Chapter 106 Logistics
Zhang He was anxious to go home to deliver the gold, and bid farewell to Duan and Yun: "It's just that it's late today, how about I take the two girls to buy it tomorrow?"

"it is good!"

The three met on the second day and went to buy ore together.

With the help of Zhang He, the purchase of ore got a very affordable price. Yunqing spent five taels of gold to buy a lot of iron ore and black iron ore, as well as a small amount of black iron essence, and Duan Mengrou got 10 gold from yesterday. The two golds were all spent, and Zhang He didn't buy the ore.

On the third day, the team gathered at the gate of the caravan, ready to set off.

Different from the group of two that Yun Qing had seen in the past to collect things in the village, this time the caravan consisted of thirty people, more than a dozen lions, horses and beasts pulled seven well-defended armored vehicles.

Five people were assigned three different jobs.

Fang Rui and Wei Yi were assigned to the guard team and became trainee guards, learning how to guard caravans.

Duan Mengrou and Zhang He were assigned to the merchant team and became intern merchants, learning about resource handling and pricing.

And Yun Qing, who refused to do logistics work at the site, went out with the caravan. She, who was the weakest, was finally assigned to the logistics work-mobile camper van.

This car is responsible for the food of the whole team and the lions, horses and animals. Yun Qing has achieved the goal that he failed to achieve in Yejia Village. He became a chef and was still an intern.

There are two reasons Yun Qing knows why the caravan has cars.

One is because even the leaders of the caravans only have the cultivation level in the late stage of Qi training. Their storage bags are not big, and they mainly store some valuables traded with spirit stones. The caravans trade not only valuables, but also There are a lot of goods that can be traded with silver, and in some places, if there are no spirit stones and silver that can support all their goods, they will use goods to exchange.

The second is to rest in the wild at night. These armored vehicles can form a defensive formation to protect the safety of the caravan personnel. When there are bandits or wild beasts, soul corpses and monsters on the road, the convoy can also play a certain protective role.

The food cart Yun Qing was in was also extremely important, in which were food and water for thirty people and more than a dozen lions and horses. A city resupplies.

Each car has a captain, and they are lined up from 1 to 7 according to the order of the caravan. Yunqing's kitchen car is in row 7. There are three people in the same car, Lao Litou and Xiao Jingzi, and Lao Litou is the captain of No. 7 car.

He is level 39. Although his hair and beard are all white, his eyes are still bright. He is mainly responsible for purchasing and managing logistics.

Xiao Jingzi was about the same age as her. He had been in this caravan since he was a child, and his own brother was a guard in the No. 31 car.Xiao Jingzi is enthusiastic and loves to laugh. She has just entered Houtian at level [-] and is a cook and handyman.

The two were very enthusiastic about Yun Qing's joining.

Under Xiao Jingzi's introduction, they knew the work she needed to do. During the process of the convoy's march, about two hours before the meal time, they would start preparing the ingredients. After two hours of hard work, they could prepare the meals for everyone.

Compared with human meals, lions, horses and beasts are much simpler. Cook in a big pot, as long as they are cooked, if the place where they stay at night is fertilized, lions, horses and beasts can cook a lot less meals.

During each break, the leader would look for a place with a water source, and when the leader and a few people confirmed that the water was non-toxic, Yun Qing and Xiao Jingzi would fetch as much water as possible, boil and filter it in the water purification formation Produce non-toxic pure water for the caravan people to drink.

Yun Qing also asked about the caravan's destination, and Xiao Jingzi told her secretly that it's better not to ask about such things. Only the leader and the caravan captains know where they are going, and not telling everyone is to prevent leaks. Meet thugs.

She has to work five hours a day for this job, which is neither tiring nor dangerous.

Regarding this, Yun Qing didn't have much opinion. Cooking and boiling water in a walking car is not as easy as on land. Small formations are used in the car. These small formations are driven by heat and do not need to consume spirit stones.

At the end of the day, she learned how to use various small formations in the car, such as cooking, boiling water, and cleaning.

When using these to make food, she will also gain production experience. Although it is not much, it can be several thousand in a day. It is easy to upgrade the production experience in two days.

Of course, she can not only get production experience, but also collect experience.

When the caravan is resting, it is time for everyone to move freely. Yun Qing can collect some polluted herbs, weeds and the like nearby.

Zhang He, who was resting, saw that Yunqing was assigned to the logistics where he could not learn anything. After getting off the car, he could not even tell the difference between herbs and weeds, so he taught her how to identify herbs. This way, Yunqing knew more herbs. After all, Many herbs along the way are not available in Yejia Village.

When you are not busy, you can practice Qiankun Luck Jue and Body Refining Technique. The downside is that you cannot enter the cave to recover your energy. When you enter the cave once in a while, you have to secretly take care of the machines and farmland during the 'convenient time for going out'.

After traveling for nearly ten days, Yunqing learned how to use formations, etc., and knew and collected many herbs that were not available in Yejia Village.

Even the exorcising tree in her farmland has sprouted, and the first city the caravan is going to has not yet arrived.

During these few days traveling with the caravan, Yun Qing gained the favorability of many people in the caravan, but no one's favorability for her reached the level of friendliness.

Fang Rui and Wei Yi didn't have any affection for her, and of course, they didn't have any hatred. She still didn't know their names.

Under her daily care, the Exorcism Tree grew into a big tree and bloomed. At the prompt of the system, Yun Qing artificially pollinated it.

It seems that the soul exorcism tree will bear fruit in the near future, let her make the soul exorcism ball, an extra life-saving object.

Duan Mengrou already regretted buying a large amount of ore at the Black Iron Mine, because there was almost no place to store the herbs she collected during her rest.

Yun Qing didn't have this worry, but was worried that using purification skills would cost money, and that she couldn't use them every day for fun.

No, it's been ten days, her production experience is only level 38, and her collection experience has reached level 36, but the combat level is still level 33.

You only get a small amount of experience by body training every day, Yun Qing suspects that the production level will soon be ten levels higher to the point where you can no longer gain experience.

There wasn't much money, Yunqing picked up the skills she didn't learn in Yejia Village, and she tried to slowly add her internal energy to the food while cooking.

It's easier than imagined, she has inner strength, and when cooking with inner strength, it can enhance the properties of food, and only high-quality ingredients can do that.

So far, she can finally be regarded as a qualified 'cook'.

As for the chef's work, there is no money to let her use the purification skills freely, and Yun Qing, who can't afford krypton, has become the liver emperor again.Cultivate the fate of heaven and earth, and purify the ingredients with internal force.

Fortunately, hard work also pays off. A certain amount of each food with a certain attribute will give her achievement points and skill points.

(End of this chapter)

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