Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 65 Herb Arrival

Chapter 65 Herb Arrival

The next day, Chen Yi brought news that Wan Jingfu had been arrested for embezzling ink.

What exactly was greedy, and how much was greedy, Chen Yi did not know.

Gu Ruoyao nodded lightly.

Chen Yan didn't know that Gu Ruoyao was responsible for this matter, he just felt that Wan Jingfu's behavior would definitely give rise to a dirty mind to deal with Gu's family because of his nephew's affairs, and now that something happened to Wan Jingfu, it's the best But things.

After the two chatted a little, Chen Yan went to the study in the front yard.

"Miss, someone is looking for you outside, and they say Captain Niu sent you here." Dongqing replied.

The person Gu Ruoyao met in the flower hall.

"It's you." The person who came was the guard who was guarding outside Xiaowei Niu's tent yesterday.

"I met Miss Gu." Bingwei saluted respectfully.

This is a miraculous doctor who can cure his own adults!Yesterday was really blind.

"What do you want from me?" Gu Ruoyao asked lightly.

"It's like this, my lord had someone arrest that dog official who was greedy for ink and medicinal materials today," Bingwei secretly glanced at Miss Gu, and found that Miss Gu's face was pale, he hurriedly said, "My lord asked me to ask, what did you receive?" How to deal with the medicinal materials? Everything is up to Ms. Gu's orders."

Gu Ruoyao nodded, Captain Niu sent a favor here.

"I'll have someone go with you to do the counting. After the counting, I'll trouble you to take everyone to the shack." The medicinal materials raised for the epidemic will naturally be used on the people suffering from the epidemic.

The soldiers nodded in response, and led a guard of the Gu family to go together.

Gu Ruoyao went to see Bailao medicine cabinet first in the car, and saw that his injury was slightly better than yesterday, so she turned around and went to the shack.

"Miss Gu." Xiaowei Niu heard Bingwei said that Miss Gu was coming, so he couldn't help but came out to greet her.

Gu Ruoyao originally wanted to go to the shack to see the patients first, but seeing Captain Niu had come out to welcome him, she went to the camp to give him the needle.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Gu. Well, Niu has a merciless request." After the injection, Niu Xiaowei said in a slightly embarrassed way.

"Lieutenant Niu, you might as well speak up if you have something to say." Gu Ruoyao picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Captain Niu felt a little nervous for no reason.

"Here... I have an old man who is suffering from cold and cold just like me, but he is more serious than me." Captain Niu carefully looked at Gu Ruoyao's eyes and saw that Miss Gu was not unhappy, so he continued, " May I ask Miss Gu to show my old Shangfeng?"

Gu Ruoyao raised her eyebrows.

"It's fine, it's fine, just take a look, I don't blame you if you like it." Captain Niu was afraid that Gu Ruoyao would be unhappy.

You must know that today is only the second day of acupuncture, but he feels that his legs are much lighter. I think Miss Gu's medical skills should also be effective for the old Shangfeng who has been suffering from illness for many years.

He wanted to try it anyway.

After all, without Lao Shangfeng's support, he wouldn't be where he is today, and he needs to know how to be grateful.

"You can have someone come over, I need to see and talk." Before seeing anyone, Gu Ruoyao naturally wouldn't guarantee that she could cure it by herself.

"Okay, thank you Miss Gu, thank you Miss Gu." Xiaowei Niu didn't expect Miss Gu to agree so readily, and said pleasantly.

"My lord, you don't have to be polite, it's just reciprocity." Gu Ruoyao picked up the teacup and replaced the wine with tea.

Colonel Niu was stunned for a while, and then he realized that he quickly picked up the teacup, "Yes, thank you, thank you."

I really didn't expect that Ms. Gu is still a second person, it seems that today's favors are not in vain.

Gu Ruoyao stood up and said goodbye.

Captain Niu respectfully sent the man to the gate of the shack.

"My lord!" The guard outside the shack saw Captain Niu hurriedly saluted.

"Lieutenant Niu stay here." Gu Ruoyao turned around and blessed, and entered the shack.

"Cough!" Captain Niu straightened his face, and said to the guard guarding the gate, "Open your eyes a little wider, don't let anyone offend Miss Gu, do you hear me?"

The two guards looked at each other, "Yes!" Although they didn't know why, it was right to answer.

Captain Niu left satisfied.

"Miss." From a distance, Bai Qitang saw his host coming, and hurriedly greeted him.

"How is it? Have the medicinal materials been delivered?" Gu Ruoyao asked while walking.

"It's here, it's here," Bai Qitang rubbed his hands, "There are so many medicinal materials, enough for us to use for more than a month." Since the dosage after one month?Say it again!Isn't there still a young lady?

How blindly confident is Bai Qitang!
"Miss Gu." Several doctors were watching people counting the medicinal materials, and when they saw Gu Ruoyao coming, they all greeted her.

Gu Ruoyao was blessed, which was regarded as a greeting.

"Miss Gu, are these herbs used for the patients here?" An old doctor with a gray beard couldn't help asking.

Gu Ruoyao raised her eyes and recognized that this person was Doctor Yu from the city. Because of her good medical skills, she was respected by everyone, so she replied, "Exactly."

Doctor Yu endured it, but still couldn't help it, "Where did you find this medicinal material?" Don't think he doesn't know, most of the medicine shops in the city are empty.

Gu Ruoyao already knew about Master Wan's arrest, but it hasn't been spread here yet.

"I'm going to ask Captain Niu about this. The medicinal materials were found by Captain Niu, and the servants in the mansion just helped to bring them over." Naturally, Gu Ruoyao would not whine casually about Master Wan.

Seeing that he couldn't find anything to ask, Doctor Yu took a deep look at Gu Ruoyao, but he didn't intend to break the casserole and ask the end.

He heard what happened yesterday, and saw with his own eyes that Miss Gu promised to find the medicinal materials used by the patients.

It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, the cat that catches the mouse is a good cat.

The doctor naturally understands this truth.

What's more, this is a major event related to the lives of half of the city's people.

Now that the medicinal materials are available, there is naturally a doctor to help decoct the medicine. No matter what, the antipyretic medicine must be prepared first.

Several people moved into the room dedicated to doctors.

It is said to be a room, but it is just a single room separated by a few thin wooden boards.

There are only two or three pharmacies and seven or eight doctors in Huaining County, and there are six in the house at this time.

"Miss Gu is worthy of being the daughter of County Magistrate Gu. In just a short period of time, she helped patients find medicinal materials. I thank you on behalf of everyone." After entering the room, Doctor Yu formally thanked her.

Gu Ruoyao hurriedly turned her body, "I don't dare to do it, it's just an internal matter."

If her father was still alive, her father would do what she did today.

"Doctor Yu, may I ask, is there a prescription for this epidemic?" Even wind-heat and wind-heat are different, and it is not so easy to find the prescription for the disease.

Sure enough, Doctor Yu's face was heavy, "A few days ago, there were no medicinal materials, and the patients here were infected very quickly, so many people died without waiting for treatment." Not much effect.

"Can you let me see the prescription?" Gu Ruoyao said bluntly without caring about anything else.


(End of this chapter)

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