Chapter 80
As soon as Chu Zhan lay down, he saw the smile that had not been hidden from the corner of Miss Gu's mouth.

His eyes fell on Miss Gu's face for a moment, and then he moved away calmly.

Miss Gu smiled.

Speaking of which, although Ms. Gu is only fourteen or fifteen years old, she feels like his peers. No matter how she handles things or how she feels about herself, she is much more mature than a young lady of this age.

In particular, he found that Miss Gu really didn't like to laugh.

It's not pretending to be cold, nor is it holding it, it just feels that she is indifferent to everything, as if nothing can cause too many changes in her emotions.

Chu Zhan closed his eyes as he thought about it.

There is no way, the carriage is so small, the two of them already feel a little crowded sitting in it, not to mention that he is still lying down, in order to avoid embarrassment, he should close his eyes.

Gu Ruoyao took out the golden needle.

Soon today's acupuncture will be healed, Chu Zhan still fell asleep quickly, and Gu Ruoyao returned to her carriage.

Chu Zhan woke up at noon, and Xiaoyuan only made pasta for the journey, but it was still much better than eating dry food as usual, a large pot of pasta was eaten in a short while.

At night, people hurried and hurried, but they still didn't catch up with the post station. Fortunately, a driver found a long-abandoned ruined temple at a fork not far away, and everyone avoided the situation of sleeping outside.

Fortunately, everyone on the road knew that they could encounter any situation when they were away from home. Seeing that Gu Ruoyao did not show any displeasure, even Chu Zhan was slightly relieved.

After entering the ruined temple, the three coachmen dispersed quickly, and the two disappeared, one of them came back with a bundle of dry firewood soon after, and Xiao Yuan automatically became the cook.

Because they bought some more ingredients in the town yesterday, everyone did not have a casual meal like noon at night. Not only did they cook a pot of rice with herbs, they also made four side dishes and a pot of hot and sour soup.

One meal.

This made everyone who had been driving for a day finally feel alive again.

The soup pot was not put away after the meal. Xiaoyuan thought that the dew was heavy late at night, and this ruined temple was not as convenient as an inn, so she threw a few pieces of meat and bones into it, and simmered on a low fire, making the quiet place There was a little more fireworks at night.

The two coachmen disappeared after eating, and the other coachman stood guard at the gate of the ruined temple.

Ouyang Yuyu ate the most, he didn't stay in the ruined temple after eating, but walked back and forth in the ruined temple for a few restless steps, and finally got impatient and walked out.

Gu Ruoyao sat in the innermost place with the herbs, while Chu Zhan stood by the fire.Yin Yi held his knife and sat behind his master without saying a word.

In the silent night, no one talks, only the bone soup stewed on the fire is bubbling, or the fire bursts out a spark from time to time, occasionally breaking the tranquility.

Madoka felt a little drowsy as she sat.

Gu Ruoyao was looking at it with a book of medical skills, but was suddenly awakened by the bursting sparks, and she solemnly raised her head.

"What's the matter?" Although Chu Zhan was still shivering in the cloak, he immediately noticed Gu Ruoyao's strange expression.

Gu Ruoyao looked around, and felt that the faint smell of blood on the tip of her nose should not be a hallucination.

"Something seems wrong." Gu Ruoyao couldn't help standing up.

Chu Zhan and Yin looked at each other and shook their heads.

However, he still asked the coachman guarding the door to check outside, and Yin Yi also stood up and stood in front of Chu Zhan.

Except for the sparks that burst out from time to time, there was silence for a while.

But Chu Zhan frowned.

Because the coachman who just went out to investigate did not come back.

Yin Yi supported Chu Zhan to stand up, and Gu Ruoyao also woke Xiao Yuan up.

The few people waited for a while, then Yin bent his index finger and put it on his lips, blowing a whistle that was neither too long nor too short.

It was silent outside, and no one responded.

Everyone's faces were ugly.

"Miss." At this moment, even Xiaoyuan sensed something was wrong, she took out the spoon from the hot soup and held it in her hand, and stood in front of Gu Ruoyao.

The poison on Chu Zhan's body has not yet been cured. At this moment, even Gu Ruoyao's physical strength may not be as good as that of Gu Ruoyao. With the addition of Gu Ruoyao's two weak women, Yinyi did not dare to leave Chu Zhan's side without authorization.

"Go out the fire." Gu Ruoyao said to Chu Zhan.

Chu Zhan nodded.

Soon the fire was extinguished by several people, and even the remaining sparks were taken by Madoka to the foot of the wall behind the ruined temple, and she found a few stones and pressed them up.

At this moment in the ruined temple, the five fingers could not be seen, and several people gathered together without a trace.

After a while, after getting used to the light inside the ruined temple and looking outside, I could vaguely see the environment at the gate of the ruined temple.

"Let's go to the door." Chu Zhan said softly.

Normally speaking, if there are really bad people outside, if those people want to attack, they will first focus on the middle or the back of the ruined temple.

And when Chu Zhan said that he went to the gate of the ruined temple, he also wanted to surprise the other party.

Gu Ruoyao nodded, thinking that Chu Zhan couldn't see her movements at this time, so she gave a soft "hmm".

At the same time, his right hand reached into his cuff.

There were all kinds of emergency medicines she had prepared for the trip.

One of them is the medicine she extracted from the leaves of a plant called "Spring Tree" based on the medical books she read in her previous life, itching powder.

Because the effect of this medicine powder was too domineering in the doctor's writing, Gu Ruoyao never tried it.

Now is an opportunity.

The powder bag folded into a triangle was pinched in her hands secretly, and the few of them approached the entrance of the ruined temple quietly and lifelessly.

When he reached the door, he dared not go out again. At this time, the most important thing was patience.

The people outside saw that an hour had passed and Gu Ruoyao and the others still hadn't come out, so they thought about going into the ruined temple to have a look.

According to the information, there are eight people in their group, two of them are Miss Jiao.

And they knocked down four people at this time, apart from the two powerless women and the useless prince, there was only one guard with the strength to fight.

After waiting for an hour, this was their limit.

The leader thought for a while, made a gesture, and slowly approached the ruined temple with a few of his men.

The two parties are getting closer and closer.

Gu Ruoyao moved the tip of her nose, and found that the smell of blood seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

She tugged at the sleeves of Chu Zhan and Yin Yi.

Although the two couldn't see Gu Ruoyao's expression, they knew that someone must be approaching.

Chu Zhan protected Gu Ruoyao and took a step back, hiding in front of everyone.

Almost in an instant, the two parties shot at the same time, Yin took advantage of his hand, and wiped one person's neck in an instant, while the other people heard the noise from here, raised their swords and stabbed at Yin at the same time.

"Hold your breath!" Gu Ruoyao pulled Xiaoyuan and Chu Zhan back, and the medicine powder in the colleague's hand was thrown forward indiscriminately.

The pungent smell instantly filled the area where several people were fighting.

Before Chu Zhan could react, something was stuffed into his hand, and at the same time Miss Gu's slightly unsteady voice came, "Shut it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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