Chapter 86

Gu Ruoyao soaked the gold needles as usual and began to apply them.

Chu Zhan did not close his eyes this time.

Maybe it's the sound of running water from the waterfall not far away, or the seemingly invisible sound of insects in my ears, or maybe it's the faint fragrance of green grass that fills the tip of my nose, these make Chu Zhan much more courageous than before .

Gu Ruoyao only felt that Chu Zhan's star-like eyes were fixed on her body, bold and tender, and there seemed to be an inexplicable meaning in the eyes.

Gu Ruoyao's hands couldn't help shaking

She looked up at Chu Zhan helplessly.

Chu Zhan's crow's eyes lit up.

It turns out that Miss Gu is also shy.

Gu Ruoyao paused for a moment, and her strike force became stronger than before.

Chu Zhan couldn't help frowning, seeing Miss Gu looked up again with a half-smile, Chu Zhan didn't dare to let go of his small thoughts, and closed his eyes.

Gu Ruoyao breathed a sigh of relief, her hands kept moving, and Chu Zhan soon fell asleep again.

When Chu Zhan woke up again, the tip of his nose was filled with an unusually fragrant smell of food.

He quickly put on the clothes on himself, followed the scent and found the waterfall.

"You're awake." Gu Ruoyao twirled a whitebait in her hand, "Wait a little longer, you can eat it right away."

Chu Zhan walked over, sat down on the rock beside Gu Ruoyao, and asked curiously, "What kind of fish is this?"

Gu Ruoyao shook her head, "I've never seen it before. It's from this deep pool. If you're lucky, you'll catch one."

Chu Zhan turned his head to look at the bottomless pool under the waterfall behind him, his face changed slightly, "Are you in the water?"

Gu Ruoyao's face turned red.

She just took advantage of Chu Zhan's falling asleep and secretly took a bath in the shallows, which--
Chu Zhan glanced up, and saw that Gu Ruoyao had changed her hairstyle at this time, the black hair on her head was only coiled on her head with a thin bamboo knot, and——
Miss Gu's clothes seemed to have changed as well.

Chu Zhan coughed softly, "Don't look at the water in this pool is clear and bright, it may not be deep. If you - if you want to go into the water, you can wait while I'm here, otherwise who will rescue you if there is an accident?"

Gu Ruoyao gave a soft "hmm" and handed over the whitebait in her hand, "Try it and see how it tastes?"

Chu Zhan bit Gu Ruoyao's hand hesitantly.

"How does it taste?" Gu Ruoyao asked expectantly.

“Good, delicious, and”

"Hush!" Gu Ruoyao suddenly dropped the fish in her hand.

Chu Zhan. "." My fish!

Chu Zhan glanced reluctantly at the whitebait that had rolled to the ground with its body covered in fine sand, then turned to Gu Ruoyao and whispered, "Is there anyone?" Gu Ruoyao nodded, and the two of them quietly avoided the edge of the pool Behind the boulder with half a person's height.

After a while, two black-clothed and masked individuals approached furtively.

Gu Ruoyao and Chu Zhan looked at each other, and watched coldly as they first walked to a bonfire, then picked up the whitebait that fell just now and smelled it.

"It's not far away just now." One of the men in black said suddenly.

The other person nodded, and the two of them glanced around, then suddenly drew out their knives and walked towards the boulder step by step.

Seeing the two getting closer, Chu Zhan wondered if he should lure them away by himself, and suddenly felt his palms warm up, but it was Miss Gu who wrote on his hands.

It is an equal word.

Thinking of the poisonous powder on Miss Gu's body, his heart slowly eased.

The two got closer and closer, and when they were about to cross the boulder, they suddenly fell down quietly and lifelessly.

Gu Ruoyao stood up and pulled Chu Zhan out.

 Thanks to Tuantuan’s small boots for the rewards, recommended tickets and monthly tickets, and thank you to other book friends who voted for monthly tickets and recommended tickets Well, here are a few words, the previous one has not been broken, and the work overtime in the first two days is relatively late , I'm too busy so I don't have time to update, sorry here

(End of this chapter)

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