Chapter 74

Gu Ruoyao was blessed and sat opposite Chu Zhan.

Chu Zhan changed Gu Ruoyao's cup of tea.

"Please." He raised his hand.

Gu Ruoyao nodded in thanks.

Chu Zhan didn't ask Gu Ruoyao how confident he was of being able to detoxify after studying the poison pill, but took out a small vermilion box that looked like wood, iron, and iron, and placed it in front of Gu Ruoyao.

Gu Ruoyao raised her eyebrows, is it popular to give away small boxes now?

The last time Captain Niu’s box contained 5000 taels of silver bills, I don’t know what’s in His Royal Highness’s box?
Chu Zhan motioned Gu Ruoyao to open it and have a look.

Gu Ruoyao opened the box in a timely manner, but found that it was full of bank notes. When the box was opened, several bank notes almost fell to the ground.

Each one is a bill of 100 taels, and by visual inspection there should be 8 to [-] taels.

Gu Ruoyao couldn't help looking at Chu Zhan, her eyes couldn't help being surprised, it turned out that being a prince is so rich!

Chu Zhan seemed to understand the meaning in Gu Ruoyao's eyes. He clenched his fist with his right hand and coughed lightly under his tall nose, "Miss Gu, this is the consultation fee."

In his capacity, in order to express his gratitude, it is not appropriate to give anything, but he thinks it is most practical to give a bank note.

Besides, there is a difference between men and women, if you give some valuables, it may be suspected of giving and receiving privately, so a silver ticket is more suitable!
Speaking of which, he had heard before that Miss Gu bought her house and pharmacy for the sake of buying medicinal materials. Now that she has these consultation funds, if Miss Gu has something to do next time, she should not have to worry about money anymore.

Of course, if not enough, he still has it!

"Young Master Zhan, you won't be rewarded for meritorious service, and your poison has not been cured, so it's inappropriate to collect consultation fees now." Gu Ruoyao closed the lid and pushed the small box back.

Chu Zhan was taken aback, there was still money that couldn't be given away!

"Miss Gu, it's like this. In fact, many doctors have seen the poison on my body, but they can't do anything about it. Now I finally see some hope. Please, Miss Gu, let me feel at ease." Chu Zhan said with a pale face, His hands were tucked into his sleeves, obviously extremely chilly.

"However, I'm not sure I can."

"It's ok."

Gu Ruoyao looked up.

Chu Zhan paused, "I mean, Miss Gu will do her best, and - I believe in Miss Gu." Chu Zhan tried his best to control the chills on his body.

If Miss Gu has no choice, he doesn't know who else in this world can cure the poison on him.

If you say you regret it, you don't regret it.

If he doesn't come out at this time, one can imagine what will happen to him if something happens in Dingzhou.

Now that he was able to come out, although the poison on his body was really unbearable torture for ordinary people, it did give him a way out.

What he needs now is time to resolve the Dingzhou matter before Dingzhou erupts, otherwise he still cannot escape the end of being deposed.

"Besides, Zhan has an unfeeling request." Chu Zhan hesitated, but said it out.

"Mr. Zhan, please tell me." Gu Ruoyao looked at the box in front of her, and it seemed that the words that Captain Niu said sounded in her ears again, that he had an unfeeling request.

"Next, can I ask Miss Gu for an outpatient consultation?" Chu Zhan looked at Miss Gu calmly.

In fact, I really couldn't help mentioning it in my heart.

Strange to say, after taking the poison pill this time, many doctors were helpless, but he had a faint feeling in his heart that he should go to Huaining.

This is really inexplicable thought.

Fortunately, Miss Gu really has a way.

Gu Ruoyao lightly took a sip of tea, pondered for a while, "Where is Mr. Zhan going?" Her eyes were on the celadon teacup in her hand, but the hand holding the teacup was too hard, and her fingertips were numb. white.

Chu Zhan was silent for a while, his lips parted slightly, "Dingzhou."

It seemed that the sound of something falling to the ground gave Gu Ruoyao an illusion of "it should be like this".

His father's death was related to Dingzhou.

The prince's foregone conclusion is also in Dingzhou.

It seemed that somewhere, Dingzhou was there, waiting for them to pass by.

In the previous life, the prince fled from south to north, and the destination seemed to be Dingzhou, but he died on the way to Dingzhou.

And she had never noticed in her previous life that her father's death was man-made, and it was even more impossible for her to think of going to Dingzhou.

But in this life, ever since she found out that her father's death was related to Dingzhou, Dingzhou had been vaguely lingering in her mind. Even if there was no prince, she would still find a way to go there.

Now, just right.

Gu Ruoyao is not a person who struggles, but after a while, she made a decision, "Okay." She heard herself say so.

Chu Zhan didn't expect Miss Gu to agree?

He hasn't said the words that he racked his brains to persuade Miss Gu!

Yinyi had already reported that Miss Gu had just rejected the outpatient consultation of Captain Niu. He thought it would be extremely difficult to convince Miss Gu, but he never expected——
"Miss Gu, don't you think about it anymore?" After saying this, Chu Zhan almost bit his tongue.

Miss Gu agreed, isn't this a very happy thing?
Why did he still want Miss Gu to think about it?
What if Miss Gu decides not to go after thinking about it?
He raised his eyes, and saw Miss Gu looking at him again with an indescribable gaze.

"Then, I'm just thinking about it?" Gu Ruoyao thought for a while, and felt that she really should go back and study the poison pill first.

After all, if he is not sure, the prince does not need to bring himself.

Chu Zhan, "." Can you take back what you just said?

Chu Zhan guessed that he was hurt internally by his own anger, and his complexion turned pale again.

Gu Ruoyao thought that the poison in Chu Zhan's body had increased, and was afraid that the unlucky prince in front of him would die earlier than in his previous life, so he thought about it and said, "Although the specific detoxification method has not yet been determined, I think Mr. Zhan's cold poison is already very serious. If it's serious, why don't you give Mr. Zhan an injection first, so as to relieve the spread of toxins in Mr. Zhan's body, and of course, the most important thing is to make you feel better, what do you think?"

Chu Zhan was overjoyed.

How about it?It must be no problem.

Chu Zhan is sure that he is not a masochist
Since Miss Gu can relieve her pain, a fool would refuse, right?

"It's just." Gu Ruoyao glanced at the only round table and a set of famous paintings and other decorations in the private room. This place is not suitable for acupuncture.

Chu Zhan then glanced at the furnishings in the room, and understood Miss Gu's meaning.

"Yinyi!" He loudly called the guards to come in, "Is the residence ready?"

Yin nodded, "Master, do you want to go there now?"

Chu Zhan nodded, then turned to Gu Ruoyao and said, "Miss Gu, please."

Gu Ruoyao was blessed and walked ahead first.

A group of people left Dongliju, and two carriages were parked at the door.

Gu Ruoyao and Xiang Cao got into their own car, while Chu Zhan got into another low-key green cloth carriage.

The car drove forward slowly, but Gu Ruoyao felt that the road was very familiar the more he walked.

(End of this chapter)

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