Chapter 70

Uh, of course, he didn't think that fewer people died, it was—much fewer than expected.

"These more than 900 people were all those who died of the disease ten days before the outbreak of the epidemic. Many patients have recovered in recent days, and the people who died of the disease were all elderly patients." Fang Junming continued.

It is difficult for the elderly to survive the winter, even if there is no epidemic, there are quite a few who can survive the winter.

What's more, in the face of this menacing epidemic.

"Oh?" Kong Yan really didn't expect Huaining to actually resist the epidemic.

"Then let's go to the city to have a look?" Kong Yan looked at the imperial physician who brought him.

Several imperial physicians nodded impatiently.

It stands to reason that the epidemic cannot be controlled so quickly, and the specifics will only be known after seeing it.

So a group of people hurried to the outside of the county seat.

Outside the city, yamen servants had already prepared outer garments smoked with wormwood and decoctions to prevent infection from the epidemic.

Kong Yan was fine, he didn't think much of it, but several imperial physicians picked up tea bowls curiously after changing their clothes.

"This is—" Several imperial physicians looked at each other, and found that there was a medicine that they couldn't name?
"Who prescribed this medicine?" one of the imperial physicians asked curiously.

"Oh, this is the prescription prescribed by Miss Gu." Fang Junming said with a slight smile.

"Miss Gu?" Several imperial physicians looked at each other.

Who is this Miss Gu?

Kong Yan couldn't help but also looked curiously at Fang County Magistrate.

Fang Junming smiled reservedly, but did not speak.

Seeing that the people from the capital had changed their clothes, Fang County Magistrate signaled the guards to open the city gate.

The shack is located under the wall not far from the city gate.

After entering the city, everyone walked a few steps, and saw a row of temporary huts in the distance. There were many sick people coming and going inside. Everyone subconsciously pulled up their masks to cover their mouths and noses tightly. That's it.

"The magistrate is here."

"Look, someone is coming."

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

The patients saw the county magistrate saluting respectfully, and then looked curiously at Kong Yan and the others.

This is the high official from Beijing, right?

The imperial physicians thought that what they saw would be a tragedy like purgatory on earth, but they didn't expect that although the patients they saw looked disheveled, they were in good spirits, and their faces were not as hopeless as imagined. Looking at them curiously.

"These are all chronic patients?" Kong Yan asked curiously.

"Yes." The county magistrate Fang led the people, but the footsteps did not stop.

Finally, at the entrance of the innermost row of shacks, Fang County Magistrate stopped.

Gu Ruoyao was taking the pulse of several elderly people, surrounded by several doctors.

The county magistrate Fang coughed lightly and said loudly, "Miss Gu."

Gu Ruoyao turned her head when she heard the words.

Everyone saw a beautiful girl in a plain dress looking towards them.

"Lord Fang?" Gu Ruoyao glanced at everyone, knowing that the imperial envoy must have arrived, so she walked over slowly, knelt down and wished everyone well.

"This is?" Kong Yan finally couldn't help asking.

"This is Miss Gu who solved the epidemic in Huaining this time," Fang Junming paused, "Miss Gu, Doctor Gu." The county magistrate Fang felt that although Miss Gu did not practice medicine, Miss Gu had good medical skills, so Should be considered a doctor, right?
"Doctor Gu?" Kong Yan felt a little unbelievable, looking at several imperial physicians, there was really a female doctor?This is the first time I see you.

However, the imperial physicians looked at Gu Ruoyao suspiciously, and then looked at the people following Gu Ruoyao.

"How many local doctors in Huaining?" one of the imperial physicians asked aloud.

Dr. Xu and the others looked at each other and saluted, "Yes."

"Can you take me to see the patient?" Dr. Xu and the others couldn't help looking at Gu Ruoyao.

This is obviously not taking Miss Gu seriously.

This scene can't help but reminds people of the way Dr. Zhu dismissed Miss Gu that day.

As for the ending, of course it's a slap in the face. Didn't you see that Dr. Zhu is almost obeying Miss Gu now, and he almost considers himself a half-disciple?

What?Why half apprentice?Of course it's because Miss Gu doesn't accept disciples!
Well, it must be Miss Gu who dislikes Dr. Zhu for being old and ugly!

The doctors couldn't help but slander maliciously.

In the end, the doctors took the imperial physicians around, and Kong Yan and others followed curiously.

Fang County Magistrate looked at Gu Ruoyao again, and apologized, "Miss Gu, don't mind." He was talking about the attitude of the imperial physicians.

Gu Ruoyao shook her head, naturally she didn't mind these things.

A group of people with the best medical skills in the world gathered in the capital, and the Tai Hospital naturally gathered the best of all.

It is common sense for imperial physicians to be proud of the bumpkins in small places.

Of course, Fang County Magistrate also knew about the relationship, so he didn't intend to say more, and only mentioned another matter, "Speaking of which, I also want to thank Miss Gu for bringing back the food, so that the city will not be expensive during this period of time." Soaring," Fang county magistrate straightened his face and thanked solemnly.

For Fang County Magistrate, this half month is like a dream.

And it's still a nightmare.

He was originally the county magistrate of Heyuan County, he passed the examination last year, and was transferred to Huaining this time.

Unexpectedly, the epidemic broke out before his butt was hot. At that time, it was even worse outside the city than inside the city. He personally took people to the countryside to visit, and when he encountered someone who concealed the report, he earnestly persuaded them to come to the county for unified treatment. Knowing this delay, he did not return to the city in time, and only after returning to the city a few days later did he realize that the price of grain shops in the county had tripled. When he wanted to stop it, it was too late. Although they had saved up, the food they got was not enough to last for three to five days.

Just when he was in a state of desperation, Miss Gu not only took out a prescription to treat the epidemic, but also delivered an astonishing amount of grain, which slowly brought down the soaring grain price.

I heard that the thing is called potato. The magistrate of Fang County asked the servants of the Gu family carefully, and said that the thing called potato was brought back from overseas by a merchant on a boat. At present, some people have tried to grow it in Hezhou, but the output is still low. amazing.

Such a good thing should naturally be preserved
Speaking of food—

Fang County Magistrate couldn't help looking at Kong Yan and the others.

Miss Gu's food has not been paid yet—

The imperial envoy who came this time happened to be a senior member of the household department—

Thinking of this, County Magistrate Fang and Ms. Gu hurriedly finished a few words, and caught up with the Imperial Envoy.

Gu Ruoyao didn't stay any longer, changed the prescriptions for several elderly patients, and then brought vanilla back to Gu's residence.

Going out early and returning late for more than half a month in a row, Gu Ruoyao was already exhausted. Now that the imperial physician from the capital has come, the rest of the matter will be much easier. Gu Ruoyao can finally go home and take a hot bath with peace of mind. sleep.

The epidemic in Huaining broke out for almost a month, except that many died ten days before the start, but it was quickly brought under control afterwards, thanks to the prescription provided by Gu Ruoyao.

The medicine was conveniently learned by Gu Ruoyao from those lonely books in her previous life. She never thought that after changing the medicine, it would be just right for this epidemic.

 Thank you for the rewards of Tuantuan’s little boots and boots, book friends who feel like voting
(End of this chapter)

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