Chapter 54

"You don't have to be polite," Gu Ruoyao stood up, nodded to Sister-in-law Liu, and then looked at Master Chen, "Come here today, actually I have something to ask for."

"Miss, please tell me." Master Chen also stood up.

"Brother Chen will be six years old after the Chinese New Year. I originally thought that I would find a school for Brother Chen to attend first after the new year, but you also know that this year has been bad, and many places are still in chaos, and Brother Chen Since I was still young, I wondered if I could ask you to be Brother Chen's teacher."

"When my father was still alive, he said that your knowledge is very good, but you are a bit unlucky, so you are." Gu Ruoyao paused, "So if you are willing, please accept Brother Chen as a disciple."

After Gu Ruoyao finished speaking, she solemnly blessed her.

In fact, Master Chen's luck is really not good.

In fact, the most fundamental reason for failing to get into Juren after more than ten years of examination was not only the individual preferences of the examiners who set the questions, but also the personality of Mr. Chen.

Even though he knew what the examiner wanted to answer, he couldn't help but add a lot of his own opinions when doing the scriptures, which displeased many examiners.

The so-called scriptures and meanings are similar to theories. They are limited to using the sentences in the scriptures as questions and using the meanings in the scriptures to develop. However, Mr. Chen often likes to add his own opinions in addition to the questions, which inevitably makes some old-school officials feel uncomfortable. happiness.

In fact, as my father said, Master Chen's knowledge is still very good. At present, it is more than enough to teach a six-year-old child.

Master Chen was silent for a moment, then agreed.

Not to mention the family's criticism, but the friendship between him and Gu Mingru alone made him unable to refuse.

The old man left and left behind a young son, which made him very worried.

But now there are only Gu Ruoyao and his brother in the family, and it is inconvenient for him to live at home, so Gu Ruoyao ordered Zhujie to rent a house nearer to his home. In this way, Master Chen can not only change to a better place to live, but also come and go home on weekdays It is also very convenient to teach Brother Chen.

Three days later, Master Chen came to the door for the first time, Gu Ruoyao prepared tea in the book in the front yard, and when Brother Chen helped Master Chen to sit down, he knelt down respectfully and earnestly paid respects to the teacher.

"Okay, Brother Chen, get up quickly." Master Chen took the tea held high by his disciple, took a sip happily, and gave another set of pens, ink, paper and inkstone to Brother Chen. Attend class.

Gu Ruoyao retreated from the study.

"Miss, it's not good!" Zhujie hurriedly chased to the second gate, his face was very ugly, "Miss, I heard that there is a epidemic in the city, and many wealthy households rushed to the city gate with their families to escape!"

Gu Ruoyao paused, "What did you say?"

Without waiting for Zhujie to reply, Gu Ruoyao suddenly turned around, "Go, go and have a look."

She knew that Zhu Jie would not make such a joke casually.

It stands to reason that this is the season when the temperature is starting to pick up. Many victims of disasters stranded in the city have returned to their villages one after another after receiving the disaster food from the county. If there is a real epidemic, it shouldn't break out in the city.

"I heard that the shacks built in the county were not enough to keep warm. Many people died at that time. It was fine when the weather was freezing, but now that the weather is getting warmer, many dead bodies that were not buried deep enough at that time were dug out by wild dogs. There are so many people coming in and out, I don’t know when it will start.”

Gu Ruoyao's heart sank.

The two of them had just left the mansion and before they reached the main street, they saw many pedestrians with their families carrying their burdens and pushing their wheelbarrows in one direction.Zhu Jie protected Gu Ruoyao, and the two walked along the flow of people not long before they saw the crowd stop.

"What's going on? Why don't you leave?"

"Really, if you don't leave, will you die here?"

"Let's go? Why are you stopping?"

"Hurry up and go."

The people behind pushed forward desperately, Gu Ruoyao didn't see it well, so she made a quick decision, and pushed aside with the bamboo joint, the bamboo joint was in front, Gu Ruoyao tightly grabbed his sleeve, and the two of them walked away from the crowd again flow of people.

At this time, more and more people came from all directions.

Gu Ruoyao returned home with an ugly expression.

"Where's the master?" Gu Ruoyao rushed to the study, only to see brother Chen practicing.

"Mother Hu came over just now, and the master has gone to the county government." Zicao, who was serving Brother Chen, hurriedly knelt down and said.

Gu Ruoyao nodded, knowing that Master Chen must have got the news, and went to the county government to inquire.

Gu Ruoyao hurriedly asked Zhujie to send someone to meet Chen Yu, more and more people gathered outside, fearing that there would be chaos in a short time.

"Miss, the little Bai medicine cabinet is here." Xiang Cao hurried over.

Gu Ruoyao went to the flower hall to meet the guests.

"Miss." Bai Qitang hastily bowed and saluted.

"How's it going outside?" Vanilla brought up a cup of tea.

"My father noticed something was wrong two days ago." Bai Qitang drank the tea in one breath, his face turned pale, "The old neighbors only came to collect medicine at first, but after three or four days, they caught more and more medicine. My father When I realized something was wrong, I asked more, but those people either evaded their words or never came again."

"At the beginning, although my father sensed that something was wrong, he didn't feel at ease, but more and more people came to the door to behave like this. Later, the shopkeeper of the medicine hall next door also noticed something was wrong, and when he came to ask, he realized that not only It's the same in our family, in other families."

Gu Ruoyao remained silent, knowing that the rumors outside were probably inseparable.

". Later today, some government servants came to inquire. I heard that several people died in the past two days. It's just that those people didn't dare to speak up, and secretly dragged them to bury them at night."

Of course paper cannot contain fire.

There was news of the epidemic in the city, but it took only half a day for everyone to know about it.

"Miss, what should we do?" Of course, Bai Qitang didn't just come to tell Gu Ruoyao the news, but mainly to listen to Gu Ruoyao's decision.

To go, or to stay.

Epidemics are no joke, and often the people in the city do not have one out of ten.

Some even don't stay behind.

It can be said that in addition to war, epidemic is another word that makes the people of Dazhou change their colors.

"Outside. You can't go out anymore, right?" Since some yamen servants began to inquire in the morning, it is obvious that the county is aware of the problem, and it may be too late to go out of the city at this time.

Bai Qitang's face sank like water, "When I came here just now, I heard someone say that the gate of the city has been sealed."

Gu Ruoyao nodded, as expected.

After all, this is a seasonal epidemic. If someone in the county accidentally spreads the epidemic, not to mention that the county magistrate's black hat will not be guaranteed, he may lose his life.

In history, there are not many officials who lost their lives due to improper handling of the epidemic.

"Master went to the county to inquire about the news, let's see what he has to say when he comes back."

Bai Qitang could only nod his head.

"The top priority is to prepare for the worst first."

Gu Ruoyao ordered to go down and asked Zhujie to take someone to the store to buy cotton cloth immediately, and asked all the servants in the mansion to stop what they were doing, and to start sewing masks that could cover the mouth and nose as soon as Zhujie came back.

 Thank you for the small boots, the rewards lying on the cauliflower, and the book friends who voted. The editor said that this book decided to put it on the shelves on the 31st. In fact, I was extremely nervous, after all, the last book has passed Nine years, this time it’s a fresh start, and I’m really worried about how many book friends will still read this book. So, hee hee, please order first
(End of this chapter)

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