medical skills seem to be very good, so she has the ability to settle down, so no matter what, the previous methods will not work of.

She belongs to the old lady, and this cannot be changed, but she can let the eldest lady know that she is also useful.

"Miss, the old lady had a good night's sleep last night. After learning about it, the fourth lady went to greet her early this morning." Yue Huan said while finding a thick cloak for Gu Ruoyao to tie.

Gu Ruoyao paused, took a deep look at Yuehuan, nodded, and left with Vanilla and Holly.

"Miss, what does Yuehuan mean?" It is understandable for Yuehuan's courteous vanilla, after all, Yuehuan has changed a lot since that day when she followed the eldest lady to the big kitchen, and immediately after the manager of the big kitchen was sold.

But what did that mean just now?
"I think Fourth Aunt knows I'm back and is anxious to see me." She should be in a hurry, after all, it will take several days for me to go to Huaining, so don't be in a hurry for the helpless Zuo family?

Now that he must have learned that he is back, he hastily went to find Jiang to find a way this morning.

I just don't know if Jiang will choose a son, or does he think his body is more important?After all, she hasn't brought back the prescription yet.

Gu Ruoyao hooked the corners of her mouth, braving the icy cold wind, and soon arrived at Jiang's yard.

"Miss." Seeing Gu Ruoyao approaching, the little maid raised the curtain respectfully.

"The eldest sister is here." Before Gu Ruoyao entered the door, Jiang's joyful voice came over. She raised her eyes and saw that all the four rooms in the house had arrived, but the second and third rooms hadn't come yet.

"I've seen the old lady." Gu Ruoyao saluted.

"Quick, come and sit down." Jiang's spirit was very good, she didn't see the fidgeting posture yesterday at all, and she really slept well yesterday.

Gu Ruorou of the fourth room went back to her grandfather's house in the capital a few months ago, and only came back two days ago. When she saw Gu Ruoyao at this time, an unknown look flashed in her eyes, and she took the initiative to walk over.

"I haven't seen Eldest Sister for a long time, and I heard that Eldest Sister has returned to Huaining as soon as I came back." Gu Ruorou took her hand affectionately, "Now I finally see Eldest Sister, I brought a present for Eldest Sister, Eldest sister will come to play with me later, otherwise I won't give you the gift."

Gu Ruoyao was held down by Gu Ruorou and sat beside Jiang Shi.

At this time, the people from the second room and the third room also came, and Gu Ruoxue called out to her grandmother as soon as she entered the door, but Gu Ruoyao took her old seat, so she pretended to sit beside Gu Ruorou.

"The suit that Simei gave me is really pretty. When I go out in a while, other ladies will definitely envy me when they see it!" After finishing speaking, she gave Gu Ruoyao a dark look.

If her uncle hadn't left suddenly, she, as a niece, would have to keep her filial piety for a year, otherwise she would have worn such beautiful clothes immediately, why would she have to wait a few more months?
Gu Ruorou gave Gu Ruoyao an apologetic look, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know about Uncle's affairs when I came back from the trip, so the gift I brought back was a bit out of date, please don't blame my sister."

How could Gu Ruoyao care about this, the two of you said hello to me.

"It's been a lot of hard work for the elder sister to go back and forth all the way. I think the old lady still has something to say to the elder sister, so let's go first." The fourth lady stood up, looked at everyone with a smile, and winked at Gu Ruorou .

"Grandmother, the granddaughter is leaving first." Gu Ruorou stood up and left behind her husband.

Although the people in the second and third rooms had just sat down, it was not easy to stay for a while, and they stood up one after another, but after a while, only Gu Ruoyao was left in the room.

Gu Ruoyao hooked the corner of her mouth, it seems that this is a way to deal with her.

I really can't wait for a moment.

"Eldest sister has been traveling all the way, did you sleep well yesterday?" Jiang Shi started talking with a smile.

It was as if the person who held the teacup when he saw Gu Ruoyao yesterday was not her.

Gu Ruoyao secretly admired Jiang's face.

"Thank you, old lady, for your concern. I went to bed early yesterday." As for sleeping well, Jiang Shi didn't really care about it.

Jiang Shi nodded, patted Gu Ruoyao's hand and sighed, "If the second and fourth girls can be half as sensible as you, I can rest in peace with this old bone."

Gu Ruoyao smiled faintly, but did not speak.

No one answered, Jiang's one-man show seemed to be a bit difficult to sing.

She opened her mouth, secretly hating the girl for being so blind, but she still has to sing what should be sung.She wiped the corners of her eyes suddenly, "Eldest sister doesn't know, our family is about to break up!" Xu thought of the difficulty of running for an official, and Jiang really shed a few tears.


Let it go, let it go, let it go.

It's better than a few years later when everyone embraces and dies together.

"Your fourth uncle has been valued by Shangfeng, and he wanted to recommend him as an official in Dingzhou, but Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, and that person was still a Beijing official. Oh no, the position of Zhizhou seems to be your fourth uncle." It's my uncle's, but with this sudden change, there may be no hope for my fourth uncle!" Mrs. Jiang was really saddened by it.

That's an official of Yizhou, the fourth rank

Sir!Thinking about it, she is not reconciled.

Gu Ruoyao suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a person.

That person was also an official dispatched abroad. This time he returned to Beijing to report on his duties. After being recommended by others, he was sure to win Dingzhou, but it seemed that he was short of money. In the end, not only did Dingzhou not get it, but he was also dispatched to Lingnan A certain place died on the way before reaching the land.

What was that man's name?Gu Ruoyao couldn't remember for a while.

She had a flash of inspiration, maybe she could start with this person?

 Thank you for the little cuties who voted for the monthly and recommended tickets, I feel like, keep asking for Piao Piao Zhong
(End of this chapter)

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