Medical Road Fanghua

Chapter 76: Chapter 76

Chapter 76 No.70 Six Teas
Chu Zhan slept for three full hours, and only woke up at night.

"Your Highness, are you hungry? I'll ask the kitchen to bring you hot meals." Although Yin Yi was a guard, he was used to working as a maid.

Who told his master not to love his servant girl to serve him!

Sometimes Yinyi also feels that his life is miserable!
After Chu Zhan washed and changed into thick clothes, he added several charcoal basins in the room, and then asked about the day's affairs.

"I've been asleep for several hours." Chu Zhan said while eating.

"Your Highness, you have slept for three hours. This is the best time you have slept in recent days." Yin Yi said happily.

Chu Zhan nodded, "Miss Gu has gone back?"

Yin was taken aback, "Yes, I sent it back."

"She said she would come back tomorrow." Yin paused, and said again.

Chu Zhan nodded.

"Your Highness, do you think Miss Gu will go to Dingzhou with us?" Yin Yi asked worriedly.

It is a long way to Dingzhou, and it will take more than 20 days for the one-way trip. I am afraid that Ms. Gu has never traveled far, so she is unwilling to go together.

Chu Zhan gave a meal with his hands, and then picked up the dishes with his chopsticks, "She will go."

He had previously disclosed to Ms. Gu that there was a problem with the death of the magistrate Gu. Although Ms. Gu had not asked anything about the magistrate Gu, he felt that Ms. Gu should be waiting for an opportunity.

As a child, it's fine if you don't know it. Knowing that your father died unjustly, few people can pretend to be nonchalant and continue to live peacefully.

He didn't dare to say anything about other people, but he felt that Miss Gu was not that kind of person.

So that's why he would invite Miss Gu.

Dingzhou, hehe.

Chu Zhan speeded up his meal.

Although Yin Yi didn't understand why the master was sure that Ms. Gu would go to Dingzhou together, but Ms. Gu was willing to go together, which was a great thing, and he was naturally very happy.

Chu Zhan began to plan the route to Dingzhou after dinner, while Gu Ruoyao sat quietly in the study room. On the desk were two boxes of different sizes and colors.

One is slightly smaller and holds 5000 taels.

One is the vermilion box brought back today, Xiang Cao counted it herself, a total of 10 taels.

After sitting for a while, Gu Ruoyao asked Xiangcao to put away the box, and went to the pharmacy with the poison pill given by Chu Zhan.

Nowadays, poisons are generally extracted from plants, animals, and stones. Although Chu Zhanzhong's poison is difficult to decipher, it is different with the poison pills given by Ouyang Yu.

At least she didn't have to bother breaking down the ingredients.

Gu Ruoyao dissolved the poison pill with water and divided it into portions to prepare the antidote according to the ingredients of the poison pill.

As the night deepened, the branches of the century-old tree outside the window trembled slightly, and Vanilla pushed the door in with a snack box.

"Miss, let's eat something first." Vanilla took out a bowl of chicken noodle soup, "Xiaoyuan's cooking is getting better and better, I haven't eaten this noodle yet, just by smelling the aroma, I know it must be very good."

After Gu Ruoyao put away her things, she sat down at a small table under the window, "It's because we found the treasure, who would have known that Xiaoyuan was good at cooking."

Vanilla smiled knowingly when she thought that the fat girl brought back by Shanyang could now stand alone in cooking.

The two went back to freshen up after eating, and didn't mention it since they slept.

The weather was fine the next day.

Gu Ruoyao was going to Baicao Hall to reconcile the accounts in the morning, but she was worried that Chu Zhan would be waiting, so she asked Zhujie to send Dongqing Yuzhu there.

Instead she took vanilla and went next door through the back door.

But just standing still at the back door, Xiang Cao was about to knock on the door, when the door in front of her was suddenly pulled open, revealing a big smiling face, "Miss Gu is here." He turned sideways to invite Gu Ruoyao go in.

Gu Ruoyao nodded, and brought vanilla into the door.

Although this house is much bigger than Gu's mansion, the yard Chu Zhan chose is very close to the back door. Gu Ruoyao just walked through two hand-painted verandahs and passed a small garden, and dumped Chu Zhan's residence.

There is a long wooden table under the old tree in the garden, Chu Zhan in a black robe is making tea, Ouyang Yu is lying on the rocking chair drowsy.

"Miss Gu." Chu Zhan stood up when he saw someone coming.

Gu Ruoyao was slightly blessed, "Master Zhan."

Hearing the sound, Ouyang Yu opened his narrowed eye to look at Gu Ruoyao, and then closed it again.

"Miss Gu, sit down." Chu Zhan pointed to the chair opposite him.

Gu Ruoyao nodded, and sat down generously.

Anyway, she also wanted to talk to Chu Zhan about the detoxification methods and prescriptions today, and this time was just right.

Chu Zhan did not speak in a hurry after Gu Ruoyao sat down, but took out new tea.

Chu Zhan’s hands are very long, and his bony hands pick up a small carved mahogany spoon as thick as a thumb, add a few pieces of fragrant tea leaves, and put them into the azure tea bowl. , The tea leaves floated up with the boiling water, the faint tea fragrance spread out, and the slightest scent entered the nose.

After the boiling water was brewed repeatedly and poured into the porcelain bowl, the slender hand shared a cup of tea in front of Gu Ruoyao.

"Miss Gu, try it." Chu Zhan said with great interest.

Such a calm and indifferent attitude does not look like a person whose heart and lungs have been poisoned and has few days to live.

Gu Ruoyao nodded, took a sip from the tea cup.

"How?" Chu Zhan asked with his eyes, and there was an expectation in his eyes that he had never realized.

"Very good." Gu Ruoyao lightly put down the teacup.

Chu Zhan frowned, as if he was not very satisfied with Gu Ruoyao's answer.

"After the tea is brewed, the color of the soup is golden yellow, the color is as rich as amber, the taste is mellow and sweet, and the aroma is delicate and endless, and Mr. Zhan just brewed it repeatedly with boiling water, which is in line with Fujian Tieguanyin's so-called "seven bubbles with lingering fragrance" So this Tieguanyin tea is good tea." After Gu Ruoyao finished speaking, she paused, and then said, "Of course, Mr. Zhan's craftsmanship is also good."

In any case, with the beauty in front of her, and the movements of making tea are smooth and smooth, no matter whether the tea is good or not, this scene is too beautiful to behold, Gu Ruoyao picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, thinking to herself.

Chu Zhan was stunned. Seeing that Ms. Gu seemed to be putting in all her effort just to praise her, she suddenly laughed out loud. It seemed that even the recent suffering from illness and the current predicament were not so unacceptable.

Gu Ruoyao put down the teacup, wondering why His Highness the Crown Prince was laughing.

After Chu Zhan finished laughing, he didn't say much. He added a cup of tea to Gu Ruoyao, and then asked, "Miss Gu, have you figured out a way to detoxify?"

Gu Ruoyao thought about it and nodded.

"Then let's talk about it." No matter what, Dingzhou can't wait anymore, and detoxification is imminent, but I don't know what will happen to Miss Gu.

After being silent for a while, Gu Ruoyao asked, "Master Zhan is in a hurry?"

Chu Zhan raised his eyebrows, why did Miss Gu ask such a question?He didn't seem to have said this to Miss Gu.

 Thank you for the reward of Tuantuan's little boots, thank you, thank you book friends who voted, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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