Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 62 Lack of Medicine

Chapter 62 Lack of Medicine
Gu Ruoyao scanned around, then clicked on Bai Qitang who was standing not far away, "Tell me, what's going on."

Bai Qitang was silent for a while before he said, "Except for the first few days - now there is no medicine available here for at least four or five days."

So, is this the root cause of people being pulled out all the time?

"Who is in charge of this place?" Gu Ruoyao asked again.

"The manager here is surnamed Wan." Bai Qitang hesitated and said.

Gu Ruoyao frowned slightly, and took a deep look at Bai Qitang.

What she asked was the person in charge, but what he replied was only a manager.

Of course, these are not the most important issues right now. The top priority is to let these people go back first, otherwise—she glanced at the general with a gloomy face—
Otherwise, she believed that the general in front of her would shoot them without mercy.

After all, epidemics and epidemics, when people die, the epidemics will naturally end——
"Everyone go back first. As for the medicine, if you trust me, let me figure out a way." She will definitely find out who swallowed the medicine. At this time, one medicine is a life.

"Miss, can you really guarantee that we will have a cure?" At this time, everyone's only wish is to live.

"I can't promise you guys," Gu Ruoyao glanced at everyone, her face pale, how could she dare to be a guarantor so easily because she couldn't get out of the city at this time, "but I can promise you, I will use my best efforts to raise medicinal materials, if Everyone believe me, if you believe Baicaotang, go back now, if you don't believe it, then - please do yourself." Gu Ruoyao turned sideways and stood aside.

People are always like this, if Gu Ruoyao tried his best to guarantee that he would find medicinal materials, everyone might ask for another guarantee of whether it can be cured, but now that Gu Ruoyao calmly asks everyone to make a choice, everyone feels that Miss Gu is benevolent.

Everyone thanked Gu Ruoyao, turned their heads and left silently.

After a while, only Gu Ruoyao Zhujie and Bai Qitang were left.

The general garrisoned in the city was surnamed Niu, Captain Niu approached a few steps, "Miss, do you know so many people, how much does one day's medicinal materials cost?" It's not that he looks down on people, but I'm afraid that the little girl doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

But it doesn't matter, after all, these people have gone back for the time being, and when he dispatches people to guard them, there will be no more riots like today's behavior here.

Captain Niu shook his head, and left with the rest of the guards.

"Missy—" Bai Qitang was worried, and Captain Niu was also worried.

Don't look at it as just a medicinal material for wind and heat. If everyone worked together in the past, it would be okay, but now the number of patients is increasing day by day, and the county has long said that there is no medicine. The young lady wants to raise enough people The required medicinal materials can be said to be even more difficult.

Not to mention that you can't get out of the city now-it's impossible to think about it at all.

Gu Ruoyao shook her head, did not explain too much, and comforted Bai Qitang a few words before returning home.

Gu Ruoyao wrote down some common anti-wind-heat herbs and handed them to Dongqing, "How many of these herbs do we have?"

Dongqing took a look and pondered for a moment, "Counting the medicinal materials we keep for ourselves, we should be able to grab about a hundred pairs each." At the beginning, the eldest lady brought in a lot of medicinal materials and shipped them out quickly, so the shipment of medicinal materials is very difficult. She and Yuzhu are fully responsible.

But she discussed with Yu Zhu that the anti-wind and fever medicine is indispensable in daily life, so they each kept some just in case.

Speaking of a hundred pairs of medicinal materials, it sounds like a lot, but they add up to less than a dozen catties each.

"Miss, Master Chen is here." Xiang Cao led Chen Yu over, and Gu Ruoyao hurriedly got up to greet her.

"Missy is busy?" Chen Yan didn't know that there was almost a riot in the shack today, and several people died.

He came here to remind Gu Ruoyao of the relationship between Wan Jingfu and Wan Xiyuan, chief secretary of Huaining.

"Looking at his appearance, I'm afraid it's not over yet." Chen Yu took a sip of tea, saw that Gu Ruoyao was busy and didn't stay long, so he went back first.

Gu Ruoyao suddenly remembered that Bai Qitang said that the person in charge of the shack was named Wan.

Anyway, in a county, apart from the county magistrate, the county magistrate and the head book are the most important, and it is understandable for Bai Qitang to not want to talk about Wan Jingfu in full view of the accounts.

Now that Wan Jingfu has made a knot, and Wan Jingfu is a person whose heart is not much bigger than the tip of a needle, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. It would be a good way to solve this hidden danger at this time.

Gu Ruoyao pondered for a moment, and asked Dongqing to bring the account books.

She also looked at the number of herbs confiscated by the county in Baicaotang a few days ago.

Common medicinal materials used for wind-heat were confiscated about one hundred and ten catties each, which is a normal dosage of about three months in a medicine hall.

Gu Ruoyao then asked Zhujie to ask how many medicines were confiscated from the medicine halls she knew acquaintances, and she wanted both the number and the names.

At this time, it is definitely unrealistic to immediately raise enough medicinal materials. It would be faster to find out who owns the medicinal materials collected by the county.

As for saying that this matter might offend some people, Gu Ruoyao hehe.

Soon, Zhujie got back the amount of medicinal materials confiscated from each pharmacy.

Adding up several compartments, these medicinal materials can be used by patients for at least a month.

And this is just the amount of a few pharmacies, nothing else.

Of course, only these things cannot make Master Wan hand over the medicinal materials obediently.

And Master Wan's immediate boss is only the county magistrate.

"Have you seen the new county magistrate?" Gu Ruoyao asked Zhu Jie.

Zhu Jie shook his head, "No."

The master is gone, he is just an ordinary servant, the head of a county can be seen anywhere.

Gu Ruoyao was silent.

That being said, it is difficult to know who the new county magistrate is, He Bingxing.

In this way—except for the county magistrate, there is only the Captain Niu left today.

It is said that ordinary military officers, especially the garrison in one place, would not casually participate in the daily affairs of the county government. Of course, that is just a normal situation.

Now Huaining's situation is different.

Especially after those patients almost broke out in civil unrest today--
I just don't know if Captain Niu is willing to be a director.

But now is not the time to think about it.

"Take the medicine box and go out with me." Gu Ruoyao didn't want to waste any more time, she motioned for Xiang Cao to bring the account book.

In any case, the immediate urgent needs to be resolved first.

Xiang Cao chased after her own lady with the medicine box in her arms, and they rushed to the base of the city wall where the patients were isolated again.

When I came back again, it was already dark.

Not far from where the carriage stopped was the shack where the patients were isolated, and after walking a hundred steps back and turning a corner, there was a temporary tent set up by the garrison.

As soon as Gu Ruoyao got off the carriage, she saw more than three times more soldiers and guards than in the daytime.

One person in three steps, and armed with a long gun, obviously surrounded the entire shack.

Gu Ruoyao lightly retracted her gaze.

"Please send a message, I want to see your Captain Niu."

 It’s time to ask for tickets again. Book friends who have tickets in their hands, tickets are coming to my bowl soon. Hee hee hee

(End of this chapter)

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