Chapter 47

Bai Shao and Ban Xia guarded the door.

Madoka just put down a tray in the room.

"What is this?" Gu Ruoyao put down the book curiously when she smelled a particularly strong smell.

"Miss, you should try this quickly." Xiaoyuan brought out a small bowl of soup, and Gu Ruoyao's eyes lit up, "This is."

"There is no small kitchen here. For convenience, I brought bacon over here. This is a yam soup that is chopped up frozen bacon, ground into a paste with yam, added water, minced bacon, dried beans, green onions and garlic. Try it quickly." The ingredients that Xiaoyuan brought back this time are all long-lasting ingredients, and there is no cooking stove, so it's easy to cook.

But Xiaoyuan's craftsmanship is really good, and this method is fresh, Gu Ruoyao still ate two bowls in a row before she was willing to stop.

"Miss, Yue Huan is back." Ban Xia came over to report in a low voice.

"Let her come in." Xiaoyuan saw that the young lady was eating happily, so she also put away the bowls and chopsticks and went down happily.

"Miss." Yue Huan came in with small steps, bent her knees and blessed her.

"What did you say over there?"

Yuehuan showed a relaxed smile, "Everything is within your expectations."

Gu Ruoyao nodded.

It's just that the vanilla is going to suffer a bit.

However, as the big maid who followed Gu Ruoyao, it was most unsuspecting for Vanilla to perform yesterday's performance.

"Go on, let everyone rest early." Tomorrow is a good day.

Yuehuan took a deep breath, seeing that Gu Ruoyao was still looking confident, she gave a respectful blessing and backed out.

Good birds choose wood to perch.

Over the past few months, it was as if Gu's mansion had been lowered. Bad things happened one after another, and every maid in her could see that something was wrong, let alone the masters in the mansion.

Now that the second master has really separated out, and the eldest lady has also made a move, I'm afraid the house will not be peaceful in the future.

Although her whole family is full of children, because there is no suitable errand in the mansion, her elder brother went out to find an errand for a cloth farm on his own. Father is in the stable and mother is in the laundry room. Future, and she, since she followed the eldest lady in the open, no matter how the eldest lady is in the future, she will never go back to the old lady.

Not to mention that she is only a second-class maid to the old lady, so what if she is a big maid?
Serving at the old lady's place, there is no reward except Yueyin all the year round, and everyone's life is very tight.

Since the eldest lady promised to send their family out of the mansion at that time, and gave a large sum of money, then she will trust the eldest lady and take this gamble.

The cold wind blew the red lanterns under the eaves, and the gate locked from the outside was still closed. The woman guarding the gate had already gone to hide somewhere, and the whole yard fell into a tranquility early.

The next day, the snow had stopped.

Although it was winter at this time, there were still countless people struggling for their livelihoods. The gates of the city opened on time, and a hawker selling pork soup not far from the city also set up his stall early. He skillfully cut the pork into thin strips After adding seasoning, rolled a thick layer of powder paste, and then deftly put it into the boiling boiling water.

Soon there were customers coming to the door. While greeting the customers, the peddler whipped up bowls of broth and soup. The hot soup made the customers happy, so he was also busy and happy, right?
"Suspicious? Do you think this is the funeral bearer?"

A sharp-eyed customer saw a row of people in white linen filial piety coming in, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hey! What's so strange about this, in this year, when will one day not die?" Some people didn't care, and they didn't even have the mood to take a look.

Just live your life well!After eating this meal, I still don’t know where the next meal will be!
"No, no! Look, they went to the coffin shop. Whose family died, right?" But it's not right either!
In this world, if someone passed away from a poor family, which family didn't wrap it in a broken straw mat and bury it hastily?
This is even more so if it is a wealthy family. They directly called the coffin shop to deliver the coffin. How could there be a person who went to the street to buy a coffin?

This unusual scene quickly aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Look, look, it's out!"

I saw a young man dressed as a scholar walking out of the door of the coffin shop. The young man had a good appearance, and he was dressed in a blue straight suit with clear eyebrows and a tall and straight figure.

"Let's go." The young man greeted lightly, and a group of people behind him moved in unison, picking up the coffin and following the young man.

"Let's go and have a look." Someone who was still eating took a few gulps of the soup in the bowl, and followed without even wiping his mouth.

Many people saw this scene, and naturally many decided to follow along to watch the fun. In this way, when the group arrived at the gate of the county government office, everyone would react.

This is the county government office!

Someone actually brought the coffin over? !
The onlookers were excited and chattering.

But the scholar was not affected by others at all, he raised his hand, and the eight coffin-carrying men behind him gently put down the coffin.

The young man flicked the corner of his clothes, went to the Dengwen drum outside the county government gate, which was taller than a person, and beat it without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of the drum resounded through the sky, not only dizzying the onlookers, but also knocking out the two gatekeepers.

The gate guard had never seen such a battle before, Jiemu stared at the young man in front of him dumbfounded.

Someone actually beat Dengwen Drum!

What?Do you think anyone can beat the Dengwen drum in front of the door?

Hehe, then I'll come and talk to you.

If the Dong family stole the chickens and ducks from the Xi family, Lao Wang slept with Lao Li's wife, Lao Zhang's sons earned family property, etc., they can come and beat the Dengwen drum at will, so will the county master still live?

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in the Great Zhou Dynasty: only those who have great grievances, or must be related to the military and state affairs, are greedy and evil, and have strange grievances and misfortunes, can beat the drum, otherwise they will be punished with thirty sticks.

The two yamen servants have never seen anyone beat the Dengwen drum since they were on duty!

If it was a normal day, the two of them wouldn't say anything, they would first pull people in and then talk, Ke Ke and the two of them looked at the dark coffin brought by the young man and the silent servants under the blue sky, and they didn't dare to act rashly .

The two looked at each other, one of them hastily turned around and ran towards the county government office, while the other rushed out at a trot and came to the young man, "Who plays the drum? You know that this drum can't be played casually."

Everyone saw that the young man calmly listened to the yamen servant's words, and made a bow with a serious expression, "Human life is at stake, there is no other way, please follow the rules."

The yamen servant opened his mouth. Fortunately, before he could say anything, a few yamen servants rushed out. The leader of the yamen servant was a bit older. He glanced at the young man who was beating the drum, stepped aside, and said, "Please."

The young man clasped his fists in thanks, passed the crowd and went inside first.

 Thanks to Tuantuan's little boots for the reward, and thanks to the book friends who voted, thank you very much
(End of this chapter)

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